University of Groningen Validity of six activity monitors ... · Validity of Six Activity Monitors in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Comparison with Indirect Calorimetry - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • University of Groningen

    Validity of six activity monitors in chronic obstructivepulmonary diseaseVan Remoortel, Hans; Raste, Yogini; Louvaris,Zafeiris; Giavedoni, Santiago; Burtin, Chris;Langer, Daniel;Wilson, Frederick; Rabinovich, Roberto; Vogiatzis, Ioannis;Hopkinson,Nicholas SPublished in:PLoS ONE


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    Citation for published version (APA):Van Remoortel, H., Raste,Y., Louvaris, Z., Giavedoni, S., Burtin, C., Langer, D., ... deJong, C. (2012).Validity of six activity monitors in chronicobstructive pulmonary disease: A comparison withindirectcalorimetry. PLoS ONE, 7(6), [39198]. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0039198

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  • Validity of Six Activity Monitors in ChronicObstructivePulmonary Disease: A Comparison withIndirectCalorimetryHans Van Remoortel1., Yogini Raste2., ZafeirisLouvaris3, Santiago Giavedoni4, Chris Burtin1,

    Daniel Langer1, Frederick Wilson5, Roberto Rabinovich4, IoannisVogiatzis3, Nicholas S. Hopkinson2,

    Thierry Troosters1*, on behalf of PROactive consortium"

    1 Faculty of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences, Departmentof Rehabilitation Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, andRespiratory Division, UZ Gasthuisberg,

    Leuven, Belgium, 2 NIHR Respiratory Biomedical Research Unit atRoyal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust and ImperialCollege, London, United Kingdom,

    3 Thorax Foundation, Research Centre of Intensive and EmergencyThoracic Medicine, and Department of Physical Education and SportsSciences, National and

    Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece, 4 ELEGI ColtLaboratory, Centre for Inflammation Research, University ofEdinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United

    Kingdom, 5 Precision Medicine, Pfizer Worldwide Research andDevelopment, Sandwich, Kent, United Kingdom


    Reduced physical activity is an important feature of ChronicObstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Various activitymonitors areavailable but their validity is poorly established. The aim was toevaluate the validity of six monitors in patientswith COPD. Wehypothesized triaxial monitors to be more valid compared touniaxial monitors. Thirty-nine patients (age6867years, FEV154618%predicted) performed a one-hour standardized activityprotocol. Patients wore 6 monitors (KenzLifecorder (Kenz),Actiwatch, RT3, Actigraph GT3X (Actigraph), Dynaport MiniMod(MiniMod), and SenseWear Armband(SenseWear)) as well as a portablemetabolic system (Oxycon Mobile). Validity was evaluated bycorrelation analysisbetween indirect calorimetry (VO2) and themonitor outputs: Metabolic Equivalent of Task [METs] (SenseWear,MiniMod),activity counts (Actiwatch), vector magnitude units(Actigraph, RT3) and arbitrary units (Kenz) over the whole protocolandslow versus fast walking. Minute-by-minute correlations werehighest for the MiniMod (r = 0.82), Actigraph (r = 0.79),SenseWear(r = 0.73) and RT3 (r = 0.73). Over the whole protocol, the meancorrelations were best for the SenseWear(r = 0.76), Kenz (r =0.52), Actigraph (r = 0.49) and MiniMod (r = 0.45). The MiniMod (r= 0.94) and Actigraph (r = 0.88)performed better in detectingdifferent walking speeds. The Dynaport MiniMod, Actigraph GT3X andSenseWear Armband(all triaxial monitors) are the most validmonitors during standardized physical activities. The DynaportMiniMod andActigraph GT3X discriminate best between differentwalking speeds.

    Citation: Van Remoortel H, Raste Y, Louvaris Z, Giavedoni S,Burtin C, et al. (2012) Validity of Six Activity Monitors inChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: AComparison with IndirectCalorimetry. PLoS ONE 7(6): e39198.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039198

    Editor: Marco Idzko, University Hospital Freiburg, Germany

    Received November 25, 2011; Accepted May 17, 2012; PublishedJune 20, 2012

    Copyright: � 2012 Van Remoortel et al. This is an open-accessarticle distributed under the terms of the Creative CommonsAttribution License, which permitsunrestricted use, distribution,and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author andsource are credited.

    Funding: The Proactive project is funded by the InnovativeMedicines Initiative Joint Undertaking (IMU JU) #115011 andadditional funds at each institute. Thefunders had no role in studydesign, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, orpreparation of the manuscript. Laura Jacobs (Respiratory Division,UZGasthuisberg, Leuven, Belgium) was involved in patientrecruitment and data collection, Y.R. (NIHR Respiratory BiomedicalResearch Unit, Royal Brompton,London, United Kingdom) was involvedin patient recruitment, data collection, data analysis andmanuscript preparation. Both were funded by IMI JU.

    Competing Interests: Frederick Wilson is employed by Pfizer Ltdand holds share options in Pfizer Inc. There are no patents,products in development, ormarketed products to declare. This doesnot alter the authors’ adherence to all the PLoS ONE policies onsharing data and materials.

    * E-mail: [emailprotected]

    . These authors contributed equally to this work.

    " Membership of the PROactive Consortium is provided in theAcknowledgments.


    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic

    disease characterized by poorly reversible airflow limitationand

    destruction of lung parenchyma. However, COPD is now

    recognized as a systemic illness with significantextra-pulmonary

    features such as muscle wasting and weakness [1]. Physical

    inactivity is known to contribute to these extra-pulmonaryfeatures

    [2,3]. A recent systematic literature review showed thatphysical

    activity is reduced in patients with COPD [4].

    Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement producedby

    the contraction of skeletal muscle that increases energyexpendi-

    ture above a basal level [5]. In the general population, lackof

    physical activity is associated with the burden of chronicdisease.

    Similarly, there is increasing evidence that reducedphysical

    activity worsens the prognosis of patients with COPD. Hence,

    inactivity is not only a manifestation of disease severity inCOPD,

    but is intrinsic to disease progression [6].

    Physical activity monitors are frequently used to estimatelevels

    of daily physical activity. These devices use piezoelectricacceler-

    ometers, which measure the body’s acceleration, in one, twoor

    three axes (uniaxial, biaxial or triaxial activity monitors).The

    signal can then be transformed into an estimate of energy

    expenditure using one of a variety of algorithms, or summarizedas

    activity counts or vector magnitude units (reflectingacceleration).

    PLoS ONE | 1 June 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 6 |e39198

  • With the information obtained in the vertical plane orthrough

    pattern recognition, steps or walking time can also be derivedby

    some monitors. The availability of sophisticated physicalactivity

    monitors has made the objective measurement of physicalactivity

    in COPD patients possible in a number of contexts, including

    assessment of the response to pharmacotherapy [7], during

    rehabilitation programmes [8] and during inpatient admission

    [9]. Most of the monitors currently available have beenvalidated

    in healthy subjects, but not necessarily in patients withchronic

    diseases. As such patients are less physically active and movemore

    slowly than healthy subjects [10,11], the validity of thesemonitors

    to detect movement in these patients needs to be evaluated.

    The aim of this study was to validate six physical activity

    monitors in COPD patients, against a gold standard ofindirect

    calorimetry in the form of VO2 data from a portablemetabolic

    system. Since triaxial accelerometers have previously been

    reported to be more effective compared to uniaxialaccelerometers

    [12], we hypothesized that triaxial activity monitors wouldbe

    more valid tools compared to uniaxial activity monitors. Thework

    described here forms part of the EU/IMI-funded PROactive

    project to develop and validate a patient reported outcomefor

    physical activity in COPD (

    Materials and Methods

    Study SubjectsTen patients were recruited in each of the 4centres (Athens,

    Edinburgh, Leuven and London) to give a total number of 40

    patients. All patients were diagnosed with COPD ranging in

    severity from mild to very severe according to the GlobalInitiative

    for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (or GOLD) (stages I toIV)

    [13]. They were clinically stable and free of exacerbations forat

    least 4 weeks prior to the study. Patients were excluded if theyhad

    other co-morbidities which would interfere with theirmovement

    patterns (e.g. arthritis), or if they were on long-term orambulatory

    oxygen therapy, as they could not have supplemental oxygen

    whilst wearing the metabolic equipment. The protocol was

    approved by the ethics committee of each centre; MedicalEthical

    Board of the University Hospitals Leuven (Leuven, Belgium),

    NRES Committee London - Bloomsbury (London, United

    Kingdom), Sotiria Hospital Scientific and Ethics Commitee

    (Athens, Greece) and Lothian Regional Ethics Committee

    (Edinburgh, United Kingdom). Patients provided writteninformed


    Pulmonary Function TestingAll pulmonary function measurementswere performed with

    standardized equipment and according to American Thoracic

    Society and European Respiratory Society guidelines [14].Post-

    bronchodilator spirometry was measured and lung diffusion

    capacity was determined by the single breath carbon monoxide

    gas transfer method (DLCO). All variables are given asabsolute

    values and expressed as percentages of the predictedreference

    values [15,16].

    Six-minute Walking TestFunctional exercise capacity wasdetermined by six minute

    walking distance (6MWD) [17]. Values were related topreviously

    published reference values [18].

    Incremental Exercise TestingA symptom-limited incremental cycleergometer test according

    to the ATS/ACCP statement on cardiopulmonary exercisetesting

    [19], was used to assess the maximal exercise capacity (peakVO2).

    The values of peak oxygen consumption were related topreviously

    described reference values [20].

    COPD-specific Health-related Quality of LifeQuestionnaires

    The St.-George’s Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) provides

    a total score and three component scores for symptoms,activity

    and impacts. Each score ranges from 0 (no impairment) to 100

    (worst possible) [21].

    The COPD Assessment Test (CAT) covers eight items (cough,

    phlegm, chest tightness, breathlessness, going uphills/stairs,

    activity limitations at home, confidence leaving home, sleepand

    energy). Each item is scored from 0 to 5 giving a total scorerange

    from 0 to 40, corresponding to the best and worst health statusin

    patients with COPD, respectively [22].

    The Medical Research Council (MRC) dyspnoea scale rates the

    type and magnitude of dyspnoea according to five grades of

    increasing severity [23].

    Study DesignEach patient wore 6 activity monitors simultaneouslywhich

    were selected as a result of a systematic review of theliterature.

    These were two uniaxial activity monitors [Kenz Lifecorder

    (Kenz), Actiwatch (Actiwatch)], three triaxial activitymonitors

    [RT3, Actigraph GT3X (Actigraph), DynaPort MiniMod (Mini-

    Mod)] and one multisensor activity monitor combining atriaxial

    accelerometer with different sensors [SenseWear Armband(Sense-

    Wear)]. More details about software, type, body location and

    outputs of these monitors can be found in Table 1.

    Patients also wore a portable metabolic system (JaegerOxycon

    Mobile), an oxygen saturation finger probe and a Polar T31

    (Polar) coded transmitter belt for heart rate monitoring.The

    portable metabolic system was attached to the upper chest witha

    harness and due to its low weight (950 g), caused minimal

    discomfort. A face mask with a dead space of ,30 mL (HansRudolphInc, Kansas City MO/USA) was used. Location of

    attachment for the Oxycon Mobile together with the sixactivity

    monitors is shown in Figure 1. A two-point gas calibrationwascompleted prior to each test. Oxygen consumption (VO2),carbon

    dioxide production (VCO2), heart rate, respiratory rate andtidal

    volume were measured continuously. Breath-by-breath measure-

    ments were averaged over one-minute intervals. After the

    experiment, stored data were downloaded from the portable

    metabolic device to a personal computer. VO2 values weredivided

    by participants’ body weight and converted to Metabolic

    Equivalents of Task (METs) [24]. Energy expenditureestimates

    from the portable metabolic system (METs) were used as a

    criterion measure for energy expenditure and were comparedwith

    the following activity monitor outputs: Kenz - arbitrary units(AU);

    Actiwatch - activity counts (AC); Actigraph and RT3 - vector

    magnitude units (VMU); MiniMod and SenseWear - METs.

    Patients were instructed to perform a strict schedule ofactivities

    lasting 59 minutes (Table 2) which were chosen toberepresentative of everyday tasks (such as walking, stairclimbing

    and sweeping the floor) that are reported as problematic byCOPD

    patients [25]. Time was kept with both a stopwatch and alaptop

    computer clock so that activities were completed in wholeminutes.

    Statistical AnalysisMinute-by-minute data from all devices werecompiled for each

    patient in one database and synchronisation was verified by

    inspection of the curves to ensure the best fit between themonitors

    on a patient-by-patient basis. Analyses were carried out asfollows

    Validation of Six Activity Monitors in COPD

    PLoS ONE | 2 June 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 6 |e39198

  • (Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used for allcorrelation


    1. A minute-by-minute correlation between METs from the

    portable metabolic system and each of the activity monitor

    outputs was calculated for every patient. Correlationsbetween

    minute-by-minute VO2 and activity monitor outputs were

    reported as median with interquartile range. AKruskal-Wallis

    test was used to compare results between different activity

    monitors. A median correlation larger than 0.7 was defined a

    priori as representing evidence of validity.

    To investigate whether correlations became weaker with

    decreasing six minute walking distance (i.e. slower overall

    walking speed), and therefore if a monitor’s performance

    worsened as patients moved more slowly, the relationship

    between these minute-by-minute correlations and the six-

    minute walking distance (6 MWD) was tested. Correlation

    coefficients (minute-by-minute) in patients with mild to

    moderate COPD (GOLD I/II) were compared to those with

    severe to very severe COPD (GOLD III/IV).

    2. The mean METs level for the 59 minutes was calculated and

    correlated to the mean activity monitor output over thisperiod.

    A statistically significant relationship was judged a priorias

    indicative of validity.

    3. The response of monitors to slow and fast walking wasassessed

    by evaluating the correlation between changes in METs and

    changes in activity monitor outputs at the different speeds.For

    this analysis the first minute of each walking phase was

    excluded; stronger correlations were taken to indicategreater

    validity. A sub-analysis included the response to inclinedversus

    flat treadmill walking in triaxial compared to uniaxialmonitors

    (paired t-test). Bland regression analyses [26] wereperformed

    to test the agreement between indirect calorimetry (METs)and

    the activity monitor outputs. The 95% prediction limits ofthe

    METs at the mean (of the different activity monitor outputs)

    were calculated.

    4. To investigate the total variance potentially explained bythe

    most valid monitor(s), their output information was inserted

    into different linear regression models to investigate thetotal

    (R2) and partial variance (pR2) in mean VO2 explained byeach

    activity monitor.

    Statistical analyses were performed with SAS software(version

    9.2). A p-value ,0.05 was considered to be statisticallysignificant.Figure construction was performed with GraphPad PrismVersion



    Patient characteristics are listed in Table 3. One patientwasexcluded from the analysis due to a technical problem withthe

    collection of breath-by-breath data, leaving 39 patients in thefinal

    analysis. Due to technical problems, data collected from theRT3

    in one centre could not be used, leaving 29 patients with RT3in

    the final analysis. None of the included patients reported

    significant co-morbidities and all had normal exerciseelectrocar-


    An example of one patient’s data is provided Figure S1. ThemeanVO2 for all activities during the experiment was

    8.561.5 ml*min21*kg21 which corresponded to a moderateintensityof activity (i.e. approximately 50% of VO2peak).

    Minute-by-minute correlations between metabolic cost (METs)

    and activity monitor output are shown in Figure 2.Strongcorrelations (R.0.7 [interquartile range, IQR]) were foundwiththe MiniMod (0.82 [IQR 0.72 to 0.85]), Actigraph (0.79 [IQR

    0.74 to 0.85]), SenseWear (0.73 [IQR 0.63 to 0.81]) and RT3

    (0.73 [IQR 0.64 to 0.79]) compared to the Actiwatch (0.53[IQR

    0.41 to 0.62]) and Kenz (0.57 [IQR 0.39 to 0.65]). Thisdifference

    was also statistically significant (p,0.05).These individualminute-by-minute correlations [95% confi-

    dence interval (95% CI)] were moderately but significantlyrelated

    to the 6MWD for the Actiwatch (r = 0.60 [95% CI 0.35–0.77]),

    MiniMod (r = 0.51 [95% CI 0.23–0.71]), SenseWear (r = 0.48

    [95% CI 0.19–0.69]) and Actigraph (r = 0.47 [95% CI 0.18–

    0.69]). No differences were observed for minute-by-minute

    correlations in mild to moderate COPD (GOLD I/II) compared

    to severe and very severe COPD (GOLD III/IV) as showed in

    Table 4.

    The mean correlation between metabolic cost (METs) and

    activity monitor outputs over the whole protocol was, fromhighest

    Table 1. Details of type, location and output of the sixactivity monitors.

    Name, Manufacturer (software) Type Location Measured outputEstimated output

    Kenz Lifecorder Plus Suzuken CoLtd., Nagoya, Japan (PhysicalActivityAnalysis Software)

    Uniaxial accelerometer Waist (left) Steps, activity score EE,activity intensity level

    Actiwatch, MiniMitterCo,Sunriver,OR, USA (Respironics Actiware5)

    Uniaxial accelerometer Wrist (left) AC

    RT3, Stayhealthy Inc. Monrovia, CA,USA (Stayhealthy RT3 AssistVersion1.0.7)

    Triaxial accelerometer Waist (right) AC, VMU EE

    Actigraph GT3X, Actigraph LLCPensacola, FL (Actilife 5)

    Triaxial accelerometer Waist (right) Steps, AC EE, activityintensity level

    DynaPortH MiniMod, McRoberts BV,The Hague, The Netherlands

    Triaxial accelerometer Waist (lower back) Steps, movementIntensity,different body positions


    SenseWear Armband, Bodymedia,Pittsburgh, PA, USA(SenseWearProfessional 6.0)

    Multisensor device: triaxialaccelerometer + sensors (heatflux,galvanic skin response andskin temperature)

    Upper left arm at triceps Steps, activity intensity level EE

    AC; activity counts, VMU: vector magnitude unit, EE; energyexpenditure.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039198.t001

    Validation of Six Activity Monitors in COPD

    PLoS ONE | 3 June 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 6 |e39198

  • to lowest; SenseWear (r = 0.76 [95% confidence interval (95%CI)

    0.54–0.91]), Kenz (r = 0.52 [95% CI 0.27–0.73]), Actigraph

    (r = 0.49 [95% CI 0.28–0.64]), MiniMod (r = 0.45 [95% CI

    0.21–0.61]), Actiwatch (r = 0.37 [95% CI 0.17–0.56]), allp,0.05and RT3 (r = 0.35 [95% CI 20.04–0.48], p = 0.06) (Figure3).

    Patients changed their walking speed by 1.31 km/h from the

    slow (3.2760.47 km/h) to the fast (4.6561.28 km/h) walking

    phase. As expected, the change in walking speed correlatedwith

    the change in VO2 determined by the metabolic equipment

    (r = 0.65) and rose from 3.1160.74 METs to 3.9361.23 METs.Allmonitors detected this increase in energy expenditure during

    fast walking compared to slow walking via their outputs. The

    highest correlations were reported for the MiniMod (r = 0.94[95%

    confidence interval (CI) 0.89–0.97]) and Actigraph (r = 0.88[95%

    Figure 1. Location of attachment for the Oxycon Mobile and thesix activity monitors.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039198.g001

    Validation of Six Activity Monitors in COPD

    PLoS ONE | 4 June 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 6 |e39198

  • CI 0.77–0.93]) compared to the RT3 (r = 0.69 [95% CI 0.42–

    0.85]), Actiwatch (r = 0.59 [95% CI 0.34–0.76]), Kenz (r =0.57

    [95% CI 0.31–0.76]) and SenseWear (r = 0.52 [95% CI 0.25–

    0.72]), all p,0.0001. As one would expect, walking on aninclineon the treadmill (3.9260.92 METs) expended more energythanwalking on the flat (3.4860.75 METs), as measured byindirectcalorimetry (p,0.0001), but no differences between thetwoactivities were detected by any of the activity monitors (Figure4).

    Bland regression analyses demonstrated significantrelationships

    (p,0.05) between METs derived from indirect calorimetry andthedifferent activity monitor outputs, except for the RT3

    (p = 0.06) (Figure 5). The 95% limits of prediction forMETs(derived from indirect calorimetry) at the mean (3.59 METs)were

    from lowest to highest: 61.13 METs (SenseWear), 61.15METs(Actigraph), 61.17 METs (MiniMod), 61.25 METs (Actiwatch),61.28METs (Kenz) and 61.41 METs (RT3).

    The Sensewear, Actigraph and MiniMod monitors together

    explained 62% of the variance in mean VO2. Partial variancesby

    different sequences of activity monitors are presented in Table5.Most variance in mean VO2 was explained by the SenseWear

    (58%) compared to the Actigraph (24%) and the MiniMod (21%).

    Little variance in mean VO2 was explained over and above the

    SenseWear, when it was introduced into the regression modelfirst.

    In fact, introduction of the SenseWear further improved

    prediction models from other monitors (range 34 to 41%)

    compared to Actigraph (range 0 to 7%) and MiniMod (range 3

    to 4%).


    The validity of six commercially available activity monitorswas

    investigated by comparing activity monitor outputs for each

    monitor to actual VO2 measured with indirect calorimetry.

    Triaxial activity monitors were judged to be more validcompared

    to uniaxial activity monitors according to a number ofpre-defined

    criteria. Correlations between minute-by-minute outputs andVO2were the highest with the Dynaport MiniMod, Actigraph GT3X,

    SenseWear Armband and RT3, all exceeding the a priorithreshold

    of 0.7. Similarly the average monitor output over the 59minute

    assessment was related to the average VO2 with the best

    correlations reported for three triaxial activity monitors(Sense-

    Wear Armband (r = 0.76), Actigraph GT3X (r = 0.49) and

    Dynaport MiniMod (r = 0.45)) and one uniaxial activitymonitor

    (Kenz Lifecorder (r = 0.52)). All monitors were able todetect

    modest changes in walking speed but two triaxial activitymonitors

    had the strongest correlations (MiniMod (r = 0.94) andSenseWear

    (r = 0.88)). Walking on an incline was more intense comparedto

    flat walking when assessed with indirect calorimetry but no

    differences were detected by any of the monitors. Allactivity

    monitor outputs showed similar variability in predictingenergy

    expenditure. The 95% prediction limits for mean METs

    (3.59 METs) varied between 61.13 METs (SenseWear) and61.41 METs,(RT3). This implies that, from a clinical perspec-

    Table 2. Schedule of physical activities in thestandardizedprotocol.

    Activity Duration (minutes)

    Standing 1

    Lying 3

    Sitting 2

    Standing 2

    Slow walk* 6

    Sitting 2

    Standing 2

    Fast walk* 6

    Sitting 2

    Standing 2

    Sweeping 2

    Sitting 2

    Standing 2

    Lifting 2

    Sitting 2

    Walking/standing 1

    Stairs 1

    Sitting 5

    Walking/standing 1

    Walking on treadmill (flat)** 4

    Standing 2

    Walking on treadmill (4% incline)** 4

    Walking/standing 1

    Sitting 2

    *These walking activities were performed in a 30 m corridor.Speeds were self-selected. During fast walking, patients wereinstructed to walk as fast aspossible.**Participants walked at 85%of their fast walking speed, first on the flat andthen at anincline of 4%. Participants were instructed not to support theirarmsduring treadmillwalking.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039198.t002

    Table 3. Characteristics of the 39 patients.

    Variable COPD patients (n = 39)

    Age (years) 67.967.4

    Gender (male/female, n) 25/14

    FEV1 (L) 1.4360.60

    FEV1 (%predicted) 54618

    FVC (L) 2.9760.85

    FVC (%predicted) 90616

    GOLD stage I/II/III/IV (n) 4/18/14/3

    BMI 26.265.2

    6 MWD (m) 4386115

    6 MWD (%predicted) 70618

    VO2peak (ml*min21*kg21) 16.965.5

    VO2peak (%predicted) 79631

    MRC 2.660.7

    CAT 1568


    Total Score 42618

    Activities 60624

    Impacts 30617

    Symptoms 44623

    Data are expressed as mean 6 std. FEV1; forced expiratory volumein 1 s, FVC;forced vital capacity, 6 MWD; six-minute walkingdistance, MRC; MedicalResearch Council, CAT; COPD Assessment Test,SGRQ; St George’sRespiratoryQuestionnaire.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039198.t003

    Validation of Six Activity Monitors in COPD

    PLoS ONE | 5 June 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 6 |e39198

  • tive, predicting oxygen consumption directly from differentactivity

    monitor outputs is not accurate. However, when patientsengage

    in activity, monitors are highly capable of detecting theincrease in

    physical activity levels within a range of 1 to 1.5 METs.

    This is the first multi-center trial where several activitymonitors

    have been validated against VO2 in different stages of COPD.

    Until now, only the Dynaport MiniMod and SenseWear Armband

    had been validated against VO2 in patients with COPD. Inthese

    devices, similar correlation coefficients were previouslyreported

    between activity monitor outputs and total energyexpenditure

    (r = 0.75 and r = 0.93 for the SenseWear Armband [27,28], r =0.7

    for the Dynaport Minimod [27]). During a set of 5 dailyactivities,

    a high level of agreement between SenseWear Armband

    (22.767 kcal) and indirect calorimetry (21.067.9 kcal)wasobserved [29]. In a similar protocol, a fair agreementbetween

    energy expenditure estimate from the SenseWear Armband and

    energy expenditure measure from indirect calorimetry was

    reported (mean difference of 20.2 METs with a limit ofa*greementof 1.3 METs) [30].

    In the present study, validity was assessed usingcorrelation

    analysis rather than a measure of agreement (e.g. Bland andAltman

    analysis), as most of the activity monitor outputs are indifferent

    units (activity counts, vector magnitude units, etc.) to eachother,

    and to the VO2 data. It is not possible to convert all monitoroutputs

    to energy expenditure. Several prediction equations areavailable to

    convert some outcomes (e.g. VMU) to energy expenditure and

    energy expenditure can also be derived from the VO2 data fordirect

    comparison. However, whilst the prediction equations used bythe

    Actigraph (7164 model and GT1M), Actiwatch, Kenz and RT3 are

    publicly available, [31,32,33,34], the SenseWear and MiniModuse

    proprietary algorithms developed by the devicemanufacturers.

    Moreover, the goal of the study was to assess the validity ofthe

    devices rather than their prediction equations. Therefore,compar-

    ing the raw data from the activity monitor with the VO2(derived

    from the portable metabolic kit) by using correlation analysiswas

    the most appropriate statistical approach.

    In addition, energy expenditure is driven to a large extent bya

    number of other factors. Whilst specific factors such asbody

    weight, age, and height can be incorporated into prediction

    equations, it is more difficult to include non-specific factorssuch as

    mechanical efficiency, especially in patients with COPD.Patients

    with COPD have a larger active energy expenditure [35] even

    though it is well recognized that they are moving less. Thisis

    consistent with findings of reduced mechanical efficiency inthese

    patients compared to healthy controls [36,37]. An activitymonitor

    cannot be expected to incorporate such a complex change inan

    estimate of energy expenditure, so perhaps greater weightshould

    be placed upon direct monitor outputs (steps, activitycounts,

    vector magnitude units, etc.). In essence, this means thatactivity

    monitors are most appropriately used for the assessment ofthe

    activities of patients in terms of amount and/or intensity andit

    should be acknowledged that the derivation of energyexpenditure

    is imperfect. Therefore, the use of derived energy expenditureis

    also not appropriate when assessing monitor performance.

    Figure 2. Minute-by-minute correlations (R) between activitymonitor outputs and metabolic equivalents of task (METs) perpatient(white dots). MM; MiniMod, AG; Actigraph, SW; SenseWear, AW;Actiwatch, VMU; vector magnitude unit, AC, activity count, AU;arbitrary unit.Dotted line corresponds to a correlation of 0.7,defined a priori as supporting monitor validity. Median(interquartile range) correlation for eachactivity monitor isreflected by cross bars,*p,0.05.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039198.g002

    Table 4. Minute-by-minute correlations betweenindirectcalorimetry (METs) and activity monitor output in mildtomoderate COPD (GOLD I/II) and severe to very severe COPD(GOLDIII/IV).

    Activity monitor output GOLD I/II (n = 22) GOLD III/IV (n =17)

    MiniMod (METs) 0.82 [0.81–0.86] 0.77 [0.68–0.83]

    SenseWear (METs) 0.78 [0.68–0.83] 0.65 [0.59–0.75]

    Actigraph (VMUs) 0.81 [0.74–0.86] 0.77 [0.74–0.83]

    ActiWatch (Activity counts) 0.58 [0.46–0.64] 0.45[0.28–0.53]

    RT3 (VMUs) 0.69 [0.34–0.78] 0.76 [0.64–0.79]

    Kenz (Arbitrary units) 0.54 [0.42–0.64] 0.59 [0.38–0.65]

    Data are expressed as median [interquartile range]. METs;Metabolic Equivalentsof Task, VMUs; Vector MagnitudeUnits.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039198.t004

    Validation of Six Activity Monitors in COPD

    PLoS ONE | 6 June 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 6 |e39198

  • The ability of an activity monitor to pick up a differencein

    walking speed of 1.31 km/hr is clinically relevant. Patientswith

    COPD do walk more slowly than healthy subjects, which is

    reflected, for example, by their reduced six minute walking

    distance [38,39]. In our study, all monitors were able todetect

    these modest changes in walking speed.

    A limitation of this study was that inter- and intra-device

    reliability of the different activity monitors was notevaluated.

    This is important when physical activity levels of patientsare

    followed over time. Several studies have shown moderate tohigh

    inter-device reliability (intra-class correlation coefficient(rICC) = 0.99

    for the Actigraph Model 7164 [40], rICC = 0.95 for the Kenz

    Figure 3. Relation between the activity monitor outputs andindirect calorimetry (METs). Data points represent mean values overthewhole protocol. MM; MiniMod, AG; Actigraph, SW; SenseWear, AW;Actiwatch, VMU; vector magnitude unit, AC; activity count, AU;arbitrary unit.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039198.g003

    Validation of Six Activity Monitors in COPD

    PLoS ONE | 7 June 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 6 |e39198

  • Lifecorder [41] and rICC = 0.75 for the RT3 [42]) as well asintra-

    device reliability (rICC = 0.98 for the Actiwatch [43], rICC =0.97 for

    the SenseWear Armband [44] and rICC = 0.86–0.99 for theDynaport

    Minimod [45]). Besides the concepts of validity and reliability,other

    factors like size and scope of the study, usability and cost ofthe activity

    monitor need to be taken into consideration when selectingan

    activity monitor for use in clinical trials.

    The validation of these activity monitors in a laboratorysetting

    (validation against VO2) can be considered as an important stepin

    ascertaining their validity. An essential next step will be toconfirm

    their validity in a field setting.

    In conclusion, this study found that three triaxial activity

    monitors (Dynaport MiniMod, Actigraph GT3X and SenseWear

    Armband) were the best monitors to assess standardized and

    common physical activities in the range of intensity relevantto

    Figure 4. METs (derived from indirect calorimetry (IC)) anddifferent activity monitor outputs during flat and inclined walkingon atreadmill (both at the same speed (85% of their fastest walkingspeed during 6 MWT). MM; MiniMod, SW; SenseWear, AG; Actigraph,AW;Actiwatch. Symbols represent the mean, error bars the standarderror of the mean.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039198.g004

    Validation of Six Activity Monitors in COPD

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  • Figure 5. Bland regression analysis between METs derived fromindirect calorimetry (IC) and different activity monitoroutputs.Solid lines represent regression lines, dotted linesrepresent 95% limits ofprediction.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039198.g005

    Validation of Six Activity Monitors in COPD

    PLoS ONE | 9 June 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 6 |e39198

  • patients with COPD. Changes in walking speed are most

    accurately registered by the Dynaport MiniMod and Actigraph,

    which are both devices that are worn on the hip. This shouldguide

    users in choosing valid activity monitors for research or forclinical

    use in patients with chronic diseases such as COPD.

    Supporting Information

    Figure S1 Example of one patient’s experiment; data ofthe OxyconMobile (VO2 (METs)) and the differentactivity monitoroutputs.(TIF)


    The authors would like to acknowledge the members of thePROactive

    consortium for the outstanding contribution to this work.

    PROactive consortium: Chiesi Farmaceutici S.A.: CaterinaBrindicci,

    Tim Higenbottam; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven: ThierryTroosters,

    Fabienne Dobbels; Glaxo Smith Kline: Margaret X. Tabberer;University

    of Edinburgh, Old College South Bridge: Roberto A Rabinovich,William

    McNee; Thorax Research Foundation, Athens: Ioannis Vogiatzis;Royal

    Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust: Michael Polkey,Nick

    Hopkinson; Municipal Institute of Medical Research, Barcelona:Judith

    Garcia-Aymerich; Universität Zürich, Zürich: Milo Puhan, AnjaFrei;

    University Medical Center, Groningen: Thys van der Molen, CorinaDe

    Jong; Netherlands Asthma Foundation, Leusden: Pim de Boer;British

    Lung Foundation, UK: Ian Jarrod; Choice Healthcare Solution, UK:Paul

    McBride; European Respiratory Society, Lausanne: Nadia Kamel;Pfizer:

    Katja Rudell, Frederick J. Wilson; Almirall: Nathalie Ivanoff;Novartis:

    Karoly Kulich, Alistair Glendenning; AstraZeneca AB: Niklas X.Karlsson,

    Solange Corriol-Rohou; UCB: Enkeleida Nikai; BoehringerIngelheim:

    Damijen Erzen.

    C.B. is a doctoral fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders.D.L. is a

    post doctoral fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders.

    N.S.H. is supported by the NIHR Respiratory BiomedicalResearch

    Unit at Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trustand

    Imperial College, London, United Kingdom.

    Author Contributions

    Conceived and designed the experiments: TT. Performed theexperiments:

    HVR YR ZL SG CB DL FW RR IV NSH TT. Analyzed the data: HVR

    YR ZL SG CB DL FW RR IV NSH TT. Wrote the paper: HVR YR.


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    Validation of Six Activity Monitors in COPD

    PLoS ONE | 11 June 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 6 |e39198

University of Groningen Validity of six activity monitors ... · Validity of Six Activity Monitors in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Comparison with Indirect Calorimetry - [PDF Document] (2024)


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