This Should Have Been A Slow Burn - Chapter 2 - Aamalysstuff - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Chapter Text

When Suguru was young, his aunt had a huge white Husky she jogged with every morning and every evening. He got bored easily and needed to roam around, if not he started running around the house, knocking things and chewing on shoes. He was huge and would knock you over to lick you just because he was so big, playful and overly excited. He got territorial sometimes, and was overly protective to the point that he'd pee on the shoes of his aunt's visitors, and run off other dogs with his overbearing personality.

He ate so much that his aunt complained he'd eat her out of house and home. Sometimes he’d sleep right on top of you despite being huge, heavy and furry, and no amount of wiggling would move him. If you scolded him, his ears would droop and he made himself look overly pathetic, like he could somehow shrink his size, but as soon as you gave him a hint of attention, he was back to knocking you over and suffocating you with love. He stared at you so intensely sometimes it got creepy, and he was always, always yapping.

Suguru can’t help but think about that as Satoru’s weight presses down on top of him, squishy muscles and sticky skin, radiating heat like he’s got a fever, but that’s just what Satoru always felt like. Big, grabby hands squeezing at Suguru’s chest, arm around Suguru’s neck, chewing on his hair. And Satoru’s dick pressed up against his ass, half-hard while he’s sleeping but insistently rubbing itself between Suguru’s cheeks, impossible to ignore.

They've been officially dating for a few weeks, and ever since, Satoru’s been spending the night at Suguru’s a lot. And it's nice, only that Suguru’s room is small and his bed is smaller, barely enough for one person, creaking and protesting under the weight of two. The bed frame begs for the sweet relief of death whenever Satoru throws his six five,two hundred pound body on top of it, so there’s nowhere to wiggle away, no way to put distance between their bodies. Suguru is a light sleeper and Satoru’s a grabby sleeper, and while it’s really f*cking hot that Satoru’s hands are metal while Suguru’s tit* are magnetic, and he’s constantly looking to rub his huge co*ck against Suguru’s ass even while he’s snoring in his ear - Suguru’s tired.

And he gets horny too, he’s very much into Satoru groping him and humping him, but he’s also a light sleeper who gets woken up whenever Satoru’s hands instinctively squeeze on his chest and then he just can’t fall back asleep because he feels everything else too and….well. Suguru just sits there, looking at the wall, wondering if he should elbow him in the ribs or just push his ass into his crotch, or both, maybe one of them will wake up him up or just force him to roll away.

“Satoru?” Suguru whispers delicately, wiggling his ass a little and pushing it back, “Satoruuu~”

Instead of waking up, Satoru just keeps snoring right up against his ear, but his grip on Suguru’s chest tightens and Suguru can actually feel his co*ck getting harder and poking at him under the covers. He’s annoyed.

“Satoru!” Less of a delicate whisper and more of a whine, and he actually does punctuate this one with an elbow to the ribs, making Satoru’s breath hitch, making him rub his face into the nape of Suguru’s neck.

“Ugh, babeeee, why are you being a bitch?” Satoru mumbles, words slurring together in his sleep. He pushes Suguru’s hair away from his mouth, over his shoulder, and latches onto the back of his neck with sloppy kisses and bites. His mouth’s too full of saliva when he licks behind Suguru’s ear, but it makes him shudder. “I had a nice dream about you.”

“Did you?” Suguru asks, closing his eyes and leaning back, giving Satoru more access to his skin, letting him and lick and leave hickies to his heart’s content. “What did you dream about?”

“Hmmm,” Satoru doesn’t really answer with words, he just inhales Suguru’s smell, pushing his nose into his hair, behind his ear and kissing the back of his jaw. Rubbing himself against Suguru sleepily, pushing him into the mattress. It makes Suguru bite his lip in anticipation - and Satoru’s fingers go from squeezing at his chest to caressing it, playing with his nipple piercings and twisting them just enough to make it good. And then he whispers in Suguru’s ear, voice raspy with sleep, “Dreamt I f*cked you pregnant.”


That sh*t shouldn’t be as hot as it is, but it turns Suguru’s insides into jelly.

“Nice dream. Biologically impossible, though,” he laughs, trying to sound cool and teasing about it. He feels Satoru’s smirk against his skin where his face is burrowed against Suguru’s throat, where he bites Suguru’s pulse point and then licks it.

“Nothing’s impossible if you’re really determined. I just gotta try really hard.”

And with that, he raises his hand to his mouth and licks it, and rubs it on his co*ck, spreading it along with the precum that Suguru knows is already there. Satoru’s co*ck leaks all the goddamn time, it’s like he’s got too much cum in his balls no matter how much Suguru does his best to milk them. Maybe it’s a Pavlovian instinct too, like how dogs drool when they hear the bell for food, Satoru’s co*ck starts leaking cum whenever Suguru’s close enough to f*ck.

“Satoru, you’re a perv-”

“I can never give up on my dreams,” he says, rubbing two fingers over Suguru’s hole and pushing them inside to test Suguru’s reaction. They’ve already f*cked twice tonight, so Suguru’s ass is a little sore, but he’s also just relaxed enough that it’s not gonna be an issue. Penetration like that makes him shudder and sigh, makes him lay on his belly completely before raising his ass up to give Satoru better access.

He’s got long fingers, and they’re thick too, and Satoru learned really f*cking quick what the best way to render Suguru delirious is. He likes it when Satoru circles around his prostate slowly before working on it. When he does, all of Suguru’s body feels on fire, like all his nerve endings are locked in and focused on that one single sensation and carry it further. He can’t really stop himself from making noise either, whenever he gets fingered or f*cked, he just finds himself moaning and panting like he’s in heat - it’s really embarrassing, actually, but there’s just something unmatched about the fullness and vulnerability of it that renders him unable to control himself in the moment.

“Ah, Satoru, Satoru - just put it in already,” he whines at him, and he wiggles his ass too. It’s kinda bratty, but whatever, he’s tired and sleepy and horny and he wants Satoru to f*ck him to sleep, and sleep with Satoru’s massive co*ck inside his ass. Why the f*ck would he have such a wonderful dick if not to f*ck Suguru senseless? Why the hell does Suguru have a boyfriend if not for f*cking him unconscious whenever his insomnia is kicking him around?

He’s not really sure how long him and Satoru are gonna last - best not to think about these things when you’re dating a dude who’s only discovered he likes dudes a few weeks ago - but Suguru’s determined to make the most of this relationship for as long as he’ll have it. And that includes midnight f*ck when they’ve both got classes in the morning.

“It’s okay, babe, let me just- ”

He hears Satoru spit on his dick and he’s pressing the head of it into Suguru’s hole. He shakes just everywhere, legs tangled in the sheets. One of Satoru’s hands is between his shoulder blades, the other on the nape of his neck, caressing it with his thumb. Suguru gasps at the penetration, but Satoru shushes him and instantly he quiets. Satoru pushes inside him in small, slow rolls of his hips, inch by inch until he bottoms out, and keeps rubbing at Suguru’s neck and back as he does it. He’s really so f*cking tender sometimes it’s scary, and it makes Suguru wanna whine and fuss around just so Satoru can pull that, “it's okay baby, let me take care of you” that he does so well.

And right on cue, when he hears him whine, Satoru just leans down over him. He presses himself over Suguru’s back and kisses his cheek while f*cking him slowly, moves his head to the side so he can get to Suguru’s mouth and kiss him. He rolls his hips too, thick dick filling Suguru up while Satoru's big warm body cages him, his pleasured groans making Suguru tighten up around his co*ck.

It's really f*cking nice.

Suguru’s experience was mostly comprised of one night stands and random hook-ups, and for a while there, he was sure that Satoru would be just another straight guy in the closet that was just dead set on using him for sex. And he would have been fine with that, honestly. Suguru’s a big boy, he told himself he could deal with a f*ck buddy, especially one as hot as Satoru.

He never really expected to catch feelings, and now Satoru feels less like a f*ck buddy and more like a boyfriend. Suguru has never had a boyfriend before. Satoru treats him like he's boyfriend and Suguru’s his.

He's never really had anyone taking care of him before - that's usually been his job, taking care of others.

Satoru f*cks him deep and slow, and Suguru can feel all his muscles tensing as he does it, Satoru’s meaty thighs straddling his ass. Suguru looks back at him and sees the most intense blue gaze he's ever seen looking back - his hair plastered to forehead, white strands falling in his eyes, electric blue eyes with blown out pupils staring at Suguru. His mouth is slightly open, lips plump, cheeks reddened and panting.

He's the most beautiful man Suguru’s ever seen.

Suguru’s co*ck rubs into the mattress as Satoru f*cks him, and he grinds back and forth between the two points of stimulation until he c*ms again. Satoru’s already made him cum twice this evening, and this org*sm is different from the others - it’s no less intense but slower, making him shudder and shake, eyes stinging and body seizing from too much stimulation. He feels exhausted afterwards, and floaty, eyelashes fluttering as he struggles to keep his eyes open.

Satoru sees it and stops f*cking him completely, pulling out with a sigh. Suguru makes a displeased noise even as he pushes his face in the pillow.

“Ugh, come baaaaack.”

Satoru chuckles and kisses his cheek. Suguru scrunches his nose, but doesn't open his eyes.

“You're too sleepy. I made you cum and you wanna rest, it's fine. You can make it up to me tomorrow,” Satoru says, and he means it too, because he kisses Suguru’s cheek sweetly and then nuzzles against his ear, but…

Suguru huffs and frowns, raises his head a bit off the pillow.

“But I wanna feel it. Inside.”

Satoru’s eyes do something comical, actually, growing three times their size like little looney tunes hearts are about to start spinning around his head, like he’s gonna start wagging his tail Any Moment Now. Instead of a tail wag, his co*ck twitches, which is…pretty much the same, Suguru thinks. He just nods dumbly and gets right back on top of him, palm pressing between Suguru’s shoulders with just the tip of his co*ck inside, jerking himself off while pushing his swollen co*ckhead in and out.

Satoru makes himself cum like that and Suguru shivers everywhere when he feels it shooting inside him, his toes curling into the sheets and his back arching. Satoru makes a deep-seated groan when he c*ms too, and then his hips stutter forward. No matter how gentle he tried being with Suguru about it, he ends up impaling him on his co*ck again and making him yelp.

“Sorry,” he says sheepishly, but continues grinding his hips against Suguru’s ass, “I like being inside you way too much.”

Suguru snorts and thinks, Yeah, that’s right, you better! But he’s already dozing off before he can get the chance to say it.

Satoru takes him out for breakfast every morning, makes time to take him for lunch or dinner too. He feeds Suguru his snacks out his hand like Suguru’s a jittery cat that he’s trying to befriend and encourages him to try out new things. It’s kinda sweet, and even when Suguru refuses him and acts annoyed, he appreciates it.

Suguru himself isn't really a fan of eating, and often he finds himself going a long time without anything to eat simply because….well. He doesn't like eating. He especially doesn't like eating alone.

“Do you want the strawberry from my parfait?”

“No, thank you, Satoru.”

“I bet you’ll like it, though. Come on. Have my strawberry, Suguru.”

“Satoru, I said I don - pfft!”

The second he opened his mouth to protest, Satoru took the opportunity to shove the cream covered strawberry in his mouth, right between his teeth. Suguru glares at him, but Satoru’s undeterred, like - what’s he gonna do? Spit it out? They’re in a busy cafe!

The only choice he has is to chew on it thoughtfully as Satoru looks at him beaming, like he’s accomplished something. He’s goddamn cute, with his dimples and his smile and the way he insists Suguru must try everything he’s eating too, it’s honestly impossible to be upset with him. There’s something about Satoru’s boyish charm that gets him every time, it’s so natural and easy to love that Suguru never really stood a chance against him him.

“You know, last year I had a friend that used to cook for me often,” Suguru says, chewing on his strawberry. It’s perfectly sweet and fragrant, and the whipped cream goes really well with it. Damn. Satoru was right. “He moved back to Kenya when the year was over, so I haven’t talked to him lately.”

Satoru makes a bit of a face, crinkling his nose and frowning. He shoves a spoonful of parfait in his mouth and smacks his lips loudly. Satoru doesn’t really get jealous, but he gets possessive, Suguru knows, gets a little riled up about thinking of Suguru with other people, which is really satisfying to see. It makes something in Suguru’s chest swell a little, no one’s ever been possessive of him before so he likes to poke at it and rattle it.

It’s a little payback for the strawberry shove, but also Suguru likes doing it just because he can. Then, he reaches across the table and shoves his finger in Satoru’s parfait without warning to steal a dollop of whipped cream and stick it in his mouth. He licks it off sensually and swallows it, and when he pulls his finger out of his mouth, he opens his lips and sticks out his tongue a little to make sure Satoru sees the way his fingerpad drags over his tongue piercing.

Satoru’s eyes narrow.

Suguru just winks at him, and smiles.

“I hate your friend and I’m glad he’s in Kenya,” Satoru announces all of a sudden, so petulant and annoyed that Suguru can’t even be mad. He just bursts out laughing.

“Satoru, that’s so mean of you. Miguel was just a friend.”

Instead of being reassured, Satoru snorts, annoyed, and crosses his arms over his chest.

“Was he better looking than me?”

Satoru with his beautifully handsome face, chiseled features, sharp cheekbones and jawline that’s been crafted by god himself. Satoru with his straight nose and perfect brow, side profile that belongs on the cover of a magazine. He looks like the main love interest in one of the Shoujo mangas Suguru would sneak around in his backpack. Like whoever was drawing him always made a conscious effort to draw him as attractive as possible whenever he was featured.

No one’s better looking than you.

“He was different than you, Satoru, you know, you can’t really compare two people…”

“Was he richer than me?”

“Satoru, that’s unfair, you’re family owns half of Japan,” Suguru scolds him. “But you know, money doesn’t make you better, and I think it’s in poor taste to imply that and - ”

Satoru puts out his tongue and blows air loudly and obnoxiously.

“Don’t care. Was he more accomplished than me? I’m a star basketball player and I’m considered a genius in physics, you know. I’m gonna get scouted by an NBA team and I’ll win a Nobel prize by the time I’m 30.”

Suguru thinks he might actually achieve it, since Satoru’s the most crazy-determined and talented person he’s ever met, but he can’t really say that out loud because Satoru’s ego is already a problem.

Satoruuuu~” he makes sure to put a little more rumble in his tone because it always makes Satoru perk up. He puts his chin in his hand and leans over the table. “Don’t be jealous,” he teases.

“I’m not jealous. Do I have reasons to be jealous? I’m better than the other guy.”

Suguru smirks and gently kicks his foot under the table without saying anything. Satoru kicks him back in return, Suguru responds again, and Satoru takes Suguru’s hand on top of the table and kisses it. Suguru wears a bunch of rings and his nails are painted black, and Satoru’s hands are a little rough from playing and being in the gym.

“Do you want me to cook for you?” Satoru looks at him from across the table, big puppy eyes.

“It depends. Do you know how to cook?”

“Of course I know how to cook.” He seems a little insulted about it too,

“Okay, okay, let me rephrase. Are you a good cook?”

“I’ll have you know that I’m good at everything I do. Including cooking,” he boasts. “Though for that, I think it’ll be cuter if I take you out for a weekend or something. My family has a little seaside beach house in Kamakura. I used to spend my holidays there sometimes. We should go sometime, you’d like it.”

Suguru’s first impulse is rolling his eyes because Of Course, Satoru’s family has a beach house in Kamakura. The other is to moderately freak out because that's such a coupley thing to plan, isn't it? He supposes it makes sense because Satoru’s dated people and had relationships and flings before, while Suguru’s mostly just been slu*tting around since there was no one to date in his hometown where he was the only gay boy around.


Satoru. Boyfriend.

“I'd love to go with you. When do you wanna go?”

“Well I need to tell the servants to clean it first, at least a week in advance.”

Servants. Spoiled brat. Suguru’s grandma made him get on the roof of their house to clean off the moss that grew there. He’s slipped off the roof twice. Once he twisted his ankle, once he broke his tailbone. Satoru had servants.

Still, Suguru thinks, looking at Satoru while they leave the breakfast cafe - those rich boy genes sure made a fine looking man, because sometimes Suguru just finds himself staring at him, the way the muscles in his jaw move when he eats and the muscles in his neck.

When they’re in Satoru’s car, he puts on his sunglasses and grins at Suguru, and then hands him another pair. It's a thing Satoru does now - gives Suguru his sunglasses and his hoodies and half of his candy bars.

Suguru puts on the round sunglasses, they’re nice and dark and actually go really well with his all-black look.

“You look so cool like that, baby. So gothy.”

Suguru makes a face at him when Satoru starts driving, but he keeps staring at him. Can't help himself.

Satoru’s wearing a white t-shirt and gray sweatpants. It's just a regular ass white shirt but the way it stretches over Satoru’s shoulders highlights how big he is, and when he changes the gears as he drives, the muscles in his forearm tense and relax and it's…

“What is it, Suguru? You’re spacing out.”

Ugh, his mouth’s watering. At least they're at a red light. Suguru bites his lower lip and looks at Satoru over the rim of the sunglasses.

Satoruuu. Pull over.”

“Seriously? Now?” Satoru’s jaw drops.

“Mh-hmm. But if you don't want to, it’s fine…” he trails off, but he knows Satoru’s already hooked.

Before he can answer though, someone's honking behind them.

“Hey asshole, move!!!”

“Shut the f*ck up.” Satoru turns around to shout back at him, and then turns to Suguru smirking. He doesn't say anything, just makes a very dangerous and illegal pass so he can get them into a parking lot fast. Suguru giggles through all the honks and shouts they get.

Satoru f*cks him on the hood of his Porsche, but he has to keep his shirt on because he doesn't want his nipple piercings to scratch the paint. Imagine how embarrassing that would be.

After he c*ms, he kneels down and puts out his tongue for Satoru to cum on so he doesn't leak on the leather.

Satoru cups Suguru’s chin and rubs his thumb over his tongue-ring, moving it around. A spurt of cum hits directly on top of the titanium ball.

Bullseye,” Satoru’s says, big, dopey, post-coital grin on his face.

Suguru's so f*cking gone for him, it's actually embarrassing.

Someone sees them f*cking in the parking lot and reports them to the nearest police officer. They get a write up and a fine for indecent exposure and Suguru’s mortified. He still tastes Satoru’s battery acid cum in his mouth while the policeman scolds them.

“Hey, at least he was nice enough to let me finish before he came over, right? Counts as a win.”

Suguru says nothing, he just glowers.

Later that day, he tells his overly caffeinated med-school friend Shoko about the whole thing and she laughs so hard, she has to end the call early. Her cackles haunt him for days.

Suguru’s really nervous about being introduced to Satoru’s friends and frat mates. He’s always imagined guys like that being sh*tty meatheads, the hom*ophobic kind that would be vocally grossed about him. The kind of sweaty, testosterone rich environment that makes everyone a little extra sh*tty.

Suguru arrives at the frat house sitting shotgun in Satoru’s Porsche, and Satoru does that thing where he just throws his arm over Suguru’s shoulders and pulls him to his side.

Maybe the guys might be assholes, Suguru doesn’t know, because they all act impeccably with him. A little surprised maybe, they look him up and down, for sure, and there's a little awkwardness between them all. But then Suguru realizes that no one would ever dare comment on Gojo Satoru’s choice of partner since he’s got a head above everyone else, more money than God and is arguably the biggest star on campus.

“This is Suguru. We're dating.” Satoru says, perfectly casual, and then grabs a bowl of half eaten chips from the table and stuffs a handful of stale potatoes in his mouth. “I'm starving, what's to eat?”

He doesn't bother to address any of the shocked looks, he just takes Suguru’s hand in his and pulls him to the kitchen. His salty, oily, chip stained hand. He’s such a slob sometimes, but Suguru’s more in love than ever. Even when Satoru drinks co*ke straight from the bottle and then puts it back in the fridge.

Satoru makes himself a monstrous looking sandwich with probably five layers of meat and too much mayo. Suguru picks up the bottle and points at the Kewpie mascot.

“He kinda looks like you.”

“Funny.” Satoru rolls his eyes, chewing loudly. He also just shoves the sandwich in Suguru’s face and says, “Have a bite of this.”

Suguru wants to say no, it's really unappealing to him, but at the same time, it’s just a thing Satoru does. Like his love language is sharing snacks and creampies.

With that in mind, Suguru takes a bite from the freaky five meat sandwich. It's not bad.

“Not as bad as I expected. Could use a vegetable, though.”

“Everyone's a critic.”

But then he makes 2 more of those, one for Suguru (tomatoes and cucumbers are included) and another for himself. Suguru wants to complain he’s not hungry, not really, but he starts eating it anyways.

Maybe he's a little hungry.

He meets Satoru’s friend Sukuna. He’s about as tall as Satoru, but his neck is as thick as one of Suguru’s thighs and he’s got very visible tattoos. Him and Satoru’s favorite bonding activity seems to be playing Mortal Kombat against each other.

Suguru sits there for two out of three games to watch them obliterate each other in progressively uglier ways. Sukuna likes summoning Goro as a cameo for fatalities and Suguru thinks that’s kinda appropriate, since he’s wide and bulky enough to possibly have two sets of pectorals.

The tattoos are really distracting, though, and they make Suguru wonder idly about the rules on that.

“Are you allowed to have tattoos for classes?”

“Why wouldn’t I be? It’s not highschool anymore, is it? They let you in school with all the piercings, don’t they?”

Satoru looks at Suguru then, and smiles -

“Hey, babe - ” Sukuna rolls his eyes when he hears it, “Did you have those in highschool too? Or was it a thing you did when you came to Tokyo?”

“Well - ”

Sukuna looks annoyed, and instead of letting Suguru talk, he turns to Satoru.

“What do you mean you never asked? He’s got a bunch of visible piercings and you just never thought to ask the story? Haven’t you been hooking-up for months?”

“Well you know, Sukuna, it never really came up!” Satoru says with a laugh, and shrugs.

In Satoru’s defense, it’s not like Suguru ever asked him much about himself either. He spent the first half of their relationship bouncing between anxiety and arousal, flirting and bantering and talking stupid sh*t, before inevitably tripping over himself and happily falling onto Satoru’s dick.

Satoru and him are just so stupidly attracted to each other on this really animalistic sort of level that Suguru started thinking a while ago that maybe the whole pheromone theory is right and they just ooze some secret sauce of chemicals that makes them irresistible to each other. Suguru hopes that’s the case, because if it’s biology, he can excuse himself from the whole thing and just say “I can’t help it, it’s just the hormones that make me want suck his soul out through his co*ck.

“My friend Shoko did my ear piercings,” he says, cutting through their back and forth, “She’s from the same town as me, we knew each other in middle school.”

Suguru fondly remembers being barely fourteen when Shoko did his ear piercings with a sewing needle after class one day and popped in some cheap jewelry they bought.

“Then, when I was sixteen, I bought a piercing kit off the internet and did my own tongue in the mirror one night. I didn’t get it right the first time so it bled a lot, but then I thought it was really cool, kinda got addicted to it.”

“You did your tongue yourself? That’s so cool.” Satoru looks at him so fondly that Suguru can't help but tingle a little at it, flushing pleasantly. He looks at Suguru and Suguru looks at him. He pushes his hair behind his ear and leans his head to the side a little, and Oh God, he’s acting so embarrassing, but-

“See, asshole? Now you two know more about each other,” Sukuna says, loudly, breaking the spell between them. “It’ll improve your relationship. You should thank me for it.”

Later that night, they’re getting it on in Satoru’s room, and Suguru’s on top. Satoru’s co*ck is filling his insides and Suguru’s just rolling his hips lazily, when a question just comes to him all of a sudden.

“Satoruuu, what's your favorite movie?” he asks, mid-grind.

Satoru looks confused, but his eyes roll a little when Suguru clenches on him.

“Ugh, Lord of Rings, but I hate Frodo so I just fast-forward his scenes.”

His answer is undoubtedly earnest which actually makes Suguru’s pace falter a little.

“What do you mean you hate Frodo? I can't date a Frodo hater.”

“He’s annoying and obnoxiously whiny.”

“Frodo is young!”

“He’s thirty-three! Just say you don't get Tolkien and leave him alone!”

“Yeah well, Sam's younger, and he doesn't bitch.”

Satoru’s hands move to Suguru’s hips and he just keeps them there for a second while Suguru is undoubtedly annoyed.

“Babe, while the Tolkein talk is hot and all, can you please move? Please move? Please.”

Suguru sighs and then goes back to rocking himself up and down, marveling at the fact that Satoru’s co*ck in his ass is still rock hard, like their little squabble did nothing to ease up on his erection. He snickers to himself, and-

“What’s your favorite manga?”

“Bleach,” Satoru answers, and he thrusts up, taking Suguru by surprise and making him gasp. “Yours?”

“Tokyo Ghoul-” he says, and has to drag out the sounds of it because Satoru keeps thrusting up into him and it’s messing up his focus.

“Edgy. Let me flip you over-”

When they’re done, Satoru lays on his back, kissing the crown of Suguru’s sweaty head and running his fingers through his hair while Suguru uses his nicely muscled chest as a pillow. He feels a vague sense of guilt.

“I lied,” he says quickly, and then puts a hand on his mouth.

“Huh? About what?”

Post-coital Suguru feels oddly sincere.

“My favorite manga is Yotsuba.” Satoru snorts and starts laughing and Suguru feels horribly embarrassed. “Stooop, don’t laugh. I love dark sh*t, you know, but like…” Suguru elbows him but it only makes him cackle more. “Stop laughing, Yotsuba is cute!”

“You’re cute.”

Satoru grabs him by the back of his head and gives him some cute, smacking kisses on his cheek.

“Stop, stop - Listen. I love dark manga, alright? But then, I was stuck at my aunt’s house for a summer when I was seventeen, and she loved the cutesy slice of life books. I was depressed and miserable, and I picked up those books just to pass the time. I ended up loving them.”

Satoru looks at him with such fondness on his face that it throws him off a little. He cups Suguru’s face and smiles at him all dopey. Sweaty forehead and flushed up cheeks. He’s got dimples when he smiles and perfectly straight, white teeth.

“I watched To Your Eternity last year and cried my heart out during every episode. Then, Sukuna came in and made fun of me for it, so I made him watch it with me and I swear he got misty eyed too.”

Suguru giggles, trying to imagine Satoru and Sukuna both crying at tear-jerking anime.

“Tell me something else about yourself, then,” Suguru asks, curious. “Tell me something you haven't told anyone else before.”

He's swallowed so much of Gojo Satoru’s cum that he could recognize it by taste and texture alone. He’s deserving of Satoru’s secrets.

“No idea what to tell you. I don't really have secrets, hmmm…” he sits there twirling Suguru’s hair on his finger, gently pulling at it while he hums to himself. “Oh, I lost my virginity in a threesome.”


“Yeah, hahaha. I went to one of those legacy boarding schools, right? All boys school, and we had a sister school that was all girls, so we'd have a lot of mixing events. One time, two older girls took me to their bedroom and had their way with me.”

Suguru looks at him absolutely amazed, realizing once again that Satoru is simply a straight guy cliché, the dude that other dudes dream about being. Aspirational for the kind of man that used to sneer at Suguru in public.

“I lost my virginity to a dude I met on the internet. He lived in the next town over, I had to take a train to get there, and I told him I was older than I actually was.”

The guy was really sweaty and anxious. He took Suguru back to the train station without a word and kissed his cheek as a goodbye, they never spoke again. He tried reaching out to Suguru, but he just blocked him everywhere, a common trend with him.

“He didn't even offer to pay for my ticket back home.” Suguru sniffs.

“Asshole. He didn't deserve you,” Satoru hugs him and turns around on his side, looking at Suguru. “Did he break your heart?”

“No, I don't think he did.” A pause. “Maybe I broke his.”

“My cute, little heartbreaker.”

Suguru smirks and puts his tongue out. Winks.

Suguru's no stranger to heartbreak, but he’s very careful about breaking his own heart in advance and cutting men off before they get the chance to do it for him. He blocks guys if they get too needy, he set traps for them to convince himself they're no good.

Suguru operates on the premise that they all have the potential to break him, none of them are sincere, even if they seem like it. He sets them up to fail one way or another, finds a way to prove himself right.

Suguru pushes Satoru's chest and climbs on top of him again. He lowers himself over him, hair over his shoulder, and rubs his nose against Satoru’s. Smirks.

“Has anyone ever broken your heart?”

“Nah. Never liked anyone enough for that until now.”

A couple of months ago, he remembers being in his favorite club, drinking with the realization that he likes Satoru heavy in his stomach.

He liked Satoru much more than he was comfortable liking a sporadic hook-up. Especially someone like Satoru who said he was straight, claimed he's never ever been interested in another guy like that, and somehow Suguru believed him. Brilliant man, but as dense as a tree trunk.

And then, there was the other problem, of course - Suguru’s own ego, and the fact that he liked having a guy as hot and popular that desired cumming like a teenager for him, all desperate to f*ck Suguru’s mouth and praising him about it. Was it going to eventually lead him into deep sh*t? Yes, but he couldn’t possibly pretend it wasn’t doing anything to his pride. And the guy had been in a f*cking relationship with a girl, what the f*ck was that all about? How deeply in the closet can someone be? No self awareness at all.

God, it was such a terrible idea. It was even worse when he started hanging out with him outside of that, like when they started going to the arcade together or some other sh*t like that.

“I have to do something about this,” Suguru told himself, and then promptly called Satoru with the intent to cause a fight. Maybe Satoru was out with the girl, maybe he was with his friends. Suguru called him and wanted to get rejected, he wanted Satoru to tell him off, brush him off, anything to convince himself that the guy wasn’t all that, just another asshole he could say his goodbyes to.

But then, Satoru just had to surprise him. Had to be sweet about it, Suguru thought bitterly.

Satoru came to pick him up, gave him water, took him home. Took off his make-up and cuddled into him. Suguru slept like a baby and when he woke up in the morning, with his cheek pressed against the pillow and Satoru’s heavy weight on top of him, instead of feeling claustrophobic, he just felt a deep feeling of peace and contentment. Who needs a weighted blanket when you have a star athlete on top of you?

How monstrously unfair it was, that the sweetest, most endearing man he ever met was Gojo Satoru, but Suguru knew he couldn’t allow himself to get too comfortable in this relationship.

Satoru would get tired of him. Satoru would get bored. Maybe he’ll realize he’s not really cut out to date a guy. Novelty wears off, and a relationship with a woman would be easier, wouldn’t it? And Suguru himself, he’s not exactly an easy person to deal with, or love.

Shoko comes to visit him in his dorm one day, they talk a little, and she sits on his bed while he gets ready for a date with Satoru. He’s got a big game that evening and Suguru thinks he should do something special for that - if they’re team wins, they should celebrate somehow.

He makes sure his hair looks extra shiny, his make-up is perfect. He does his nails fresh. He brings out the special extra long demonias. Puts together a special outfit.

“How do I look?” he asks Shoko who’s been texting some girl for the last 10 minutes, probably trying to flirt. When she looks at him, she makes a shocked face.

“Who are you and why are you dressing my Suguru like a slu*t? That outfit looks obscene.”

Suguru rolls his eyes.

“I’m all covered up.”

“You’re wearing leggings! You’re wearing leggings with knee high boots? I’ve never seen your thighs so revealed.”

“They’re literally covered-” he pulls at the fabric of his leggings, and he thinks yes, okay, this is out of character for him. He doesn’t wear stuff like this usually.

But if Satoru wins the game, Suguru wants to reward him. If Satoru loses the game, Suguru wants to console him. Both of those instances benefit from a sexy outfit.

“I can’t believe you’re dressing up like that for a “straight” guy.” She does over-exaggerated double quotes and co*cks her head to the side in a little droopy owl impersonation, looks Suguru up and down and then frowns.“Turn around.”

Suguru does, a little bit ashamed of himself. The shirt he’s wearing is loose and baggy, but it has a split in the middle down the middle and reveals his lower back. He’s chosen it specifically because it frames his ass too. He’s a little ashamed of himself, actually, but not enough to change. He hears Shoko sigh behind him.

“All that for some guy. Unless he’s Prince Charming himself, he’s not worth it.”

Privately, Suguru disagrees, but he’s not gonna tell Shoko that.

“You're being mean. What if they get a crushing defeat? Shouldn't I be there to support him?”

“I'm just saying, Suguru, you start dressing like that for him, he should start paying your tuition.”

He huffs at the implications of that, but Shoko just laughs at him. She walks up behind him and slaps his ass with both hands, making it giggle.


“Relax, I’m just teasing you. You look great, you know? A real snack. A beaut. If I wasn’t a lesbian, I’d challenge your frat bro boyfriend to a duel for your hand in marriage.”

He goes to Satoru’s game, and they’re playing against some university in Kyoto. It’s not even close to being a tight score, their team is winning so hard even Suguru’s a little embarrassed for the other guys, but he can’t help but cheer whenever he sees Satoru score.

There’s a moment in which Satoru wipes the sweat off his face with his jersey, looks in the crowd and zeroes in on Suguru. He makes eye contact with him and winks, and then takes the ball and throws his behind himself to score one the craziest, most improbable looking 3 pointer shots Suguru’s ever seen. Wacky ass Space Jam moment, how the f*ck do you even achieve that?

The crowd goes wild all around him and he jumps up to cheer him on too. Satoru sees it and blows him a kiss towards the audience, towards Suguru, and he really swoons a little before snapping out of it. How dare he be so hot and charming and hot and dripping wet with sweat, and Suguru’s getting, like, a tingle in the back of his neck when he looks at him, an insane urge to swallow his dick and lick his balls.

Shoko’s right, he thinks, I am a slu*t. Oh well.

When he meets with Satoru after the game, he’s already showered and changed. His hair’s still damp and he looks Suguru up and down. He obviously likes what he sees because he gets little hearts in his eyes and grins.

“What did I do deserve such an outfit?”

Suguru goes up to him, puts his arms around his neck and presses his nose against Satoru’s.

“Thought you’d lose. This would have been the consolation outfit.”

“Oh, I see. I understand. Since I won, there’s no need for a consolation outfit,” Satoru says, his hands sliding through the back slit of Suguru’s shirt, running his hands down his spine, groping him in the hallway of the sports center where really anyone can see them. “Can I take it off, then?”

“Hmmm, let me think about it, I’m not sure you’re down trodden enough to deserve it,” Suguru says, looking at his nails and trying to seem casual about it as if he doesn’t want to lick Satoru’s whole body and nibble on his dick. Then, he looks at Satoru with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. “Beg me for it.”

Satoru grabs him by the ass, really digs his fingers in Suguru’s meat and pulls him close.

“Please, Suguru,” he whispers in his ear, “Please, please, please - let me stretch your hole around my dick.” He doesn’t sound like he’s really begging, he’s way too co*cky for that, but it sends a shiver down Suguru’s spine when he hears it.

“Hmm, I’m thinking about it-” he answers as he’s bouncing up and down on the spot. “You know, I’ve realized I let you have things way too easily. I should make you work for it more.”

“Oh, I see. So that’s how you wanna play it tonight.” He kisses Suguru’s cheek and mouths at his ear. “Tell me how do you want me to work for it, then, baby?”

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck. He wants to push Satoru in the broom closet and suck him off BUT he must resist the temptation.

“I haven’t decided yet. Until I’m satisfied with you.”

Satoru blinks fast at him, surprised, but then his smirk turns sharp and dark. One hand on Suguru’s ass, and the other caressing his back.

“I’m gonna tease you until you cry, minx. You’ll have to beg me to f*ck you.”

Satoru takes him to a party with his teammates at a club he’s never been to before. It's a whole different vibe than the goth clubs he’s used to, with mainstream music and less black and white face make-up. Satoru holds his hand as he guides him through the sea of people to their section, and Suguru just keeps looking at his back - he’s wearing a tight black shirt and just plain old jeans, but the shirt highlights every rippling muscle, the exaggerated V of his back and waist is to die for and the pants even make his ass look nice.

“I'll introduce you to my teammates,” he says, and when he does, one of them asks.

“Hey, Satoru, didn't know you liked guys.”

“Haha, I don't men. I'm just into Suguru.”

There's some obvious confusion at the statement, but it’s clear that no one wants to argue the point with Satoru when they’re at a club, so Suguru is spared of the mortifying ordeal of having to hear Satoru probably use his blowj*b skills as a reason for being together. It's not like he thinks Satoru’s with him just for that, but it's definitely one of the reasons.

“I wanna dance with you,” Satoru whispers in his ear, and pulls him on the dancefloor, in the middle of all the partiers grinding together.

Satoru said he doesn't usually dance at all, but Suguru likes the feel of his body against his while they move to the music. Satoru’s big arms around him, his hands under the hem of his shirt, the solid muscles of his chest. Satoru smells good too, Suguru likes the mild cologne he uses, the shower gel, the way his skin smells. He even likes how Satoru smells when he's a little sweaty, it just makes him think of their warm bodies after sex.

“You're so gorgeous, f*ck, I can't believe you’re always hiding this ass under those baggy pants of yours.” Satoru’s hands are just glued to his ass, kneading it and digging his fingers in Suguru’s flesh. “I wanna rip these leggings off of you completely.”

“Not here. Behave.”

“I'd f*ck you here if you'd let me.”

“You want everyone to be staring at us?”

Satoru grins so big at that, and he kisses Suguru’s neck, sucks on his skin.

“Yes. We can give them a show. We're the hottest couple here, I think they'd all be into it.”

It makes a lot of sense to Suguru that Satoru would be an exhibitionist, but unfortunately for him, he also finds the idea hot. Goddamnit. They're gotta get arrested one of these days and they'll go to jail because neither of them can keep it in their pants and they're obsessed with each other.

“I don't know about anyone else looking at us, but if you find a private booth where it's just the two of us, I'll give you a treat.” He gives Satoru a little kiss on the cheek too, and sees his eyes go wide.


Satoru takes his hand and takes him to the balcony, where the VIP sections are. It's so expensive up there, and a waste of money too since Satoru doesn’t even drink, but he pays for bottles and sends them down to his teammates so just him and Suguru can be alone there.

“Okay, Mister Moneybags,” Suguru laughs, and pushes him on the plush couch, before climbing onto his lap.

“I’m just interested in seeing whatever Suguboo has to offer me.”

He's never been bold enough to give anyone a lapdance until now, but how hard can it be? Satoru’s horny for him, it can't be too hard to satisfy a guy that's already besotted with you?

So with that in mind, he just goes for it, rolling his body in Satoru’s lap, languidly stretching out his spine, his chest in Satoru’s face. Swaying and bending, letting his ass fall over Satoru’s co*ck, dragging over it, teasing him through the layer of clothes between them. It's easy to feel sexy when your partner wants you, and Satoru’s eyes are just glazed over with want - pupils blown up big and dark, lower lip between his teeth.

He wants to put his hand on Suguru’s hips but Suguru grabs his wrists and pushes them away. He tsks him, and Satoru just pouts.

“You want to kill me with the teasing. Not even gonna let me touch you? You're so mean.”

“Be a good boy, Satoru,” he coos, and then touches Satoru’s lips, drags his thumb over them.

Instead of responding, Satoru takes his thumb between his teeth and bites it, then he wraps his arms around Suguru’s middle and holds him tight.

“I want you,” he says, looking Suguru straight in the eye, completely serious. “I’ve never wanted anyone as badly as I want you. You drive me crazy.”

f*ck. He’s so disarming and intense.


“Let me take you home already.”

Turns out that if you get Satoru horny enough, he goes from teasing to begging to earnest and sincere. Suguru thinks he put up a valiant effort to make Satoru work for it. He didn't fold immediately after seeing him. He gives himself points for effort.

Satoru takes him back to his frat house and into his bedroom. He throws him on the bed and rips his leggings off at the seams, exposing his ass.

“Can I take off my boots first before you ravish me?”

“No, we're keeping the boots. They're hot,” Satoru says, caressing his cheeks and thighs, pulling at the elastic of his underwear and letting it crack over his skin. “You're wearing a thong. Jesus. That's just asking for it at this point, Suguru.”

He’s face down, ass up, cheek pressed against Satoru’s bed and his leggings ripped up. He’s been vibrating with excitement for the whole night, waiting to get back here so Satoru can f*ck him.

“So what are you gonna do to me then, Daddy?”

“What did you call me?”

Satoru's jaw drops when he hears that, his face blushing and eyes wide. Not really a Daddy sort of face, it's like Satoru’s buffering, but after he processes it, a slow smile spreads on his face. All teeth and bite.

At least 40% more added Daddy.

Oh dear.

“Daddy, huh? I like that. You should say that again.”

And then he just pulls Suguru’s thong aside and licks his hole with the flat of his tongue. It’s so sudden and surprising that Suguru gasps and jumps, but Satoru just grabs his hip and pulls him forwards towards his face. f*ck f*ck f*ck, Suguru thinks, feels himself melting, turning into putty under Satoru’s attention - it’s the first time he’s rimming Suguru and it’s so hot that he thinks he’s gonna pass out from it.

Satoru pushes the tip of his tongue into Suguru’s hole, forcing it against his skin, licking at the rim. He tongue-f*cks him too, and Suguru feels his thighs shaking, Satoru’s saliva dripping down his taint, moaning like crazy. It’s not even the physicality of it - guys have done this to him in the past too, it was never a big deal, he didn’t think it felt like much - but it’s Satoru eating him out. It’s so much different, so much better just because it’s Satoru doing it.

“Oh, you like that, don’t you?” Satoru asks, and he spits on Suguru’s hole and pushes two fingers inside him.

“Yes, yes - Satoru, please-”

Satoru manages to turn him into a needy, pathetic mess whenever he touches him, it’s so embarrassing but he can’t control himself. He’s really so into this f*cking guy. Objectively speaking, he’s been with more experienced lovers. Satoru’s biggest advantage is that he’s got a huge dick and Suguru’s a size queen, but he’s still not exactly used to f*cking a dude - sometimes he’s too rough or he never touches Suguru’s dick or he never gives any warning before cumming down Suguru’s throat. One time he choked on it and it came out his nose.

It doesn’t matter.

Satoru could just lay there and expect Suguru to ride him and blow him and that’s it and Suguru would still be into it. Satoru could be the most selfish lover out there and Suguru wouldn’t mind pleasuring him. There’s just something that happens to his brain whenever Satoru’s around, some sort of click that makes all his rational thoughts and inhibitions melt away, he’s just that much into him.

Satoru licks at his stretched rim as he fingers him, and Suguru feels his poor dick straining under the fabric of his underwear and the ripped up leggings. His fingers keep pistoning against Suguru’s prostate, making his eyes roll back and his back arch deeply, pushing his ass more into Satoru’s face against his fingers. When Satoru moves his mouth away from his hole, he bites Suguru’s asscheeks and sucks bruises onto them like he wants to mark him up and down.

“Call me Daddy again,” Satoru demands, his voice low and raspy and amused. “I like that. Feels like I gotta take care of you.”

Oh god, it’s gonna go to his head, isn’t it? He’s gonna be so obnoxious about it. Suguru really shouldn’t feed into this, it’s just gonna end up backfiring on him and -

“Daddy, please f*ck me. Please f*ck me. I need you-”

Well, Suguru’s distantly aware that it’s a bad decision to feed into Satoru’s ego like this, but the problem is, he’s very much attracted to Satoru’s ego and just really likes making him happy.

“I got you, baby, I’m gonna f*ck you so good.”

Satoru pulls his hair when he f*cks him, and c*ms inside his ass so that Suguru’s insides feel like they’re flooded with his load. Satoru’s really the first guy that’s ever hit it raw like that. He used to have a really strict rule about always using condoms, but it’s never even crossed his mind to ask Satoru to use anything. If it’s Satoru, it’s alright, even when it drips everywhere and makes him feel like a slu*t. Maybe because of it?

Suguru used to hate it when he felt like men and boys had any sort of upper hand on him - he was always the one that broke up with them, always blocking their calls, calling off dates, refusing to let anyone get close to him. He kept them at arm's length even when they were inside him, shut down emotionally because he refused to be the one ending up in a vulnerable position. So what the hell happened to him?

Satoru manhandles him around however he wants to - pushes him on his back and puts Suguru’s thighs around his middle, knee-high boots and all. He keeps touching them while he f*cks him too, and rakes his nails over Suguru’s ass. He feels like he’s pinned down in place while Satoru uses his hole, and it’s the most turned on he’s ever been.

Everything in his head just melts away and he’s just Satoru’s baby, or sex toy, or whatever, he’s just there to be wanted and provide pleasure for his lover, and it’s all he wants to do. He’s never been sexier than this, like his whole body was just made for pleasure, his skin tingling with it, hot, swirling fire deep in his belly. Satoru’s co*ck feels huge too, branding him on the inside, close to overwhelming - too big to be gentle and too hard, unyielding, but Suguru can take it so well for him.

“Do you like that, babe? Am I making you feel good?”

Each thrust is a question and Suguru’s too f*cked out to actually respond, everytime he opens his mouth it’s just moans and whines, tears in the corners of his eyes from all the stimulation.

“Say, Satoru, I love your co*ck.”

Look, everything’s just scrambled up in Suguru’s head. He came all over himself and Satoru kept f*cking him. He’s drooling and tearing up. Satoru’s co*ck feels like it’s drilling through his soul, feels like he’s got cum for brains. Just a mess. So it’s not his fault, when he finds himself yelling -

“Satoru, I love you!”

- right in the middle of getting his guts rearranged.

And then he processes what he said and gasps.

Oh no.

Oh f*ck.

Oh my god.

“Love you too, babe, f*ck - ” Satoru groans, and continues thrusting inside Suguru without missing a beat, “ - your hole feels like a dream.”

His eyes are closed and his head is thrown back, runs a hand through his sweaty hair. Satoru makes these deep, sexy noises when he’s about to cum. Insanely hot. Suguru’s whole body is tense and clenching, a combination of arousal and shame.

Satoru melts on top of him after he finishes, kissing him deeply and hugging him close, relaxed and happy and rumbling contentedly. He rubs his nose against Suguru’s and keeps pressing kisses and pecks on his lips, his co*ck slowly softening inside.

It’s the closest he’s ever been to anybody and he’s a terrified of it, still reeling after The Thing that came out of his mouth and how casually Satoru just replied to it. Suguru’s heart is beating like crazy and Satoru is just cuddling.

“I like how you smell - you always smell so good, Suguru-” he digs his nose in Suguru’s hair and sniffs him, hands on his face, breathing him in. Suguru closes his eyes and wills himself to relax into it, hopeful that Satoru is just not going to mention anything about what was said in the heat of the moment.

Satoru ends up falling asleep right on top of him, and then after about half an hour or so, he wakes up, kisses Suguru again and takes him to the bathroom to shower together. Suguru has to mournfully say goodbye to his one and only pair of leggings. They served him well, though.

When they go back to bed, Satoru sleeps on his back and pulls Suguru to his chest, and Suguru just presses his ear against him body and listens to the sounds he makes - Satoru’s breathing, his heartbeats, his stomach rumbling, the occasional snore. He thinks it’s all cute and charming. Satoru’s body. He wants to crawl inside him and nest there sometimes in the most normal way possible, and then whenever he gets a thought like that he also feels like bashing his head against a wall because that’s the sort of sh*t lovesick teenagers want.

Suguru said he loved him.

Suguru twists and turns the phrase in his head, and tries to argue with himself that it was just some heat of the moment tongue slips, but…

There’s really only one choice.

He needs to break up with Satoru.

Breaking up with Satoru seems like the only reasonable choice to prevent himself even more heartache down the line. It’s already bad that this boy has him so wrapped up around his dick, it’s even worse now that Suguru realizes he’s actually pretty much madly in love with him. And since Satoru hasn’t acknowledged it at all after they said it, Suguru assumes it was all just heat of the moment and Satoru casually reacting to him.

The thing is, for Suguru this is serious. Serious trouble. He should really just cut ties before moving forward.

With that in mind, he tries to steel himself against it for a few days, but all he manages to do is becomes progressively clingier whenever he's with Satoru. Wraps his arms around Satoru’s and pushes his face into the dip of his shoulder. Curls up in his lap without saying anything.

“Suguru, baby, what's gotten into you? You're so much cuter lately, you're so clingy.”

I have to break up with you, Suguru tells himself.

“Nothing. It's nothing.”

“You sure? You can tell me, you know. Come here.” Satoru’s very happy to be equally affectionate and clingy with Suguru. Keeps him in his lap and kisses his temple, nuzzles against his jaw.

Suguru shoves his hand under Satoru’s shirt to touch his skin and the soft, squishy, relaxed muscles underneath. He likes to dig into Satoru’s pecs and abs to grope him.

“God, you can’t keep your hands off of me lately. Not that I’m complaining-”

“Then don’t say anything stupid, just let me-”And Suguru just lays down in Satoru’s lap, legs on the couch, head in his lap, takes his co*ck out of his pants and puts in his mouth.

“f*ck, you’re really gonna kill me with that one day,” Satoru says, and puts his hands on Suguru’s head, caressing him. He sounds a little frustrated, and as soon Suguru takes him in his mouth, his dick starts filling out on his tongue.

The thing is - Suguru really, really likes to feel Satoru’s dick in his mouth, in all stages, whether it’s soft or rock hard. Likes the way he feels him getting hard or the reverse, gently licking and suckling while Satoru goes progressively softer after cumming down Suguru’s throat. He really, really likes Satoru’s dick, whether it’s touching it, kissing it, licking it or sucking on it, he even likes rubbing his cheek against it and nuzzling on it.

It’s a really gorgeous looking dick too - so long and thick, curving inwards towards Satoru’s stomach, the tip of it is dark pink and flushes down the girth of it. It’s uncut, but when Satoru’s super duper, extremely hard, the foreskin pulls back a little and reveals the soft, shiny head of it beading with salty precum that Suguru laps up. Satoru’s dick is so big, it hangs like an elephant’s trunk when he’s soft and Suguru sometimes wonders how the hell he doesn’t get dizzy when he’s hard - brain lacking oxygenation because there’s no way someone has enough blood in their system to keep a dick like that hard with proper mental function. Maybe that’s why Satoru’s intelligence seems to liquify when he’s horny.

Satoru’s got perfectly symmetrical balls too, and Suguru really likes caressing them. Whenever he lets Satoru cum on his face, he sits there with his tongue out and he likes seeing Satoru’s balls tighten and his co*ck twitch before he marks Suguru’s face with his cum. And Satoru’s white pubes are cute too, they’re trimmed and soft and Suguru likes it when they tickle his nose and he can feel them against his lips - like that’s the finish line, that he can do a good enough job to take Satoru’s co*ck to the root. And he likes the way Satoru smells down there too, he’s all clean skin and heady sexy boy smell, warm and slightly musky, salty-sweet.

Satoru’s dick <3 It’s so perfect <3

Where’s he ever gonna find a dude with a co*ck that nice?

No wonder Suguru fell in love with it, and him.

Satoru’s fingers tighten and loosen in Suguru’s hair while Suguru hums around his co*ck, his saliva rolling down Satoru’s balls while he happily spaces out on his dick. Sucking dick is Suguru’s love language, because he loves servicing Satoru like that, and he’s good at it, and he’s proud of himself whenever he’s able to make Satoru lose it. It’s also just really nice to feel himself smothered by Satoru’s scent and his taste, can’t think of anything else other than pleasing him and being good for him.

He’s been feeling so guilty lately about his decision to break up with Satoru before Satoru breaks up with him, so he ends up in this position a lot - lavishing it with love and attention, sucking on Satoru’s dick to self-soothe like it’s an overgrown pacifier.

He sucks so much co*ck he’s gonna have to start logging in Gojo Cum as a macro in MyFitnessPal.

“I feel like a bag of Capri-Sun,” Satoru says afterwards, all limp and soft, melted into the couch cushions. If Suguru tries to touch him, he twitches everywhere, toes curling and all. He turns to look at Suguru with his face all red, flushed from his org*sm, big eyes looking shiny wet and standing out even bluer. “Are you a vampire?”

“Pfft, no,” Suguru snorts.


“No, I’m afraid. I'm a very basic, boring human.”

“You sure?”

“Very sure.”


Satoru closes his eyes and just sinks even further into the couch cushions. He takes Suguru’s hand and brings it to his mouth, kisses his knuckles and then presses it against his flushed cheek.

“If you were a vampire though, I’d let you suck the life out of me.”

Satoru sleepily shuffles around the couch a little and his head lands in Suguru’s lap. He falls asleep like that, his legs dangling off the side of the couch, Suguru’s nail scratching his nape.

“I need to break up with Satoru.”

“Right. Mister Big Dick Daddy that gets you to wear leggings? That guy you’re so down bad for that you were sucking his dick for free for months? Be serious.”

“Can you keep your voice down, please?”

They’re in a KFC and Shoko is not really loud, but she’s not whispering delicately about it either. Instead of apologizing for embarrassing him, she just steals one of his untouched wings and bites into it.

“So why do you wanna break up with him? Did he cheat on you?”

“What? No.”

“Is he being nasty to you?”

“No, Satoru’s very sweet to me.”

“Right. Is he having Erectile Dysfunction? Can't keep it up? Cum too soon? Doesn't satisfy you in bed?”

No, no, no and no. Shoko, come on.”

“You bored of him?”


She just rolls her eyes.

“Then objectively speaking, you have no good reason to break-up with the only guy I've ever seen you be genuinely interested in.”

Suguru knows she’s right, but at the same time, he can’t help but feel the looming sense of imminent doom if he continues like this.“I can’t be with Satoru, Shoko. I told him I love him.” He confesses it as matter of factly as possible. She blinks a few times and, blank face, she just goes -


Shoko picks up a fry and dips it in mayo.

“He said it back.”

“And let me guess - the thought of emotional intimacy and the possibility of a true connection f*cks you up so much you wanna break up with him now?”

“I hate how quickly you summed that up.”

She shrugs.

“Habit. I know you. You’re not slick. And I know how terrifying vulnerability is to you. And me too, you know, I’m not in a position to judge.”

Shoko says this very directly and plainly, which is what he needs in this case. But it doesn’t mean he likes hearing it.

“He’s gonna hurt me really, really bad when he decides he doesn’t want to be with a guy anymore-”

“So you want to hurt him really, really bad in advance. Hey look, I get it. Honestly - and at the end of the day, it’s your relationship. Do whatever you want. It’s just that you don’t really wanna break up with him, Suguru. You’ve never asked me for advice or told me what you’re planning on doing, you just inform people that you cut off so and so from your life and that’s it.”

She’s right. He’s always just cut things off with men without ever saying anything. What he’s doing here is basically trying to convince himself that he should be doing this to protect himself, but instead…

“It’s just harder with him.”

“Yeah, I bet.” A pause. “Can I have another wing?”

He pushes his food towards her and Shoko takes it happily, biting into the crispy meat while Suguru stares forlornly out the window.

“Listen Suguru, it’s gonna hurt either way. What’s the rush to get there?”

Suguru tells himself he really, really has to get this done this week, or else he’s never gonna break up with him. It’s now or never, and he has to stay focused. He’ll do it on their next date.

So when the time comes around, he gets dressed up for it, does his hair. He does his whole prep at home and puts in his favorite butt plug too - it’s not like he’s planning on sleeping with Satoru - No, Really, Seriously, He’s going there to break up with him. The buttpl*g is just…just in case, you know?

And the first thing he does when he sees Satoru is kiss him.

“Oh wow, someone’s eager today, ain’t he?”

Satoru teases as Suguru kisses and bites his neck, leaving possessive little hickies up and down his porcelain pale skin.

“Just take me to your room and f*ck me,” Suguru say, his voice raspy, already clinging to Satoru in the hallway of the f*cking frat house.

“Yes, Sir. Let me just - ”

Satoru puts his hands under Suguru’s ass and hoists him up, and Suguru smoothly wraps his legs around his middle and carries him like that. Doesn’t stumble or grunt or anything even though he has to walk up the stairs like that and he’s pretty sure at least 2 or 3 people see them but whatever. He takes him to his room and throws Suguru on the bed.

“Saaatoruuuu~ you’re so strong.” He makes sure to put a little drama in it too, because Satoru likes it.

“Course I am. What? Don’t you like being carried around like that, baby? Want a princess carry next time? I’m up for it, you know.” So of course he takes that as a sign to throw away his T Shirt and flex his biceps like he’s Popeye.

Suguru wants to say it’s stupid and roll his eyes, but unfortunately for him, he’s very weak for the silly sh*t Satoru does, and it doesn’t hurt that Satoru’s arm is thick and perfect and amazing. He could learn anatomy and the major muscles in the human body just by touching and licking him all over.

So of course, Satoru f*cks him within an inch of his life. When he discovers the butt plug, he’s so excited about it and teases Suguru, pushing it in and out and licking his rim. Whenever Satoru eats him out and plays with his hole like that, he loses it and starts begging for it, shoving his ass in Satoru’s face and shaking it just to urge him on.

Satoruuuu, come on.”

And Satoru, instead of obliging him, just smacks his ass once and says -

“Ask for it nicely and Daddy's gonna f*ck you good.’

Suguru wants to roll his eyes at that. He really did create a monster, didn’t he? And Daddy as a pronoun is really kinda silly, but if it's gonna get him f*cked…

“Daddy, please f*ck me.”

“Hmmm. I don’t think that’s whiny enough, you gotta put more bratty baby into it.”

Love makes you do strange things, like call a guy that’s three months older than you daddy just because you really want dick. But even then…

Daddy,” he says, warning in his voice, annoyed.

“Okay, okay, jeez. Don’t need to hiss at me, baby. I got what you need right here,” he says, and slaps his dick heavily against Suguru’s ass, rubs the leaking head of it against his hole.

Suguru wants to turn around properly and argue with him, but Satoru chooses that moment to push inside him, from tip to root in one swift motion, and Suguru can’t do anything other than yell, groan and bury his face in his hands. From then on, his thoughts just get pounded out of his head as Satoru f*cks him.

He falls asleep right after and manages to sleep for an hour or so, before he wakes up in a panicked daze. Satoru’s sleeping next to him, and Suguru’s heart skips a beat when he looks at him, and then he tells himself, “God, I should really just get this over with”.

And yet, what he ends up doing is waking Satoru up with a blow j*b and then riding him.

It’s 6 a.m. when he’s brushing his teeth in front of Satoru’s bathroom mirror when Suguru has a breakthrough. He rinses his mouth out and then runs to Satoru, shakes him awake.

“Satoru, Satoru. Wake up. Wake up, I need to talk to you.”“I’m up, I’m up, is everything okay?” Satoru’s got pillow creases on his face, sleep still heavy on his lashes, obviously confused about what the hell’s happening, “Babe, if everything alright?”

Suguru just nods, and Satoru sighs. Suguru lets him relax into the pillows before announcing,

“I wanted to break up with you.”

Satoru blinks, frowns, and sits up on his elbows.

“Huh? Why? Did I do something?”

“No. Not really. No - you haven’t done anything. Nothing bad. You’re amazing, actually. That’s the problem.”

“I’m amazing, but you want to break up with me?”

Suguru isn’t really well versed in how he’s supposed to have a conversation like this, but at the same time, he knows he has to get everything out there. For better or for worse, whatever happens, happens, all the regular cliches. If not, it's just gonna eat at him.

He takes a deep breathe, steels himself and says -

“Satoru, I love you.”

And the response is automatic -

“I love you too, babe.”

No pause, no thinking, like it’s the most natural thing in the world.

“See - that! That’s why - I mean - Satoruuuu.” He’s so frustrated with this, gritting his teeth and resisting the urge to clam up.

Satoru takes his hands. He’s sitting up in bed, slightly hunched forward, and he kisses Suguru’s palm to ease his nerves.

“Deep breath. It’s okay. You can say whatever you want to say, and take as much time as you need.”

“Satoru, I think you’re gonna end up hurting me really, really badly.”

“I’m not gonna hurt you, Suguru.”

That just makes him snort.

“You can’t promise that, Satoru.”

“Yes, I can.” And with that, Satoru pulls him in his lap, Suguru’s legs on either side of him, hands on his waist. Suguru laces his fingers behind Satoru’s neck, presses their foreheads together and pecks him on the lips.

“You’re so arrogant. No one can promise that sort of sh*t.”

“Well - I can. Can’t stand the thought of someone hurting the person I love.”

Suguru sighs, thumbs the hairs at the nape of his neck. He wants to tell Satoru that he’s afraid he’ll stop loving him. And Suguru knows he’s a difficult person.

“You know, I’m not really easy to love, Satoru-”

“Who told you that?” he asks. He seems upset that he has to ask at all, pouting at Suguru.

“No one told me anything. I just know.”

And Satoru kisses him first, then presses his forehead against Suguru’s. Rubs their nose together.

“That’s so funny, you know? Falling in love with you’s been the easiest thing in the world for me. I think you’re just overthinking it.” He kisses Suguru again, on his lips and his nose and his forehead, combing his fingers through his hair. “Do you still wanna break up?”

God, he never wanted to break up in the first place. Not really.

“No.” Suguru sniffs a little as he answers.

Good,” Satoru grins at him then, and pushes him back onto the bed, “Would be embarrassing if you did, right after I told my mom about you.”


“Oh yeah. I called to ask for the beach house, right? And she was excited, she asked me if I had a new girlfriend to take there, and I said, No, Boyfriend, and then she went quiet for a bit and she asked for pictures of you and then I sent her your instagram. Somehow she seemed much more positive about it after she saw you, I think she thinks you're pretty.” The more Satoru talks, the more horrified Suguru is, “Anyways, she said she wants to meet you.”

A pause.

“And what did you say?”

“Well, of course I want you to meet my mom.” Satoru barely seems to think anything about it, while Suguru already feels himself spiraling into panic mode. “My dad too. But mostly my mom. They’ll love you, I bet, my mom’s really punk, you know.”

Suguru’s first impulse is to panic, but then, as Satoru continues to yap more and more, he finds himself slowly relaxing and settling down into a strange sort of calm, probably born out of inevitability, but also just contentment and peace.

So he’s really serious about a relationship, huh, Suguru thinks, I guess we’ll just see where it leads.

Somehow, he feels oddly and uncharacteristically optimistic about the future. Maybe Satoru’s rubbing off on him.

This Should Have Been A Slow Burn - Chapter 2 - Aamalysstuff - 呪術廻戦 (2024)


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.