Best Pulmonology Treatment Hospital in Delhi | Max Hospital (2024)

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Pulmonology is superspeciality that deals with preventing, diagnosing and treating lung conditions and respiratory tract. Our specialists are trained in managing conditions like asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other severe chest infections.

At Max Healthcare, we offer multidisciplinary treatment including bronchoscopy for patients who havelung cancer, COPD, sleep problems, and Cystic Fibrosis. We offer the best care to our patients with our fully equipped pulmonary function laboratory.

We comprise a team of experts who also provide ancillary services, including respiratory care and nutrition in a comprehensive set up.

Pulmonary Diseases

There is a wide range of pulmonary diseases that affect the people all around the world. Some of the common ones include:

  • Asthma

It is a lung disorder due to which the airways get inflamed, narrow and swollen resulting in breathing issues. Some of the common symptoms include wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath and tightness in the chest.

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Also known asCOPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseaserefers to a group of lung diseases that lead to blockage in the airflow causing breathing issues. The common conditions in COPD are chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Common signs and symptoms are wheezing, chronic cough, bluish fingernails, unexplained weight loss and shortness of breath.

  • Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is a contagious disease and can spread when the patient sneezes or coughs. Common symptoms are pain in the chest, fatigue, fever, chronic cough, shortness of breath, night sweats among others.

  • Cystic Fibrosis

It is a genetically inherited disorder that affects the cells which produce mucus, digestive juice and sweat. Its symptoms vary from person to person, but common ones include repeated lung infections, persistent cough with thick mucus, and wheezing.

  • Lung Cancer

This is the most serious lung disease during which there is an overproduction of abnormal cells in the lung that leads to the formation of a malignant tumour. The common symptoms are cough, chest pain, weight loss and wheezing.

Most of the pulmonary diseases have similar symptoms. This is the reason that the person who experiences any of them must visit the best pulmonology hospital for an accurate diagnosis. After the diagnosis, the doctors can suggest the treatment options which suit the condition.


Be it the treatment forasthma, cancer or lung diseases, we at Max Healthcare, offer the best care to our patients. Some of the common treatment options that are adopted to help the patient lead a healthy life are as follows:

  • Lifestyle Changes

For conditions like asthma and COPD, doctors suggest various lifestyle changes which can effectively manage the symptoms and reduce the harmful effect. Some of the changes are quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet, avoiding excessive heat and cold, learning breathing exercises among others.

  • Medications

Several medications are also prescribed to manage the disease and stop its progression. For instance, doctors prescribe quick-relief drugs for asthma attacks.

  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation

It is a program through which doctors help the patient in managing the symptoms and improve their quality of life through various exercises and awareness sessions at lungs hospital.

  • Surgery

This treatment option is used in severe pulmonary conditions like lung cancer. Some people suffering from serious COPD or cystic fibrosis have to go through lung transplant to treat the condition.

Pulmonology explained

Pulmonology explained

Dr. Vivek Nangia

Principal Director & Head - Pulmonology

Pulmonology: Condition & Treatments

Asbestosis Asbestosis is a lung disease that causes shortness of breath and chest pain. It usually occurs when one inhales asbestos fibres. The symptoms of asbestosis can be mild and severe. However, this only happens after inhaling asbestos for several years. Researchers are yet to find a cure for asbestosis, but specific measures and medications can slow its progression and milden its symptoms. Know More
Asthma At Max Hospital, we understand that asthma could be a major concern for affected individuals, which may impact their physical well-being and overall quality of life. Committed to addressing this challenging condition, our pulmonology team, led by some of the best pulmonologists in India, is ideally equipped to offer personalised treatment and management plans for asthma. We employ cutting-edge technology and evidence-based medical approaches to tailor individualised asthma therapy plans to help alleviate symptoms and proactively manage and prevent future exacerbations, empowering patients to resume daily activities, while promoting their respiratory health and overall well-being. Know More
Bronchiectasis Bronchiectasis is a chronic disease that worsens over time. It occurs when the walls of the bronchi become permanently damaged, widened, and thickened. The damaged air passages allow bacteria and mucus to thrive and pool in the lungs resulting in infections and blockages of the airways frequently. This makes it difficult for the person to breathe. There's no cure for bronchiectasis, but it can be managed. With treatment, a person can typically live a normal life.Patients could have flare-ups of severe breathing problems from time to time. However, they must be treated quickly to maintain adequate oxygen flow to the rest of the body and prevent further lung damage. Know More
Bronchitis Bronchitis is an inflammatory condition affecting the bronchial tube lining, which transports air to and from the lungs. The trachea and bronchi airways become inflamed and clogged with mucus. As the body tries to remove the mucus, a persistent cough develops. Bronchitis patients frequently cough up thick mucus that might be coloured.It can be acute or chronic. Acute bronchitis is a common condition that frequently results from a cold or other respiratory illness. Chronic bronchitis, a more severe condition, is characterised by persistent irritation or inflammation of the bronchial tube lining, which is often caused by smoking. Know More
Bronchoscopy Bronchoscopy is a medical examination that allows the doctor to examine the airways in the body. In the test, the doctor threads an instrument called a bronchoscope through the nose or mouth and further down the throat to reach the lungs. The bronchoscope is made of a flexible fibre-optic material, which has a light source as well as a camera at its end. Most bronchoscopes are well-matched with colour video, which helps the doctor document their findings. Know More
Chronic obstructive pulmonary Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is one of the most common lung diseases today. It makes it difficult for the person to breathe. There are two major forms of COPD: Chronic bronchitis, which involves a long-term cough with mucus Emphysema, which involves destruction of the lungs over time.There are two major forms of COPD:Chronic bronchitis, which involves a long-term cough with mucusEmphysema, which involves destruction of the lungs over time Know More
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is a chronic lung disease characterized by a progressive limitation of airflow. It is primarily caused by long-term exposure to cigarette smoke, air pollution, chemical fumes, or other irritants. The disease typically starts with mild symptoms, such as coughing and shortness of breath, and worsens over time if not properly managed. Know More
Dust Mite Allergy Dust mites are eight-legged microscopic organisms resembling spiders and ticks. They flourish in warm, moist habitats. In most homes, various items like bedding, carpeting, and upholstered furniture provide an ideal environment for dust mites.These feed on the flakes of skin that people and pets shed daily. They are considered to be the most common trigger of allergies and asthma. Dust mites also have cross-reactivity with other allergens, leading to various food allergies as well. Know More
Dyspnea (Shortness of Breath) Dyspnea, also known as shortness of breath, is the feeling of uneasiness when one can't breathe enough air into their lungs. The chest has a tight feeling, and the person cannot breathe deeply. It can be linked to many other health conditions like asthma, lung disease, heart failure, and problems such as anxiety and allergies. However, one can also experience temporary breathlessness after an intense workout or other physical activity. Know More
Emphysema Emphysema is a long-term, progressive disease of lungs that primarily causes shortness of breath. In people with emphysema, the tissues necessary to support the physical shape and function of the lungs are destroyed. Emphysema is known as an obstructive lung disease because airflow on exhalation is slowed or stopped because over-inflated alveoli do not exchange gases. Know More
Fungal Sinusitis Fungal sinusitis, also known as fungal rhinosinusitis, is an infection of the sinus caused by a fungus. Most fungal sinus infections have similar symptoms, including nasal congestion and sinus pain - pain between the eyes, the forehead, and cheeks. Fungal sinusitis is usually treated with surgery and sometimes requires additional anti-fungal treatment. However, people with healthy immune systems may not require any treatment. In addition, some fungal sinus infections may clear on their own.People with a weak defence system are more likely to suffer fungal sinusitis, often carrying a higher risk of developing complications. Some types of fungal sinusitis destroy the lining of the nose, may spread to the brain, and cause death. Know More
Lung Nodules Lung nodules are small, sometimes pre-cancerous, benign growths in the lung. However, some nodules (about 5%) may turn malignant, proliferate rapidly, and spread to other body parts. They are commonly found in adults and appear as a shadow on the X-ray. However, on a CT scan, it appears as a white spot. They are caused by scar tissue, some air irritants, or a healed or pre-existing infection. The nodule may be solitary or multiple and affect one or both lungs. Know More
Pneumothorax (Collapsed Lung) Pneumothorax, also termed as deflated lung or collapsed lung, is a condition that occurs when there is the presence of air in the pleural space, i.e. the distance between the chest wall and the lungs. As a result, air tends to push on the outer surface of the lung, making it unable to expand causing it to collapse either partially or entirely. It needs immediate medical attention as it can be fatal and life-threatening.Types of PneumothoraxThere are a few different types of pneumothorax, depending on their cause and impact. These are as follows:Traumatic pneumothoraxNon-traumatic pneumothoraxOther subtypes with either traumatic or non-traumatic causes are:SimpleTensionOpenTraumatic Pneumothorax: It occurs as a result of some trauma or injury to the chest wall or lung. The trauma can damage chest structures, and the air gets deposited into the pleural space. Immediate management is required for this type as it can lead to cardiac arrest or even respiratory failure.Following is the list of injuries responsible for causing traumatic pneumothorax:Broken ribs.Stab wound to the chest cavity.Involvement of an individual in a road traffic accidentBullet injury to the chest.Being at high altitudes .Accidental damage in a person because of lung biopsy or CPR.Non-traumatic Pneumothorax: This type of pneumothorax is often spontaneous because it does not result from trauma. Therefore, it is either primary or secondary.Primary spontaneous pneumothorax takes place mainly:During pregnancyFamily historySmokersMarfan SyndromeIndividuals with a tall and thin bodySecondary spontaneous pneumothorax can take place if a person has the following:Lung cancerAsthmaCOPD, including emphysema and chronic bronchitisCystic fibrosisPulmonary fibrosisCollagen vascular diseaseSevere acute respiratory distress syndromeInfections like tuberculosis or pneumoniaSimple Pneumothorax: It does not involve the position of other structures.Tension Pneumothorax: It affects the position of other associated structures, like the heart and occurs due to some penetrating injury, rib fracture or blows to the chest.Open Pneumothorax: It occurs when there is a moment of air in and out of an open wound in the chest area.Symptoms of PneumothoraxFollowing are the symptoms of pneumothorax:Shortness of breathUnilateral chest pain during inspirationCoughFatigueTachycardiaDyspnoeaCyanosisLow blood pressureAnxietyDiagnosis of PneumothoraxIn most cases, people with pneumothorax require immediate medical attention and care. First, the doctor will do the chest auscultation and look for related symptoms, family medical history and any previous history of pneumothorax. Apart from this, various other imaging tests are also performed, which are as follows:X-ray scans to access the outline of the lung.A CT scan comprises a series of X-rays to achieve a detailed lung image.Arterial blood gas (ABG) or pulse oximetry measures how much oxygen is in the blood.EKG to monitor the functioning of the heart.Treatment of PneumothoraxThe main aim of treating pneumothorax is based on the re-expansion of the lungs. Treatment options usually depend upon the cause and severity of the problem. Following are the various treatment options available:Observation: For minor pneumothorax, the doctor may watch for the functioning of the heart or breathing issues. A follow-up visit accompanies this.Supplemental oxygen: The doctor provides extra oxygen if patients present with symptoms and make sure that the patient's condition remains stable.Needle aspiration: During aspiration, the doctor uses a syringe to clear some of the air in the pleural space and follows needle aspiration with percutaneous chest tube drainage.Chest tube drainage: If the patients have a more significant pneumothorax, the doctor may put a hollow tube in the chest area to reduce the air in the pleural space. As soon as the air pressure decreases, the lung re-expands and heals. Patients may have this tube in place for several days or even longer.Chemical pleurodesis: To prevent the lung from collapsing, the doctor may perform pleurodesis, which involves inserting a mildly irritant drug into the pleural space on one side of the chest. The chemicals used are doxycycline, which attaches the lung to the chest cavity, thereby eliminating extra room in the chest cavity.Surgery: A person is considered to be a candidate for surgery if:Persistent air leakage from chest tubes.Traumatic lung injuries.A lung that does not expand despite chest tube insertionRecurrent collapsed lung.Pneumothorax in both lungs.The patient doesn't respond to any other treatment.Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a small camera to help the surgeon examine the lung and remove the lung tissue accordingly.Lobectomy is a surgical procedure performed to remove one of the lobes of the lung.Risk Factors of PneumothoraxRisk factors for a traumatic pneumothorax include:Ongoing assisted respiratory care.Falls or other types of injury.Contact sports, like football or hockey.A medical procedure involving the chest or lung area.The people at highest risk of a non-traumatic pneumothorax comprises:Family history.Inflammation of small airways.History of smoking.Asthma or COPDThe patient is on mechanical ventilationComplications of PneumothoraxThese may include:Pneumohemothorax is a condition where blood enters the chest cavity.Respiratory failure.Bronchopulmonary fistula.Heart attackPulmonary oedemaPneumopericardium is a condition where air enters the cardiac cavity.Pneumoperitoneum is a condition where air enters the abdomen.Prevention of PneumothoraxAvoid smoking.Avoid activities associated with enormous pressure changes.Regular follow-up to rule out any lung conditions.Outlook of PneumothoraxThe long-term outlook for patients with pneumothorax depends on the size and cause of pneumothorax and the treatment received. The majority of the cases are resolved with observation and minimal healing. It takes longer to heal if there are:Underlying lung condition.Large pneumothorax.Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax.Injury related pneumothorax.ReviewReviewed by Dr. Inder Mohan Chugh - Senior Director, Pulmonology. Know More
Pulmonary Edema Pulmonary Edema refers to fluid retention in lungs and is often caused by congestive heart failure. In this condition, the heart is not able to pump blood to the body efficiently; it can back up into the veins that take blood through the lungs to the left side of the heart. Congestive heart failure that leads to pulmonary edema may be caused by: Heart attack, or any disease of the heart that weakens or stiffens the heart muscle (cardiomyopathy) Leaking or narrowed heart valves (mitral or aortic valves) Sudden, severe high blood pressure (hypertension)Congestive heart failure that leads to pulmonary edema may be caused by:Heart attack, or any disease of the heart that weakens or stiffens the heart muscle (cardiomyopathy)Leaking or narrowed heart valves (mitral or aortic valves)Sudden, severe high blood pressure (hypertension) Know More
Pulmonary Embolism (Lung Embolism) Treatment A pulmonary embolism occurs when one of the pulmonary arteries in the lungs gets blocked. Often, pulmonary embolisms are caused by blood clots that enter the lungs via deep leg veins or, in some cases, from veins in other areas of the body.It can be fatal because the blood clots prevent blood circulation to the lungs. However, early diagnosis and treatment reduce the risk. The risk of developing pulmonary embolism can be reduced by taking steps to avoid blood clots in the legs.Symptoms of Pulmonary EmbolismThe symptoms of pulmonary embolism differ depending on the size of a blood clot and if a person has underlying heart or lung disease. Common symptoms of pulmonary embolism include:CoughChest painShortness of breath and uneasinessIrregular heartbeatExcessive sweatingFeverDizziness and lightheadednessSwelling or pain in the legsHemoptysis (coughing out blood)Causes of Pulmonary EmbolismPulmonary embolism is commonly caused when a blood clot blocks an artery in the lung. In most cases, these blood clots form in the deep veins of a person’s leg and move to the arteries. This condition is called deep vein thrombosis.Pulmonary embolism frequently involves many clots. Each clogged artery drains blood from the regions of the lung it supplies, which might be life-threatening. This is referred to as a pulmonary infarction. This makes it harder for the lungs to supply oxygen to the rest of the body. Apart from blood clots, other substances can also obstruct blood arteries, including:Air bubblesFat from a shattered long bone’s marrowTumor fragmentDiagnosis of Pulmonary EmbolismDiagnosis of pulmonary embolism can be difficult, especially for those with underlying heart or lung illness. Because of this, the doctor will probably inquire about a patient’s health history, conduct a physical examination, and request one or more of the following tests:Blood test: A blood test for the clot-dissolving chemical D dimer substance may be recommended. While many other factors can also cause high D dimer levels, high levels may signify an increased risk of blood clots. Blood testing may also be used to identify any hereditary clotting disorders a person may have. Levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide can also be determined by blood tests. The amount of oxygen in the bloodstream may decrease if there is a clot in a blood artery in the lungs.Ultrasound: Duplex ultrasonography, also known as duplex scan or compression ultrasonography, is a non-invasive procedure that uses sound waves to scan the veins in the thigh, knee, calf, and sometimes the arms to check for deep vein blood clots. The transducer, a wand-like tool that directs sound waves to the veins being tested, is moved over the skin. To generate a moving image on a computer, these waves are then reflected back to the transducer. The risk of deep vein thrombosis is lower when there are no clots. If clots are found, treatment will most likely begin right away.CT Pulmonary Angiography (CT - PA) with deep venous thrombosis (DVT) Protocol: The most common and most reliable test done in susceptible cases of pulmonary embolism & lower limbs.Pulmonary angiography: This procedure gives a precise image of the blood flow in the lungs’ arteries. It is the most accurate diagnostic procedure, but it has significant risks and is only used when other tests are unsatisfactory. In pulmonary angiography, a flexible tube (catheter) is inserted into a major vein, often in the groin, through the heart and into the pulmonary arteries. The catheter is then filled with a particular dye, and X-rays are obtained while the dye travels down the arteries in the lungs.Chest X-ray: This non-invasive scan is recommended to rule out illnesses that mirror the disease even though they cannot detect pulmonary embolism.Pulmonary Embolism TreatmentThe aim of pulmonary embolism treatment is to stop the blood clot from becoming larger and from re-forming. Immediate treatment is necessary to avoid major consequences or complications.Blood thinners: These medications help the body break up clots while preventing new clots from developing and existing clots from growing. Heparin is a common anticoagulant that may be administered through a vein or injected beneath the skin. It activates immediately and is frequently used for a number of days with an oral anticoagulant.Clot dissolvers or thrombolytics: Although clots often dissolve on their own, thrombolytics is administered to dissolve clots fast. These clot-busting medications are often only used in life-threatening situations due to the risk of abrupt and severe bleeding. Modern oral anticoagulants act more rapidly and cause fewer drug side effects. However, bleeding is the most frequent adverse effect of anticoagulants.Noval oral anticoagulants (NoAC) and other drugsClot removal surgery: The doctor can advise clot removal surgery to remove a big, potentially fatal clot from the lung. The treatment uses a narrow, flexible tube (catheter) inserted through the blood vessels to remove clot.Complications of Pulmonary EmbolismAn embolism in the lungs may be fatal. Undiagnosed and untreated pulmonary embolisms can cause about one-third of patients to die. But when the problem is identified and properly treated, that number reduces.In addition to pulmonary embolism, pulmonary hypertension, characterised by excessively high blood pressure in the right side of the heart and the lungs, can result from pulmonary embolism.When the arteries in the lungs are blocked, the heart is forced to work harder to pump the blood through it, raising blood pressure and eventually weakening the heart.In a few cases, small emboli commonly occur and grow over time, leading to chronic pulmonary hypertension (also known as chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension).Risk factors of Pulmonary EmbolismHeart condition: Clot development is more common in patients with cardiovascular illness, especially heart failure.Cancer: Chemotherapy can significantly raise the risk of blood clots in patients with certain malignancies, especially those that have spread to the brain, ovary, pancreas, colon, stomach, lung, and kidney. Women who have a personal or family history of breast cancer and take tamoxifen or raloxifene are also more likely to develop blood clots.Clotting-related disorders: Some genetic blood abnormalities cause it to clot more easily. The risk of blood clots may also be increased by other medical conditions, such as renal illness.Smoking: Most people are prone to develop blood clots for unknown reasons, especially when tobacco use is combined with other risk factors.Overweight: Excess weight increases the risk of blood clots, especially in those with additional risk factors.Pregnancy: Blood flow from the legs may be slowed by the weight of the baby pressing against pelvic veins. Blood that slows or accumulates is more prone to clotting.COVID-19: Those who have COVID-19 with significant symptoms are more likely to get pulmonary embolism.Surgery: One of the main causes of blood clots is surgery. For this reason, clot-preventing medicine may be used both before and after major surgery, such as joint replacement.Prevention of Pulmonary EmbolismPulmonary embolism can be avoided by preventing deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the legs. To avoid blood clots, doctors generally take proactive measures, such as:Blood thinners or anticoagulants: These drugs are frequently administered to patients at risk for blood clots before and after surgery, as well as to patients with diseases including heart attack, stroke, or cancer-related problems.Compression stockings: The veins and leg muscles are able to transport blood more effectively due to the constant compression provided by compression stockings. They provide a secure, easy, and affordable means of preventing blood stagnation during and after general surgery.Leg elevation: Elevate the legs with books or blocks during sleep, if possible. It could be really helpful. Raise the bed’s foot by 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm).Exercise: Getting moving around as soon as possible after surgery will help prevent pulmonary emboli and speed up recovery. This is one of the main reasons why a patient is advised to get up and walk around the day of the procedure, even though patients might be in pain where the incision is.Pneumatic compression: This method uses thigh-high or calf-high bands that are frequently compressed and massaged with air that is regularly pumped in and out of the bands to improve blood flow.Avoid long sitting/sitting in one posture; for example, avoid long driving, travelling in aircraft, long office hours, etc.ReviewReviewed by Dr. Inder Mohan Chugh - Senior Director, Pulmonology. Know More
Sleep Problems Affecting the mood, weight, hormone levels and ability to sleep well, either because of stress or a continuing health problem, sleep disorders are becoming increasingly common owing to the fast-paced lifestyle. Know More
Tuberculosis Tuberculosis (TB) is a harmful infectious disease that mainly targets the lungs and is characterised by the development of granulomas. The bacteria responsible for tuberculosis can spread from person to person through tiny droplets released into the air via coughs and sneezes. TB is a contagious infection that can predominantly involve the lungs but can involve most parts of the body, including the lymph nodes, gastrointestinal system, genitourinary system, brain, spine etc. A type of bacteria termed Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes it. Know More

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Max Healthcare is home to 5000 eminent doctors in the world, most of whom are pioneers in their respective fields. Additionally, they are renowned for developing innovative and revolutionary clinical procedures.

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Max Healthcare is home to 5000 eminent doctors in the world, most of whom are pioneers in their respective fields. Additionally, they are renowned for developing innovative and revolutionary clinical procedures.

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Breast Cancer: Understanding the Causes and Risk Factors Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers among women in India, and its cases have been increasing over the last couple of decades. According to the National Cancer Registry Programme, breast cancer accounts for 14 percent of all cancers in Indian women, and in urban areas, the incidence is even higher, with one in 22 women at risk of developing breast cancer during their lifetime. Moreover, the 5-year survival rate for breast cancer in India is around 60%, which is lower than in many developed countries, making awareness about its causes and risk factors, and early detection all the more concerning for the Indian population. That’s why in this article, we explore the various causes and risk factors of breast cancer, to help you combat this formidable enemy. Let’s begin. Dr. Devavrat Arya In Cancer Care / Oncology
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.