Homemade Brown Sugar Recipe (2024)

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  • Anon

    Um, it costs 87 cents for a box of brown sugar. It also costs 87 cents for a box of white sugar. White sugar is brown sugar that the molasses has been removed from. You are actually spending MORE to make your own than to just buy it off the shelf.

    • Budget Savvy Diva

      But the taste cannot be compared.

      • Pam

        And sometimes you don’t have brown sugar in the house and the cookies need to be made! I love it – Thanks for sharing the recipe. I knew it could be done but wasn’t sure of the proportions.

    • Rebecca

      or if you’re like me and think you hvae some in your stockpile… but always seem to be out b/c family likes to use A LOT on oatmeal…. then i have needed to make it to use before so i don’t have to run to the store.

    • Leslie

      Actually, you are wrong… white sugar is the product when you evaporate the water from the juice of a sugar beet. Brown sugar is made exactly like this recipe… by adding molasses to white sugar.
      In my local store, you can buy a 5 lb bag of white sugar for $2.79 and a 4 lb bag of brown sugar for the same amount. The molasses is about $2.00 or so, but you get a huge bottle, which would make several recipes. It actually works out to being much cheaper than buying it in the store… plus you get the extra insurance that there isn’t high fructose corn syrup or any other weird ingredients added during processing. If you buy your sugar in bulk, it’s even less expensive.

      • Miranda

        No. White sugar is raw sugar that has been bleached and processed and rubbed with bones. They do make a sugar from beets, but that is not the regular “white sugar” you buy at the store. You are correct that brown sugar is just white sugar with molasses added.

        • Lacey

          All sugar is beet sugar, unless specified otherwise. Beet sugar is GMO. Buy cane sugar, when you can. It’s usually the same price anyways.

          • Cris Gato

            Sorry Lacey, Sugar is the generalized name for sweet, short-chain, soluble carbohydrates. Simple sugars are monosaccharides which include: glucose (destroise), fructose and galactose. Most table sugars are Sucrose which is a disaccharide composed of the monosaccharides glucose and fructose with the molecular formula C12H22O11. Sucrose hydrolyses into fructose and glucose inside the body.
            In the US most sugars come from Corn because of government subsidies. They make High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) which is a combination of 24% water (H2O) and various ratios of glucose and fructose.
            Imported Sucrose comes from either cane sugar, beet sugar. Beet sugar may or may not come from GMOs crops. However, it’s irrelevant because the modifications are in the DNA molecules. There’s no DNA in Sugar molecules. Cain sugar is molecularly exactly the same as Beet sugar. Therefore, there’s no need to distinguish between the two.

    • sterling

      87 cents!?!? wher do you live? the 1950s? i just bought a tiny box that holds about 2 cups and that was $1.50…

    • brenda bowen

      this is true. but this way you can make sugar free brown sugar which is very costly

  • Angela from Sunny San Diego

    Looks so yummy I could eat it just like that! LOL

    As far as price comparison….hmmm…I actually think that it’s not that much more to make your own. The boxed brown sugar acutally has less sugar by weight in it than a box of white sugar because it’s mixed with molasses. So it might actually come out to be just about the same. Works out in the wash, as I say. =)

  • Elizabeth

    Simply amazing – thank you so much 🙂

  • GwenSA

    Is this light or dark brown sugar? Great idea.

    • Budget Savvy Diva

      Dark – use 1 tablespoon of molasses for light brown sugar 🙂

      • Monica

        Thank you!! I was reading through the ridiculous argument above to try and find somebody who had asked!! Thanks for the recipe I’m making it now for pecan pies!!!

  • Amanda Q

    I would think making it would be more expensive. How much does molasses generally cost?

  • GwenSA

    I like the idea of making it fresh since it can dry out so fast in Colorado. Just make what you need.

    • Melanie

      Put a piece of bread in the bag with the sugar it will stay soft!

    • Budget Savvy Diva

      Yep – it will work with Spenda

  • Leslie Bruckman

    Anon in the first post… white sugar does NOT come from brown sugar! White sugar is what is left over after a sugar beet is juiced and the water evaporates from the juice. Brown sugar is white sugar with molasses added… JUST like in the recipe. Here is the wikipedia article that explains it a little better: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugar
    And actually… at my local Meijer store, you can get 5 lbs of sugar for $2.79 but only get 4 lbs of brown sugar for the same price. You can get molasses for very cheap… so it’s actually less expensive to make your own, plus you know you are getting a better quality with no extra crap in it. It’s even less when you buy your sugar in bulk (for people who bake a lot or pros).
    Thanks for posting this. This is actually quite smart.

    • Annie

      You go girl!

      I use a lot of brown sugar in baking and I am always running out at 11:00 at night when the grocery store is closed (small town). I have tried adding pancake syrup to recipes and it comes close in taste, but not perfect.

    • Anon

      In THIS house, we only buy Imperial sugar, which comes from cane, so you are entirely incorrect for me and those of us who only purchase cane sugar. Go read your wikipedia link and learn that you just said what you said is wrong. Sugarcane naturally contains molasses which is removed to make granulated white sugar, and is then added back to make brown sugar. There’s even a picture to show that you’re wrong too. It pictures natural sugar cane crystals, processed, but unrefined sugar, which you should note is BROWN, refined white sugar, and processed brown sugar you would typically buy at the store. It’s ALL sugarcane sugar. Sure if you go to the store and buy generic sugar that doesn’t specify its origin, you’re probably getting sugar beet, but don’t lie to people because of your own ignorance.

      • vickie

        Has any one seen sugar cane? it is brown not white. When i was a child we went on a field trip and we went through some sugar cane and the owner gave us some sugar cane to try and it tasted like brown sugar, because it was not refined. I had got some in my hair and my Mom had a hard time getting it out.molasses was still in the sugar. Anon is right about what she is saying. Every thing is always cheaper when you make your own.

      • Heidi

        Who cares?? Are you people bored or just like to be know it alls? It’s a great little tip for tasty brown sugar you can use in a pinch. In THIS house, we don’t look down out noses at people for sharing.

        • Carly

          Thank you Heidi for saying what needed to be said! Lots of people on their high horses!

  • pola mingo

    Thanks for this tip, in my country brown sugar is much more expensive than white sugar, I don´t know why, so this recipe is fantastic, I cook a lot for my children so this will help to save some money. Kisses.

  • Christy Hunter

    Love this idea because my brown sugar always gets hard before I use a whole bag. This way I can make it fresh as needed so I believe it would save me money because its less wasteful. Last Christmas my kids left a bottle of molasses in my cupboard that I have been wondering what to do with it. Now i know! thanks so much for posting this!!!

  • Heidi

    I NEVER seem to have brown sugar in the house:) This is a great idea. Thanks for sharing.

  • Amanda

    For the people that are worrying about their brown sugar getting hard, add a marshmallow to the bag before closing and the marshmallow will get dry instead of the brown sugar!

  • Sally

    We are missionaries in Uganda and have been making our brown sugar for 16 years. The best way I have found to do it is to dump 4 cup of sugar in a stand-up mixer. Make a well in the middle. Pour in 1/4 cup molasses or black treacle. Pour 1 more cup of sugar on top. Use the splash guard if your mixer has one and attach the paddle. Mix for about 2 minutes.

  • Make Your Own Brown Sugar

    […] followed a recipe from Budget Savvy Diva and the result was a success! I have to say that it was pretty cool to turn my white granulated […]

  • Nicole

    Thanks for the tip! We use alo of brown sugar over the holidays and are bound to run out 😉

  • anon2

    Wondering where Anon lives that she can buy sugar of any kind for 87 cents?

  • Kim

    I was making banana cookies a couple weeks ago and didn’t have brown sugar and I didn’t have molasses. SO I used a tablespoon of maple syrup. The cookies were awesome and in a pinch, the perfect solution. 🙂

  • Melissia

    If you make a big batch how do you keep it from drying out? Air tight container?

  • Marilyn

    I just made it. I mixed it in the food processor and it turned out great. Thank you.

  • Panda

    I cannot WAIT to try this. I bet this will make the kitchen smell good. mmmmmm….molasses :3

  • KristenInGermany

    I love this recipe! Thank you so much for sharing. I think it always depends on what type of molasses one uses… if one needs to adjust the amount of sugar or not. This tip came in VERY handy, during the Christmas baking season. I also made sure to share the recipe with my friends, and link them back to your blog! Thanks again! -Kristen

  • KristenInGermany

    I forgot to add…. but as you might see by my ‘name’/title — that I live in Germany. I’m originally from the states… but it’s not common here, the type of brown sugar that Americans & Brits (for example) bake with, so I always have to get it imported, or bring it with, when I visit my family. I love that I can make it myself now. You saved me a headache, and some money! hehe

    • Sharon

      You just made me a very happy women! I live in southern Mexico in a very small farming community. I have oatmeal every morning and am a big grouch if I don’t have my brown sugar! I usually bring 14 lbs with me when I visit my son in Minnesota. I had no idea we could make it! I need to find out if I can get molasses here. Anyone know how to say it in Spanish?

      • Jen

        I like that I can adjust the strength (light – dark) myself! Wonderful tip, thanks(:
        Oh, and by the way, Melaza is molasses in Spanish.

      • Nealla St Clair

        I live in Venezuela where brown sugar is unheard of. I buy Melaza de Cana to mix with refined sugar. I have found that 2 tablespoons is beyond dark brown sugar and somewhat overpowering for one cup sugar. This might possibly be because the refined sugar here is not as refined as in the US. I start with 1 tablespoon and add a dab more to taste. I tried mixing it in a bowl, but have found that “squishing” it in a zip lok bag seems to work better for me.

  • Diane

    Love this! I always think I have it at home and it turns out to be gone or all hard and unusable! I especially love that you can use this recipe to make low-cal brown sugar. Thanks!

  • Yasmin

    Leslie, white sugar from sugar beets does not produce molasses in the process, and brown sugar is what cane sugar is formed into before the molasses and white sugar are separated, I don’t know how you managed to read the wikipedia page without understanding this. If you read the page on brown sugar you will find out that sometimes the sugar is refined and the molasses is added back to the white sugar because this process can be cheaper and it allows the manufacturer to control the sugar/molasses ratio.

    • Grace


  • pats

    as for me.. this is a super idea. I have been making brown sugar like this for some time. the flavor outweights anything…

  • alice

    I keep brown sugasr in the freezer. It does not harden.

  • Rachel

    Do you just mix it with a spoon? It took me at LEAST 5 minutes and my hand was destroyed the last time I made it that way, and I was wondering if it causes problems to mix it with an electric mixer.

    • Budget Savvy Diva

      Yep — just with a spoon

  • How to Make Homemade Brown Sugar

    […] followed a recipe from Budget Savvy Diva and the result was a success! I have to say that it was pretty cool to turn my white granulated […]

  • Paula

    I moved to France from Canada a couple of years ago and have had to import my brown sugar since. That stuff is expensive here! This is a terrific tip, thank you! Btw if you have trouble with your brown sugar going hard, just throw a piece of bread in with it. If it is still soft it won’t go hard and if it is hard it will soften back up in about a day.

  • Ray

    Sugar comes from beets in the North and Sugar Cane in the South. I have lived in Michigan where they processed Sugar Beets and in Florida where Sugar Cane is grown.

  • Valerie

    What a wonderful helpful tip! Sometimes I run out of brown sugar when cooking and now I have a work around. YAY! For Diane who says when she goes to use her brown sugar she finds that it has usually harden on her… stick it in the microwave and it will soften up… so another helpful tip for you….

  • Marilyn Z

    This is one of those things that every cook needs to know. We lived in the Middle East when our kids were small and we could get white sugar and molasses (if we brought our own container) and had to make our own brown sugar since they sure didn’t have it there.

    I never used a recipe, just stirred in molasses until it looked right.

  • Sam

    I live in Spain and soft dark sugar is unavailable. I have seen miel de caña (cane honey) which I similar to black treacle, which I guess is similar to molasses.
    I can’t wait to try this.

  • Andrew foster

    In long run this would be much cheaper cause buying RTU brown sugar would get costly buy if make own you can male small batches or big batches your choice and molasses is about 3$ big bottle and if buy 10-25lb sugar that 1 bottle might make over 20-30bags of brown sugar so yeah it’ll be cheaper in long run
    Thanks for the recipe going to do it once I get molasses rofl

  • Peggy

    Some of us just don’t have a bottle of molasses waiting to be used.

    • Cory

      I do!

  • Barb

    i find you get a better brown sugar if you mix the molasses in by hand. And I made cookies by adding the white sugar for both amounts in the recipe and just added in the molasses. Made it A lot easier!

  • Robin

    When my brown sugar gets hard, I take the bag and put it in the microwave for about 15 seconds. Turns it soft again and easy to use.

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  • Cory

    Thank you so much for this tip, I’m in the middle of making a brine for smoked salmon, and I really didn’t want to run to the store with my four and two year old for two ounces of brown sugar. I used the other poster’s idea of mixing together the ingredients in a ziplock bag, and it turned out great. Thanks again!

  • Joan

    In a pinch needing brown sugar “now”. Worked great!

  • Rebecca Wood

    All of you need to get a grip on your OPINIONS.
    The whole point of this is how to make some brown sugar when you are out and need some in a hurry.

    Thank you, Money-savingdiva for your helpful post.

Homemade Brown Sugar Recipe (2024)


What are the ingredients of brown sugar? ›

Brown sugar is often made by mixing white sugar with a small amount of molasses, giving it a tanned hue and wet-sand-like consistency. The sweet stuff comes in two shades: light brown sugar (3%–4% molasses) and dark brown sugar (6%–10% molasses).

How to make 2 cups of brown sugar? ›

Light brown sugar: Use 1 tablespoon molasses for every 1 cup sugar. Dark brown sugar: Use 2 tablespoons molasses for every 1 cup sugar.

What to do if you don t have enough brown sugar for a recipe? ›

Combining white sugar with molasses may be a better brown sugar substitute, but if you don't have molasses, other liquid sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, or agave nectar will work as well. You should mix a tablespoon or two of the liquid sweetener into a scant 1 cup of white sugar to replace a cup of brown sugar.

How to make brown sugar with a mixer? ›

In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, combine sugar and molasses. Mix on low speed until roughly incorporated, then increase to medium speed and mix until light, fluffy, and perfectly hom*ogeneous, with an appearance just like that of real brown sugar.

Is brown sugar just white sugar with molasses? ›

Refined brown sugar is simply white sugar with molasses added to it. This means that brown sugar is pure, unrefined sugar and undergoes less processing than white sugar, allowing it to retain some of its molasses content and natural brown color.

How to make homemade brown sugar without molasses? ›

If you don't have molasses on hand, you can easily swap it out for maple syrup with almost no change to your recipe's final product. Combine 1 cup (200 g) of granulated white sugar with 1 tbsp. (15 mL) of pure maple syrup to make a brown sugar substitute that can fool even the most sophisticated palette.

Is it cheaper to make your own brown sugar? ›

I did the math based on the prices at my local Wegmans and, using store-brand sugars and there is a slight savings by making it yourself...not much - about a few pennies per cup. But it might save you money because you aren't throwing away "bad" brown sugar. This ratio will make 1 cup of light brown sugar.

Is homemade brown sugar better? ›

Ounce for ounce, homemade brown sugar is more voluminous than what you find at the store, simply because it hasn't had a chance to compact over time. But, so long as it's measured accurately, in both preparation and use, it will behave in much the same way.

What is natural brown sugar made of? ›

Brown sugar is a natural sweetener that comes from processing sugar beets or sugar cane plants. Most commercially produced brown sugar is made by mixing white sugar with molasses, giving it a distinct flavor. White and brown sugar come from the same source -- sugar beets or sugar cane.

How long does homemade brown sugar last? ›

It's especially important to keep brown sugar in an airtight container to retain its moisture and keep it from clumping. While it won't spoil, brown sugar is best used within 6 months since it tends to harden so easily.

How much molasses do I add to a cup of sugar to make brown sugar? ›

How Much Molasses to Add? One tablespoon of molasses per cup of granulated sugar will make something close to "light brown sugar." Add additional molasses a half-tablespoon at a time for a richer flavor and darker color closer to dark brown sugar.

What is the substitute ingredient for 1 cup brown sugar? ›

For every cup of brown sugar called for in your recipe, substitute 1 cup (198g) white granulated sugar and 2 teaspoons (14g) molasses for light brown sugar; or 1 cup (198g) white granulated sugar and 1 tablespoon (21g) molasses for dark brown sugar.

Why is there a shortage of brown sugar? ›

Higher costs and a strike at one of the country's few sugar processing facilities are leading to reports of supply issues of brown sugar and some packaged white sugars at grocery stores, bakeries and other shops. Labour actions at Vancouver facility Rogers Sugar Refinery began on Sept.

What is a healthier substitute for brown sugar? ›

Date Sugar

If you're avoiding refined sugars, date sugar may be a perfect brown sugar replacement. It's created from dehydrated dates and has a similarly sweet, more caramel-like flavor to brown sugar. Try ⅔ cup of date sugar for every cup of brown sugar for a healthy brown sugar substitute.

Is turbinado sugar the same as brown sugar? ›

(You know those raw sugar packets found in coffee shops? Yes, that's turbinado sugar.) It has a much larger grain than light brown or dark brown sugar and is drier than both. Don't substitute turbinado for light or dark brown sugar—that large grain size could throw off your recipe.

Can you DIY brown sugar? ›

Homemade brown sugar is simple and easy and tastes exactly like store-bought! You'll never run out of brown sugar if you keep two simple ingredients on hand: white granulated sugar and molasses. The recipe ingredients are for light brown sugar. For dark brown sugar, double the amount of molasses.

What do you put in brown sugar to make it moist? ›

Add Apple Wedges to Brown Sugar

Toss a few wedges (or even the core) into your container of too-hard brown sugar. Leave this to sit overnight. By morning, the sugar should be softer thanks to the moisture in the apples. Don't forget to toss the used slices.

Is brown sugar healthier than white sugar? ›

While they are produced differently, resulting in distinct tastes, colors, and culinary uses, brown sugar is often simply processed white sugar with molasses. Contrary to common belief, they are nutritionally similar. Brown sugar contains slightly more minerals than white sugar but will not provide any health benefits.

What is the healthiest type of sugar? ›

You can opt for coconut sugar, honey, maple syrup, and agave nectar, which are some good and healthy options. Another good option is shakkar, an unprocessed sugar rich in nutrients like zinc, iron, potassium, and magnesium. You can also use jaggery to sweeten up your desserts and beverages.

Does molasses go bad? ›

There's no cut-and-dry answer to the question of whether molasses goes bad. If you store it in a cool, dark place, it could last for years without obvious signs of spoilage (like mold or an off scent). If the molasses was exposed to moisture or air, the chances of it spoiling sooner go up.

Is brown sugar just sugar and cinnamon? ›

Brown sugar is a natural sweetener that comes from processing sugar beets or sugar cane plants. Most commercially produced brown sugar is made by mixing white sugar with molasses, giving it a distinct flavor.

How do you make brown sugar without burning it? ›

Heat the sugar over a moderate heat.
  1. As the sugar begins to brown, use a silicone spatula or a wooden spoon to move the liquefied sugar from the edges of the saucepan to the center.
  2. This will ensure the sugar on the outside doesn't begin to burn before the sugar on the inside has melted.

Is dark brown sugar the same as brown sugar? ›

The difference between light and dark brown sugar is simply the amount of molasses added. When a recipe calls for "brown sugar," it is usually referring to light brown sugar. Dark brown sugar should be used only when specified.


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.