25 Hilarious Pokémon Fusions That Don't Make Any Sense (2024)

Pokémon fusion is an internet trend you can find a ton of fan art for. As the name suggests, it is just a Pokémon created by mashing the looks of two existing Pokémon together. For example, Pikachu plus Eevee would create Pikavee and it might have Pikachu’s lightning bolt tail but also Eevee’s ears.

There are actuallywebsites that will fuse Pokémon for you. It's places like this that really popularize the whole idea of Pokémon fusion. From those images came branches of artists who further illustrated these fusions. Some of these fusions look cool such as combining a ghost Pokémon with Charizard. Others are just adorable, like a fusion between Dratini and Bulbasaur.

But some fusions are just dumb looking and hilarious like Slowpoke combined with Ninetails. It just makes a pink Ninetails with the lazy face of a Slowpoke. There is also the fusion of Weepingbell and Diglett, where it’s just a yellow Diglett that is screaming.

Could you imagine how awesome it would be to have a Pokémon"Fusion" spin-off? Maybe our breeding specialist Brock goes Dr. Frankenstein and figures out a way to mash up all sorts of hilarious oddities. Maybe these Pokémon fusions would be so overpowered that only their parent-breeds could stop them. There are so many creative possibilities.

Thankfully, there are plenty of artists and fans who love playing God. These fusions are no longer just stuff of imagination. Check out this list tosee just what sort of hilarious fusions we'd find in Brock's "Pokélab"!

25 Whiscash + Lickitung...

25 Hilarious Pokémon Fusions That Don't Make Any Sense (1)

We thought this fusion would either be called Whiskitung or Lickcash. Thankfully it's neither; Meet Wishtung! Lickitung is already a Pokémon that makes fans uncomfortable for its enormous tongue. Maybe combining it with a Whiscash actually makes it better? A small improvement is that it’s not flesh-colored anymore.

There is some level of cuteness to this fusion with the far apart eyes and the long whiskers.

Would it still be a water and ground type Pokémon? Maybe so, but it would certainly learn the move Lick.

Artist is unknown.

24 Ditto + Umbreon...

25 Hilarious Pokémon Fusions That Don't Make Any Sense (2)

Fusing Ditto with anything is bound to create some hilarious image. Ditto is basically just a chewed up piece of gum with a face anyway. Combining anything with Ditto is an upgrade for the Ditto and a downgrade for the other half of the fusion. Poor Umbreon. What a way for the edgiest Eevee evolution to fall.

Meet Umbreto!

The artist has created a lot of cuter fusions like Pikachu and Bulbasaur, Cubone and Charmander, and even a three-way fusion between Raichu, Audino, and Blissey.

Art was made by nintendobratkat.

23 Pikachu + Spheal...

25 Hilarious Pokémon Fusions That Don't Make Any Sense (3)

Meet Sphealchu!This art made by the same artist who did the Ditto and Umbreon fusion. A fact about fusions is they are typically the shape of one of the Pokémon and the skin of the other. So it looks like a Spheal is wearing Pikachu’s skin. Kind of a disturbing way to put it, but it’s true.

So would this be both an ice and electric type Pokémon?

The only Pokémon with that type to exist is the ice form of Rotom. The rarity of that typing is quite something since there are hundreds of Pokémon.

Art was made by nintendobratkat.

22 Gloom + Doduo...

25 Hilarious Pokémon Fusions That Don't Make Any Sense (4)

This fusion being called “Doom” may be the best thing about it. Well, it’s cute too. In fact, it’s adorable! It’s like a kiwi with a little mushroom on its back. Could this possibly an upgrade from both sides? Doduo no longer has an annoying second head and Gloom is not drooling anymore.

Hopefully, this fusion would not be like Parasect where the mushroom mind-controls the animal it’s growing on. The birds’ eyes aren’t pure white, so it’s probably fine.

Artist is unknown.

21 Clefairy + Omastar...

25 Hilarious Pokémon Fusions That Don't Make Any Sense (5)

Here is some nightmare fuel to add to the list. Clefairy and Omastar are pretty cute Pokémon on their own but, together they are just creepy. Meet Omafairy! It looks like a space alien from Dragon Ball Z that is coming to destroy humanity!

Those eyes look like they do not care about the laws of the land and that beak is not capable expression.

Clefairy is an alien Pokemon and Omastar is a fossil. So maybe this would be an ancient alien race?

Artist is unknown.

20 Geodude + Clefairy...

25 Hilarious Pokémon Fusions That Don't Make Any Sense (6)

Geodude is just an angry rock with arms, so maybe this is a step up for its design. However, this is definitely a step down for Clefairy. It would not be unique for being a rock and fairy type either since we have Carbink and the legendary Diancie for that. So this would be called a Geofairy, which is kind of cool sounding. Or it would be Cledude which sounds pretty dumb.

Also, its tail is not made of rock, which is just off-putting.

Art was made by adzstitch.

19 Poliwag + Caterpie...

25 Hilarious Pokémon Fusions That Don't Make Any Sense (7)

Canonically the swirls in Poliwags’ tummy is its guts, much like the tadpoles that the Pokémon is based on. So you can see its intestines. With this fusion, we get way more guts which are unsettling and gross.

Meet Polipie!

Caterpie and Poliwag are cute on their own and this fusion looks like something that is in pain, so this is a step down for both of them. Imagine this water and bug type "Polipie" or "Caterwag" coming out of the water in your backyard.

Artist is unknown.

18 Pikachu + Onix...

25 Hilarious Pokémon Fusions That Don't Make Any Sense (8)

This would be called Onchu, which sounds like someone sneezing, or Pikanix, which sounds like some brand of snack. Electric and rock types of Pokémon do already exist with the Alolan Geodude evolution line.

What can be said about this atrocity? When youperish in the Pokémon world and pass into the next realm, this may be the Pokémonthat greets and judges you. It’s born out of the collective unconscious’s nightmares. Look at it. Its happy face gives the same uneasy feeling as certain clowns.

Art was made by pachiri-soo.

17 Tauros + Primape...

25 Hilarious Pokémon Fusions That Don't Make Any Sense (9)

Taurape(or Primos) looks like it can packquite the punch. It looks like a demon from Dante’s Inferno. It shouldn’t be just normal and rock type. It should be a dark type just from how intimidating it looks.

The artist did an amazing job with the muscles and the veins on the legs.

Maybe thecreepiest aspect of this fusion is that the artist added chains to the hooves as though it escaped from some scary laboratory.

Artist is unknown.

16 Rapidash + Magnemite...

25 Hilarious Pokémon Fusions That Don't Make Any Sense (10)

It’s hard to believe that this nightmare came out from two non-nightmarish Pokémon. Meet Magnadash,fused by a magnet and unicorn-inspired Pokémon. The artist added some amazing details such as electric shocks into the typically fire-based mane and tail. They put screws for knees to give it a more robot look like Magnemite.

Of course we cannot ignore the giant eyeball. That is surreal. The eyelashes make it even scarier. Magnemite did not have eyelashes so why add those?

Artist is unknown.

15 Psyduck + Nidoking...

25 Hilarious Pokémon Fusions That Don't Make Any Sense (11)

The most important takeaway from this image is that giving Psyduck teeth is the worst idea. Maybe Psyduck has tiny, cute teeth, but those massive sharp fangs are creepy.

The artists’ commentary made it even more upsetting.

“This Pokemon is constantly pained by massive headaches, but its bulky musculature prevents its tiny, stubby paws from massaging its head,” wrote the artist. “Surely one of nature’s cruel jokes in evolution.”

By “nature’s cruel joke,” they mean us as a society for creating these fusions.

Art was made by kendallhaleart.

14 Onix + Oddish...

25 Hilarious Pokémon Fusions That Don't Make Any Sense (12)

Here we have an Onish or an Oddnix. Everything about it is great until you look at its face. That is the face of a creature that knows no mercy.

Meet Oddish!

Its face may smile but that does not mean it even knows joy because those are some soulless eyes. This is the kind of face you would never want to be plastered onto a rock-snake the size of a building.

However, the body is cool, a mossy Onix is an awesome idea.

Artist is unknown.

13 Kangaskhan + Caterpie...

25 Hilarious Pokémon Fusions That Don't Make Any Sense (13)

If you hate bugs, then this fusion is a total monstrosity. The creative energy that developed this fan art did not hold back. They did not have to make a disgusting sack of Caterpie eggs as the pouch, but they did.

Meet Caterkhan!

Caterpie are cute on their own, but this fusion makes them look like they are ready to punch you out and feed you to their babies. Remember how Misty thought Caterpie was gross? Well, her eyes would probably melt if she saw this fusion.

Artist is unknown.

12 Fusion Team

25 Hilarious Pokémon Fusions That Don't Make Any Sense (14)

There is a lot to unpack in this image. We've got the combination of a Pikachu and Weezing, a Ninetails and Weepinbell, and a Grimer and Pidgey.

Meet Weechu, Weepintails, and Grigey!

The Weepingtail (or Ninebell) looks like its perpetually screaming. Weechu(or Pikazing) looks like it barely knows that it’s alive. Grigey(or Pidmer) looks like it is a mixture of elated and scared at the same time. These three would need a very special Pokémon trainer. Maybe a fusion trainer? What would that be like?

Artist is unknown.

11 Machoke + Chansey...

25 Hilarious Pokémon Fusions That Don't Make Any Sense (15)

This is what you get when you fuse two Pokémon that are basically the opposite of each other. We’ve got Machoke, a grey and muscular,Fighting-type Pokémon, and Chansey, a pink and round Normal-type Pokémon.

Meet Chanchoke!

Or Machsey? This fusion looks like someone straight out of Adventure Time. Now that Chansey and Machoke are combined, the muscles are no longer used to hurt others. They are used to give strong hugs!

Artist is unknown.

10 Slowpoke + Pidgey...

25 Hilarious Pokémon Fusions That Don't Make Any Sense (16)

Imagine being a Pokémon professor exploring a new region. You are so excited,with your camera and notebook, as you trek the unsettled forests and jungles. You hear something... A Pokémon? You follow the sound and find the back of a beautiful pink bird type Pokémon. A new kind of Pokémon to put on the Pokédex! And then it turns its head...

Meet Slowgey!

Isn't this just the dumbest looking face you’ve ever seen? There is so little intelligence in those far apart bug-eyes, you don’t know whether to be happy anymore.

Artist is unknown.

9 Porygon + Ponyta...

25 Hilarious Pokémon Fusions That Don't Make Any Sense (17)

Meet Poryta! Can something look cool but also kind oflame at once? This fusion is in that grey area. Porygon is one of the few Pokémon known to be made by humans. It’s possible that they could make other versions of it in the future.

A pony version would actually be a useful way for trainers to get around.

Think about it. It would not get exhausted and unlike the original Ponyta, it won’t burn its trainer. Or are those blue flames actually hot?

Artist is unknown.

8 Tangela + Kangaskhan...

25 Hilarious Pokémon Fusions That Don't Make Any Sense (18)

For a fusion that involves Tangela, it’s very smooth. There is something sloth-like about it. The darkness around its eyes and the colors make it seem like a nocturnal creature. The baby in its pouch also looks more mouse-like. However, it is slightly spooky-looking, it seems like it would be shy and often hide from trainers.

Meet Tangkhan!

Of all the fusions on this list, this one is not that bad, just a little creepy, like someone that could watch you while you sleep and you wouldn’t know it was there.

Artist is unknown.

7 Meowth + Hitmonchan...

25 Hilarious Pokémon Fusions That Don't Make Any Sense (19)

So apparently a fusion already exists in our world and it’s Grumpy Cat. Grumpy cat is just a fusion between Meowth and Hitmonchan.

This fusion would either be called Meowchan, which is honestly hilarious, or Hitmonth.

So this would just be an angry cat that bunches people. That sort of fits the grumpy face. Examining this fusion further, this combination with Hitmonchan just makes Meowth look like a regular cat. Without the gold coin on its head, it could pass for a real animal.

Artist is unknown.

6 Diglett + Weepinbell...

25 Hilarious Pokémon Fusions That Don't Make Any Sense (20)

Now this is what the internet may call a “cursed image.” Diglett is a Pokemon that brings up a lot of questions. How does it move anywhere that does not have soil? Is what’s on its face, a nose? And most importantly, what does the rest of its body look like?

Meet Weepinlett!

Once fused with Weepinbell, the questions are replaced by a silence of just pure awe of how stupid it looks. Weepinlett (or Digbell) looks like a screaming worm in the ground.

Artist is unknown.

25 Hilarious Pokémon Fusions That Don't Make Any Sense (2024)


What is the most cursed Pokemon Fusion? ›

Mime and Parasect. Possibly the most disturbing of all, this fusion sees Mr. Mime becoming a lifeless puppet controlled by the fungus that is the Pokemon Parasect. Fitting with the lore that all Parasect are actually zombielike crustacean bodies being piloted by the Cordyceps-esque spores, this Mr.

What is the strongest Pokemon Fusion? ›

1) Dragonite and Metagross (Dragon/Psychic)

The fusion of Dragonite and Metagross creates a Pokemon that is nothing short of a battlefield colossus. Combining Dragonite's formidable Attack and Speed with Metagross's impressive defensive capabilities and Psychic prowess, this fusion emerges as a versatile juggernaut.

How do you get infinite fusion in Pokémon? ›

Downloading. the game is free! You can Find a download either on Discord or New App Installer. You do NOT need an Emulator.

Is Pokémon infinite fusion fun? ›

It's not a perfect experience - there are a ton of memelord NPCs, frustrating quests, infrequent but annoying bugs, and a pretty brutal difficulty curve - but it's absolutely worth your time. It's a passion project built on a keen understanding of Pokemon games and what makes them fun to play.

What is the forbidden Pokémon? ›

Also known as the Forbidden Pokémon, Spiritomb is a Pokémon that was formed by 108 spirits.

How many Pokémon fusions are possible? ›

Fusions between any two Pokémon are possible and exist, amounting to 220,900 fusions (including different forms of the same Pokémon and self-fusions). When including unfused Pokémon and Triple Fusions, there are a total of 221,390 Pokédex entries.

Can you fuse the same Pokémon in infinite fusion? ›

Two Pokémon of the same species can be fused to create a self fusion, but the resulting fusion only gains an XP bonus and shares the same stats as the base species. There a select few late-game triple Fusions that combine notable and legendary Pokémon.

Do Legendaries Respawn in Pokémon infinite fusion? ›

Certain legendaries will reappear after defeating Gold on Mt. Silver for the 1st time you defeat Gold regardless of whether they had previously been caught or defeated. We recommend doing the this after you've already caught the initial encounter of the Legendary.

How to randomize infinite fusion? ›

To randomize a game that is in progress or change any randomization settings, you need to speak with the Update Man. He wears a black suit and can be found in any Pokémon Center, often upstairs. note that randomization is permanent. the man in black cannot un-randomize your game, only randomize it again.

Is PokemonInfiniteFusion.net real? ›

BEWARE OF FAKE "OFFICIAL" WEBSITES. THERE IS NO "OFFICIAL WEBSITE." Pokemon Infinite Fusion has no official website. Be cautious of any website that claiming to be official, as they may contain malware.

Does Pokémon infinite fusion have Shinies? ›

Every Pokémon in the game can be found as a shiny, including fusions and triple fusions. Unlike in official games, the shiny colors are determined with an algorithm.

What is the rarest Pokémon in Fusion Strike? ›

From its early days playing second fiddle to the Espeon VMAX, to its now clear position as the most valuable card in Fusion Strike, the Gengar VMAX alternate art will define the Sword and Shield generation for years to come.

What is the highest damage fusion strike Pokémon? ›

Draw attention with Genesect V

This Fusion Strike Pokémon boasts a powerful attack that is reminiscent of Zacian V's Brave Blade. In fact, the base damage of Techno Blast is the highest of all the Fusion Strike Pokémon, which means Genesect V is a priority partner for Mew VMAX.

What is the strongest fusion in Dragon Ball fusions? ›

10 Strongest Fusion Characters in the Dragon Ball Franchise,...
  • 8 Perfect Cell. Close. Close. ...
  • 7 Baby Vegeta. Close. Close. ...
  • 6 Fused Zamasu. Close. Close. ...
  • 5 Ultimate Buu. Close. Close. ...
  • 4 Kefla. Close. Close. Crunchyroll. ...
  • 3 Super Android 17. Close. Close. Crunchyroll. ...
  • 2 Gogeta. Close. Close. Crunchyroll. ...
  • 1 Vegito. Close. Close. Crunchyroll.
Jun 24, 2024

What is the strongest fusion in Steven Universe? ›

As the fusion of all four (five, counting Ruby and Sapphire separately) core members of the Crystal Gems, Obsidian is presumably the strongest fusion so far in the series, possibly stronger than both Malachite and Alexandrite.


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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.