The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

APPLETON POST-CRESCENT Pase Seven Saturday Evening, January 19, 1935 Shipping Group Mrs. C. O. Piper Guest Of Honor at Dinner LIFE'S ODDITIES Ey Cteorr Clark Books of the Week Norman Johnson, III Several Months, Dies Special to Post-Crescent Clintonville Norman Johnson, 51, died early Friday morning at his home on W. Sixth-st, after an illness of several months.

He was born in Milwaukee June 30, 1883, and came to the vicinity of Clintonville with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Johnson. He lived on a farm for several years and then came to Clintonville where he was employed as a painter and carpenter. He was unmarried.

Survivors are two sisters, Miss Dina Johnson and Mrs. H. A. Brooks, Clintonville; two brothers, Alex Clover Leaf Lake; and Oscar, Chicago. The funeral will be held at 1 o'clock Monday afternoon at the residence followed by services at Bethany church with the Rev.

L. G. Moland in charge. Burial will take place in Graceland cemetery. You Should Read These! FICTION FORTY DAYS OF MUSA DAGH By Fram Werfel THE WORLD OUTSIDE By Hans Fallada MARY PETERS By Mary Ellen Chase PITCAIRN'S ISLAND By Nordhoff and Hall WOMAN IN LOVE By Kathleen Norris NON-FICTION IN THE STEPS OF THE MASTER By H.

V. Morton HALF MILE DOWN By William Beebe Kaukauna Joins With Kimberly In Annual Ball Dancers to Hear President's Radio Talk on Wednesday, Jan. 30 Kaukauna The executive committee planning the birthday ball Wednesday, Jan. 30, for President Roosevelt in conjunction with a nationwide program to raise a fund to issist victims of infantile paralysis, net last night at the Legion club-ooms on Oak-st. Kaukauna and Kimberly will join holding the birthday ball at the Vitingale ballroom.

William T. Sul-ivan heads the Kaukauna while II. J. Kokke, Kimberly village president, is in charge of the Kimberly activity. Several hundred are expected to attend the oall, which will be informal.

Proceeds of the party will be divided between the nationwide fund for that purpose and for local relief of the disease. The local fund will receive 70 per cent of the noney realized from the ball. During the evening's program, the president is expected to broadcast on a nationwide hookup, and members of the Kaukauna-Kimberly -ommittee will Install a loudspeak- 'MmlW i i T.W.REqO..PATtOFy. sffijiip. Here's Adventure And Romance in Wilds of Africa BY DOROTHY ELLIOTT If it is a light novel of romance and adventure that you choose to wile away one of these cold, blustery evenings, you could not do better than select George Agnew Chamberlain's "Two On Safari" (Bobbs-Merrill, Publishers).

Laid on the torrid African veldts, the climate as well as the exciting little plot will distract your mind from frost-nipped fingers and toes. Ballard Mallory, an American adventurer, finds himself in London and his income cut almost in half. As he has had three, years experience in" Africa, hunting and exploring, he answers a rather mysterious personal advertisem*nt for a man to search Africa's interior for the missing Laurence Morland, English nobleman. On the boat out he meets Josephine Cascoden whose reserve and dignity greatly impress him. He is, however, startled when she announces her determination to follow him into the jungle and join his search for Morland.

Their trek is one of constant adventure and excitement in which they encounter all manner of thrills from kidnaping to the madness of an Englishman gone native in the most vicious way. The element of suspense is cleverly employed and such questions as what and who Is Josephine? will Mallory resist tho temptation to kill for the fortune offered him for news of Morland's death? will puzzle you to the very end of the book. "I wish I had some of those smart, dark circles under my eyes." Funeral Services are Conducted for German Veteran of War With Austria Speaker Unable to Appear at Monthly K. of C. Gathering Special to Post-Crescent Clintonville Knights of Columbus and their ladies held their In Annual Meet Weather Keeps Down At tendance of Forest Junction Association Special to Post-Crescent Forest Junction When heavy drifting all day Thursday made travel uncertain on county roads, the Forest Junction Shipping asso ciation was obliged to transact its annual business that afternoon in one of the smallest annual meetings ever held by the organization.

Only nine members were present, five of whom constituted the board of di rectors. Ray Steidel, field-man for the Equity Cooperative Sales association, Milwaukee, attended the meeting and devoted a large part of the afternoon to an explanation of the activities of his organization. through which the local shipping group markets Its livestock. The association marketed 92 mo tor truck loads of livestock in 1934, according to the annual report sub mitted by John F. Steinbach.

secre tary. These included 160 cattle, 493 hogs, 1,214 calves, and 22 sheep, an aggregate of 445,000 pounds, for which was received $17,122.98. The average price per head declined from $10.33 in 1933 to $9.06 in 1934. John Seybold, president; R. A.

Huebner, vice president; John Steinbach, secretary; R. J. Hacker, shipping manager and treasurer, and Carl Helm were reelected as the board of directors for the ensu ing year. Henry Haen was reengag ed for trucking of shipments. A basketball game scheduled for Thursday evening between a local team, and Lark was indefinitely postponed when the visiting team failed to make its appearance, pre sumably on account of blockaded highways.

Up to Friday afternoon, S. A. Huebner, local manager, had no word from the Lark players, and no subseqqquent date for the game had yet been fixed. A local series game in the Sunday school basketball league was likewise cancelled Thursday evening on account of the absence of several of the players. A local observance of pioneer day, scheduled for observance throughout the Evangelical church on the third Sunday in January, will be held at Zion Evangelical church at 10:40 Sunday morning.

The day has been set apart for the recognition of retired preachers, still living, who participated in the pioneer activities of the church. The Rev. W. L. Zeller, local pastor, will base his sermon on Psalm 71, 9, "Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength faileth." Miss Flora Haese will sing Hiller's "Forsake Me Not When I Am Old" as a solo at the service.

New London Churches The Rev. H. E. of the Appleton Peabody, pastor Congregational church, will conduct the morning. service at the local Congregational church Sunday morning.

At the same time Rev. A. W. Sneesby, pas tor of the home church will occupy the pulpit at Appleton. The an nual installation of church officers elected at Wednesday night's meet ing, which was to have been held this week, will be postponed for a week.

Young people of the church will meet at 7:15 to discuss the subject, "What I Know About the Church." Regular services will be held at Most Precious Blood Catholic church "at 7:30, 9 o'clock and 10:15, with the Rev. Paul E. Herb and the Rev. W. W.

Willinger in charge. Daily masses will be conducted at 8 o'clock during the week. At Emanuel Lutheran church the Rev. W. E.

Pankow will conduct services in German at 9 o'clock, Sunday school will be at 9:30 and Enelish services will be held at 10:30 o'clock. Regular services will be conducted by the Rev. F. S. Dayton, rector of St.

John's Episcopal church at 7:30. 9:30. and 10:30. With Sunday school at 9:45 the day's services at the Methodist Epis copal church will begin. The morn ing preaching service will be con ducted by the Rev.

William Mason at 11 o'clock and Epworth league will be held at 6:30 Sunday eve ning. Lecturer to Discuss Bang's Disease Program (Special to Post-Crescent) New London The third of a ser ies of monthly events planned for the benefit of farmers by the retail trades committee of the New Lon don chamber of commerce will be a lecture at the Grand theater Friday afternoon, Jan. 25. The speaker will be Dr. V.

S. Larson, Madison. Dr. Larson, connected with the office of the state veterinarian, will speak on the Bangs disease control program. Conduct Final Rites For Miss Martha Shaw (Special to Post-Crescent) New London The funeral of Miss Martha Shaw, for many years a resident of Mukwa township, was held Friday afternoon.

The Rev. A. W. Sneesby was in charge of the service at the home of her brother, William Shaw. Burial was in Floral Hill cemetery.

Bearers were Hallie Thompson. John and James CottrilL Herbert and Donald Shaw and Sandie Cousins. Musical selections were contributed by Mrs. Carleton B. Reu-ter and Mrs.

F. E. Patchen of this city. Funeral Next Monday For Julius Malliet (Special to Post-Crescent) New London Funeral services for Julius, 1-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.

George Malliet, town, of Deer Creek, who died here at 11:45 Wednesday evening, will be held at 9:30 Monday morning at St. Mary Catholic church in Bear Creek. Burial will be in Bear Creek ceme tery. Survivors are the parents and eight brothers and sisters. At Reinbold Dwelling (Special to Post-Crescent) Chilton Tne Past Matrons' Circle entertained at a dinner at the home of Mrs.

J. E. Reinbold at 6:30 Thursday evening in honor of Mrs. O. Piper, most recent past matron.

After a short program, cards were played, prizes being awarded to Mrs. Piped and Mrs. Ed. Pohland. Mr.

and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeffer, who will leave for Brillion to make their home, were surprised by a group of friends at their home. Cards were played, prizes going to Mr and Mrs. J. Basler and Mr.

and Mrs. Lawrence Cardinal. Mr. Pfeffer formerly mail carrier on rural route 5 from this city, has been transferred to a Bril lion route. Mrs.

Frank Brocker entertained her bridge club at her home Tues day afternoon, prizes being award ed to Mrs. George Meyer and Andrew Johnson. The club will meet next with Mrs. Meyer. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Brocker en tertained their bridge club Wed nesday evening, honors going to Mrs. Herbert Kersten, Mrs. Earl Mescar, Earl Mescar and John Fluhr. Mrs.

Karl Mohr entertained her bridge club at her home Tuesday afternoon, prizes going to Mrs. C. Tesch and Mrs. R. F.

Maples. The club will meet next with Mrs. Tesch. The Ladies' Aid society met with Mrs. Henry Kroll Wednesday after noon.

The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Charles Krug. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Christoph entertained their bridge club Mon day evening, honors going to Mrs, Luke Rehrauer and Chris Hertel.

The club will meet next with Mr and Mrs. Otto Parman. Mrs. Arthur Connell entertained her bridge club Thursday evening, prizes being awarded to Mrs. Peter Jansen and Mrs.

John Binsfeld. The club will meet next with Mrs. Jansen. Mrs. John Laughrin entertained the Queen of Hearts club at her home Tuesday afternoon.

Prizes went to Mrs. Elizabeth McHugh, Mrs. Jane Gallett and Mrs. Theodore Steudel. The next meeting of the club will be with Mrs.

McHugh. Dr. J. J. Minahan, who has been ill at St.

Elizabeth hospital in Appleton, has sufficiently recovered so that he was able to return home Wednesday. Mrs. Joseph Sell, who recently submitted to an operation at St. Agnes hospital in Fond du Lac, is expected to return home Sunday or Monday. A marriage license was issued this week by county clerk Roland Miller to Sylvester Rollmann of the town of Chilton, and Miss Leona Mullen-bach of the town of Brothertown.

New London Personals (Special to Post-Crescent) New London A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brehmer of Dale on Jan. 13, at Community hospital. Mr.

and Mrs. A. G. Smith of Bear Creek are the parents of a daughter born at this hospital on Jan. 11.

William Rosseau of this city un derwent a major operation on Friday at Community hospital. Other patients at the hospital are Mrs. Myron Godfrey, Waupaca; Alfred Schuelke of Manawa; Virgil Bessett of Sugar Bush, William Thurk of Sugar Bush; Emil Koch, Fremont, Mrs. Nicholas Stadler of Royalton, Donald Henry, 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.

Philip Henry of Royalton; Miss Effie Hasler, Scandin avia and Rebecah Wagner of Wau paca. Miss Rose Kische of New London, is recovering from a major operation to which she submitted early this week. Herman Gensko Dies At Clintonville Home Special to Post-Crescent ClintonviHe-Herman C. Gensko, 42, died at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon at his home after an illness of three days. Born in Dupont pear Marion in March, 1892, he was the son of Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Gensko. He was married about 20 years ago to Ella Liskow, Marion, and he operated cheese factories in this vicinity and near Antigo for a number of years. He came to Clintonville five years ago and built a filling station which he had since operated. Survivors are the widow, one son, Roland, and one daughter, Gertrude, both pupils in Clintonville high school; his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Gensko, Dupont; three brothers, William, Tigerton; Richard, Suring; and Theodore, Dupont; three sisters, Mrs. Herman Splitt, Dupont; Miss Alma Gensko, Dupont; and Miss Lillian Gensko, Marion. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon at the residence, and the body will be tak en to Marion for a church service. Burial will be at Marion.

Student Is 111 of Spinal Meningitis (Special to Post-Crescent) New London Miss Loretta Platte a high school student, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Platte, was admitted to Community hospital Thursday night suffering from spi nal meningitis. Her condition is serious. Although this is the first case called to the attention of local physicians, a number of cases have been reported in the district about Clintonville, it is said.

Mrs. Chegwin Named Custodian at Museum (Special to Post-Crescent) New London At a special meet ing of the library board at the lib rary. Friday night, Mrs. Charles Chegwin was appointed to act as custodian of the museum during the two-month absence of the reg ular custodian, Mrs. N.

R. Dem- ming. Mrs. Demming is to spend the coming months with her hus band in Stevens Point, Mrs. Chegwin will assume her duties at once.

ISAAR CHILD DIES Special to Post-Crescent Isaar Albert John, 3 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steffen. died Tuesday afternoon following an illness of bronchial pneumonia. 9 Phil Stong Writes in New Vein BY DOROTHY ELLIOTT In reviewing Phil Stong's last book, "Village Tale," we expressed unqualified the opinion that we would admire everything from Mr.

Stong's pen. Strangely this enthu siastic and rash statement is up held with "Week End" (Harcourt, Brace, Publishers). True, we do not hold for this story of the East the same deep affection which was inspired by his stories of farm life in Iowa. But we do feel that Stong has, through this medium, proved both his versatility and secured his position among the outstanding younger writers. Emotional depth was the mark ed quality of all of those previous books, "State Fair," Stramger's Return" and "Village Tale." There was a depth and sincerity to the characters of these books which scorned subterfuge and artificial lty.

In "Week End" the author creates for us his version of the worldly and sophisticated who think it necessary to cloak each act and thought in a shallow gaudi ness which will belie its sincere meaning. 'Week End" is the story of a house-party to which the hostess, Flora Baitsell, invites a rather ill-assorted and uncongenial group, presumably to choose her husband from among them. There is Karl Huhn who "grand-stands" his marital martyrdom, Janet his wealthy and frivolous wife; the pedantic Abbeys; Bill, the engaging drunk ard; Jenkin, the perfect Virginian gentleman: Adam, who gives "the impression of overcooked spaghetti," and the little red-headed chorus girl, Ginger Carroll. We enumerate them for you in order to show you how typical the group is to this novel-type and then hasten to assure you that as stereotyped as these classes are to the many adap tions of the old Grand Hotel plot, in Mr. Stong's hands the charac ters become persons, persons with enough individuality to give them life.

That the gathering of these peo ple, several of whom despise one another, will be dramatic is felt from page one and swiftly and inevitably it develops that this particular weekend is to climax the life of almost every guest. Stong has done a highly creditable novel in a vein distinctly different from his earlier books and has with one leap passed many who might consider this field their forte. Whether or not you like this as well as the previous Stong-type will be a matter of personal taste. That its conversation is scintillant and its characters entertaining you must grant. John Otis Succumbs al Residence in Ashland Special to Post-Crescent Ilortonville Steve and Enock Otis received word of the death of their uncle, John Otis, at Ashland on Thursday.

The funeral probably will be held at Waupaca. His wife formerly was Nell De-Long of Waupaca. John Otis spent many years in this vicinity having been employed on the C. and N. W.

railroad. He opened the station in Medina and later closed the same place when he was transferred to Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Buchman entertained the five hundred club at home Thursday evening.

First prize was won by and Mrs. Leonard Schwarz of "Apple-ton and second by Mrs. Arthur Collar and Vincent Freiburger. Mrs. John Schmit left.

Wednesday for an extended visit at the home of her son, Oscar Wiess, at Fond du Lac, and at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. C. Wetzel, in Milwaukee. About 20 men have been employed on the village streets as a result of the recent snow storm.

Snow was piled so high on Main-st that there was no place to park cars so it was all hauled onto the Buchman lot on Nash-st. Black Creek Chairman Reports on Seal Sale (Special to Post-Crescent) Black Creek Mrs. C. J. Burdlck, local chairman of the Outagamie County Health association reported the receipts of the sale of the seals in December.

The amount to be turned over to headquarters in Ap Dleton is $18.45. The American Le gion auxiliary conducted the sale. Members of the local fire department had their annual stag party at the village hall Thursday evening. Officers of the village board were guests. Cards were played and a lunch was served.

Mrs. R. D. Bishop entertained at two tables of bridge Thursday evening. Prizes were awarded Mrs.

Louis Kaphingst, Mrs. F. J. Weisen-berger, Mrs. A.

R. DeMerse and Mrs. Irving Grunwaldt the carrying prize. Funeral services were conducted at o'clock from the St. Sebastian church, and burial was in the St Sebastian cemetery.

Isaar. The Rev. Herman Schmitz conducted the services. Survivors are the parents and one sister Agnes. In Porto Bello, Panama, in 1908, 2.46 inches of rain fell in 3 minutes.

About 100 tons of water per acre. Warnke Secretary Of Cheese Factory Other Officers are Reelected at Silverfield Cheese Plant Special to Post-Crescent Fremont At the annual meeting of the Silverfield cheese factory Thursday evening. William Warnke. was elected secretary to suc ceed Albert Zeichert, Jr. Officers reelected are treasurer, Leonard Kloehn; salesmen, Alpheus Steiger, Theodore Wegner and Frank Wendtland.

There are 26 patrons. Mr. Wendtland is the cheesemaker. Mrs. E.

A. Schmidt entertained the members of St. Paul Lutheran Ladies Aid society at a popcorn party at her home Friday evening. A bridge party was held at the home of Mrs. George Dobbins, Thursday evemng.

Prize winners were Mrs. Edwin Sader, Mrs. Ray Looker and Mrs. I A. Schoen.

The bunco club met at the home of Mrs. Paul Mielke Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. William Behnke have been informed of the recent death of a granddaughter, infant daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Ralph Ga-bourie of Milwaukee. Emil Koch submitted to an operation on a rupture at a New London hospital this week. The public speaking and parliamentary procedure adult class organized by the people of Fremont and instructed by principal F. F.

Jillson since Nov. 20, 1934, having covered what is considered the essentials of such a course will be discontinued for the time being. Mr. Jillson will enroll for a class in a socialogy which deals with "Rural Social Problems" and "Economic Problems of Agriculture" at the state teacher's college, Oshkosh, atending one night each week. A course that will count to ward a degree Mr.

Jillson is at tempting to get. The supervisors of the village hall Roland Wells, Dr. Walter Neuschaf- er and F. F. Jillson met with the village board and outlined a tenta tive athletic program at their re quest which was adopted.

Building rules recommended bv the committee were received and adopted. Mr. Jillson will have charge of the school program Wed nesday afternoons and evenings from 4 to 9 o'clock. Mr. Wells, the women on Mondays 7 to 9 o'clock p.

m. and male adults on Thursdays on the same hours, and Dr. Neu- schafer men adults, on Tuesdays and Fridays from 7 to 9 p. m. Social Items Kaukauna Twenty-one mem bers of the Royal Neighbors of America attended the installation of officers of the Appleton camp at Appleton Thursday evemng.

In stallation of the officers of the Kaukauna camp will take place at the next meeting on Wednesday evening, Jan. 23, at Odd Fellows' clubrooms. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mulholland entertained at their home on Dixon-st last Tuesday afternoon for their daughter, Joan, the occasion being her ninth birthday anniver sary.

Games were played and re freshments were served. Mrs. Alvina Marx entertained the Contract Bridge club at her home on W. Wisconsin-ave Friday evening. Prizes were won by Mrs.

Charles Kalista and Mrs. James Byrne. The next meeting will be held, in two weeks at the home of Mrs, Byrne. STUDENTS PUBLISH PAPER Kaukauna Students of the high school Friday noon published the Kau-Hi News, weekly school paper, under the direction of Miss Frances Corry. The paper included accounts of school events during the past week, and the calendar for the ensuing week.

The paper is pub lished by the students as part of the journalism course offered with the regular English course. EXAMINERS AT KAUKAUNA Kaukauna Bank examiners of the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor poration are checking records at the Bank of Kaukauna this week. The work is to be completed early next week, bank officials have announced. BOWL AT NEENAH Kaukauna The Kaukauna bowling quint will travel to Neenah Sunday afternoon to meet the Neenah H. K.

in a three-game match. The games are Fox River Valley Bowling league matches. POST MEETS TUESDAY Kaukauna. Kaukauna Post No. 41 of American Legion will hold a postponed meeting next Tuesday evening in Legion clubrooms on Oak-st.

Monthly business will be transacted. Henry Rohde Funeral at New London Tomorrow (Special to Post-Crescent) New London The funeral of Henry Rohde, 54, who died at his home in Liberty township Thursday morning, will be held from the Cline-Learman funeral home at 1:30 mg system at the Nntngale ball- oom to hear the talk. Tickets are being circulated by a ommittee composed o.f George Mgan, Frank Geurtz, Anton Berkers, Arthur Schmalz, Dale Andrews, Ed Rcnnicke, Lyle Webster, William Galmbachcr, Letter Brenzel, and Joseph Sadlier. Kaukauna Churche. TRINITY EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev.

Paul Th. Oehlert, pastor 8:30 a. m. Sunday school. 9:15 a.

m. English worship. 10:30 a. m. Regular German service.

BROKAW MEMORIAL METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Corner Catherine and Porlier streets G. C. Saunderson, minister a. m. Sunday school.

10:45 a. m. Morning worship. HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CHURCH Corner Doty and Desnoyer Sts. Rev.

A. Garthaus, Pastor Rev. George A. Kiefcr, Assistant 5:15 a. m.

Low mass. 7 m. Low mass. 8:30 a. m.

Low, mass for children. 10 a. m. High mass. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Corner Eighth street and Hendricks avenue Rev.

AJphonse Roder, pastor Rev. Gerald Ilk, assistant Sunday Masses 5:15 a. m. Low mass, a. m.

Low mass. 8:15 a. m. Low mass for children. 10 a.

m. High mass followed by benediction. KAUKAUNA GOSPEL TABERNACLE 109 West Third street E. Yngve Olson, pastor 3:30 a. m.

Sunday school. 10:45 a. m. Morning worship. 6:30 d.

m. Young people's service 7:45 p. m. Sunday, Evangelistic service. Message: "The Satisfying Christ." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Clubrooms, public library a.

m. Sunday school. 10:45 a. m. Sunday service.

Subject "Life." EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED CHURCH John Schcib. Minister a. m. Sunday school. 10 a.

m. Worship hour. Text: Exodus: 20. 13, "Thou shalt not kill." Theme: Sacredness of Life. Sunday.

January 20, Installation officers. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Crooks avenue G. C. Saunderson, minister 0:30 a. m.

Morning worship. 10:43 a. m. Sunday schooL Scouts Will Resume. Activities Next Week iaukauna Kaukauna Boy Scout loops will resume activity next meeting to discuss plans for a 'irst aid contest and circus within he next few months.

Scouts of Troop 20 will meet Monday evening the cabin in Riverside park; couts of Troop 27 will meet Tues-iay at St. Mary's church auditori-im; and scouts of Troop 31 will neet Thursday evening at Holy Tross church auditorium. 'i'ornier Kaukauna Woman Dies at Home in Oshkosh Kaukauna Mr. C. A.

Croxen, ice Patnaude, a former resident of his city, died Friday morning at icr home in Oshkosh. Survivors are he widower; a sister, Mrs. M. C. Kline; and a nephew at Erie, Pa.

funeral services will be held at 10 Vclock Monday morning at St. Mary Catholic church here, with he Rev. G. J. Ilk in charge.

Interment will bo in Kaukauna. "H-out Committee to Meet Monday Evening; Kaukauna The Kaukauna dis-rict committee of the Valley Boy Scout council will meet at the Mu-licipal-bldg at 7:30 next Monday -vening. Reports of the bean feed leld recently under the commit-e's supervision and plans for a irst aid contest and circus, will be liscussed. RECEIVE FALSE ALARM Kaukauna The fire department A-as called out about 8:15 last light to answer a false alarm at the Alvin Wafneke residence. A neighbor became alarmed at a wood fire built to heat tar in the rear of the Warneke residence, and called the department.

Special to Post-Crescent Manawa Funeral services for William Jawort, 90, pioneer settler here and one cf the oldest residents of the town of Little Wolf, were conducted from St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran church in Manawa Friday afternoon by the Rev. R. A. Karpinsky.

Burial was in the Manawa cemetery. Mr. Jawort died Tuesday after a few days ill ness with heart disease. He was born in Pomerania, Ger many, Jan. 19, 1845, and grew to manhood in that country.

He fought with the German army against Aus tria In the war of 1866, and immi grated to this country two years later. He settled first in Wmneba go-co, and was married at Winne- conne in 1871 to Miss Minnie Hitz ke. They moved from Winneconne to Little Wolf in 1874 and resided here continuously since that time. Mrs. Jawort died December 12, 1923.

At the time they moved to this place it was known as Brickley or Brickley Bridge. Mr. Jawort was one of the many pioneers who literally hewed his home out of the wilderness. He was the first signer to organize the St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran church in Manawa.

Mr. Jawort was a member of the town board for several years, and was treasurer of the Green Valley school district for nineteen years. Survivors are two sons, William Jawort, and Frank Jawort, both of Little Wolf, one sister. Mrs. A.

Barkow of Poysippi and ten grand children. Two children died in in fancy. New Book Shipment Received at Library Special to Post-Crescent New London A new shipment of books suitable for children's reading has arrived at the library this week. Four new books for adults also have been added. Among the juvenile selections are William Prescott's "The Conquest of Mexico;" "Land of Williwaws," by Margaret Ross; "Alexander, the Tale of a Monkey," by Marion Brown; "Children of the Covered Wagon," by Mary Jane Carr; "Good Wind and Good Water," by Nancy Osborne; "Down, Down the Mountain," by Ellis Credle; "Hansi," by Ludwig Bemelmans.

Other new selections are "Fairies and Enchanters," by Annebel Williams Ellis: "The House That Jill Built," by Anna Maxon; Wheeler's Graded Literary Readers, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades, and "Bob Flame, Ranger," by Dorr Yeager. The four new books for adults are "From Jungle to Zoo," by Lucille Mann; "American Singing," by Eugene Williams; "History of Northern Wisconsin," and "The Wisconsin Magazine of History," Vol. 1. Road Crews Clearing Highways of Snow Special to Post-Crescent New London Aided by clearer weather, road crews throughout the county continued clearing the highways of snow. Railroad service was resumed after several deep cuts in the road beds of the Chicago and North Western and Green Bay and Western railroads, which had been filled with huge drifts, were cleared with snowplows.

Among the worst drifts encoun tered in this section were those at Greenville and between New London and Sugar Bush. Storms north, near Ashland, added to the problems of a crippled service and it was late Thursday when snow plows finally cleared the tracks. Freight service was resumed early Friday and mail and passenger service, badly crippled throughout Thursday, again began moving Friday. Rural mail carriers struggled with horses and cutters, automobiles and snowmobiles to carry their maiL By careful avoidance of side roads the carriers were able to cover the greater share of their routes, though all covering twice the amount of mileage. Sunday afternoon and at Emanuel Lutheran church at 2 o'clock.

Bu rial will be in Sym cemetery. Here's Mystery Set In Holiday Season One of the prime requisites of an A-l mystery is that it must set down "the behavior of normal reo- pie in abnormal circ*mstances." "Crime at Christmas" (Harcourt Brace Publishers) by C. H. B. Kit-chin is commendable for just this thing.

Malcolm Warren, a London stock broker whom you met in "Death of My Aunt," is invited to spend thr-Christmas holiday with his client, Mr. Quisberg. Other cuests arc the erratic Dr. Green, Leonard Dixon, fiance of Quisberg's daughter Sheila, and Mrs. Harley, th mother of Quisberg's secretary.

Thf strange tension which Warren no tices almost as soon as he enters the house he accredits io the gigantic business merger in which Quisberg is concerned, but the ap parently accidental death of Mrr. Harley followed closely by a sec ond death which cannot be accidental force him to change his mind and to accept the fact that. among this small, intimate grouu. there is a murderer. "Crime a' Christmas" is cleverly and well told and presents a tidy little problem.

Treat Colds Promptly, Health Board Warns Madison -W) Prompt treatment of colds was urged by the state board of health today as a safeguard against pneumonia, which the board said is proving "unusually hazardous" in Wisconsin this winter. Dr. H. M. Guilford, state epidemi ologist, said the common cold in severe form, rather than influenza, is largely the stepping stone used by pneumonia in the present wave.

For several years pneumonia has been sixth among the leading causes of death in Wisconsin, the board said. The disease imposes a high fatality rate among the very young and the aged, statistics reveal, and particular care should be exercised among these two age groups, the boar said. Common colds 'often descend to the bronchial tubes and the lungs, eventually producing pneumonia, the board said, urging avoidance ot undue exposure to cold weather and chills. The board suggested the use ol ample outdoor clothing, including footwear, confinement in bed when a cold is contracted, and consultation of the family physician. Seeks Compensation For Relief Workers Madison Persons injured while working on unemployment relief projects would be entitled to workmen's compensation at practically the same rate as regularly employed persons engaged in the same type of work under terms of a bill introduced in the legislature by Senator G.

Erie Ingram (P) Eau Claire. Senator Ingram said the bill is in: tended to remedy the situation resulting from a supreme court decision which held that relief workers are entitled only to compensation in proportion to the actual amount earned while working part time. The Ingram bill provides that the average annual earnings of relief workers shall about equal those of regular full time workers. BETTER BARGAINS for BUSY BUYERS are Found in These Columns Daily monthly social Thursday evening in K. of C.

hall. A dinner was served to about 110 guests, the table being decorated for St. Valentine day. A speaker from Stevens Point had been engaged, but due to the snow blocked roads, was unable to be present. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing.

Van Boxtel's orchestra of this city playing the program. The committee in charge of the social was headed by Mesdames L. A. Heuer, James Devine, John Fralish, Carl Zoch, B. Ashauer, Arthur Long, Matt Kessler, J.

L. Zehren, Lyman Stevens and Henry O'Connell. Mrs. Jean Shannon entertained 8 guests at a bridge luncheon Thursday afternoon at her home. Mrs.

E. A. Miller and Mrs. Harry Lang won the honors at cards. A "county fair" will be given by the Methodist Guild Thursday Feb.

7, at the church parlors, according to plans now underway. The Guild will also sponsor a "silver tea" at the home of Mrs. R. Milbauer on Feb. 21.

Arrangements for these events were discussed at a regular meeting held Thursday afternoon at the church, when Mrs. Fred Holmes and Mrs. W. T. Luedke were the hostesses.

A son was born to the Rev. and Mrs. W. O. Speckhard Friday morning at their home.

Mrs. Joseph Baur entertained 12 guests at bridge and luncheon at her home Thursday afternoon, High prizes were won by Mes dames C. G. Smith, Fred Fumelle, F. D.

Hurley and Ralph Laney while the travel prize went to Mrs. Gordon Richardson. Mrs. Arthur Steenbock host to a group of relatives and friends Thursday afternoon. Five hundred was played at two tables with a luncheon following.

Mrs. Al bert Meilike, Irs. Carl Buelow and Mrs. W. E.

Steenbock received the prizes. Due to the large number of high school pupils absent on Thursday and Friday, the pupils absent on Thursday and Friday, the quarter' ly examinations scheduled for those days were postponed to next week, Very few students residing in the country attended school Thursday and Friday, after the large snow storm which blocked the roads. O. E. S.

officers of 1934 were guests of their worthy matron Mrs. J. H. Stein at a 6:30 dinner Thurs day evening at the Stein home. Covers were laid for 22 guests.

Bridge played at five tables furnished the evening's entertainment. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Rueben Lendved, Mrs. Stanley Wick and Mrs. James Long.

Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Eberhardt, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Bockhous, Mr. and Mrs. William Hanson, Mr. and Mrs.

Perl Johnson were among those from here who attended the auto show at Milwaukee during the past week. Clintonville Woman's club will meet Monday afternoon, Jan. 21, at the home of Mrs. Otto Olen on W. Thirteenth-st.

The American Legion Auxiliary will meet Monday evening in K. of C. hall. A meeting of the Junior Auxiliary will take place there at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon. New London Cubs Go To Rally at Menasha (Special to Post-Crescent) New London With a number of members confined to homes with illness, there still was a fair representation of the local Cub pack at today's Valley Council cub scouts indoor rally in Menasha.

The rally was to resemble the programs laid out for summer Camp-o-Rals but lasting for the afternoon only. The cubs of this city were accompanied to Menasha by the Rev. A. W. Sneesby.

Baby ostrichs can follow their parents afield within 24 hours after hatching..

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

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Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.