Great Falls Tribune from Great Falls, Montana (2024)

2 Great Falls Tribune Thursday, Aut 16, 1979 in the nation, the world XZ. 1 1 A- V. jr -0 1 1 4 -A SI wr -w iJL'ft VvV Ivi sv 2. 'HS- Beef prices drop 12 cents a pound DENVER (AP) The average national price of five cuts of beef has slipped 12 cents a pound to $2.30 since July, according to a survey of 19 cities by the National Cattlemen's Association. In Denver, the average price fell 14 cents per pound, from $2.10 per pound July 12 to $1.96 per pound late last week, when the survey was conducted.

Nationwide, the survey showed that the average price of the five cuts of beef was $2.30 per pound, compared with per pound on July 12. In May, the average prices of the five beef cuts was $2.48 per pound. The five cuts of beef surveyed were T-bone steak, chuck roast, ground beef, round steak and sirloin steak. Counterfeit money ring busted WASHINGTON (AP) Authorities have seized $10 million In partially completed counterfeit $30 and $100 bills to break up one of the largest bogus money operations in U.S. history, Secret Service director H.S.

Knight announced today. Knight said the money was seized during a raid on a "counterfeit manufacturing plant" in Las Vegas, on Tuesday. Severe world unemployment seen WASHINGTON (AP) The labor force in developing nations will expand by 550 million people in the next 20 years, creating unprecedented problems in light of chronic poverty and severe underemployment, the World Bank said Wednesday. "The scale of the task of expanding productive employment and income opportunities cannot be overdrama-tized," the World Bank said in its 1979 World Development report. The report said by the year 2000, 40 cities in developing nations will have more than 5 million inhabitants, compared with only a dozen in industrialized countries.

Mexico City may have 30 million residents. Deaf person to serve on jury SEATTLE (AP) Saying he hoped to "pave the way for others," John G. O'Brien has been sworn in as one of. the first deaf persons to serve on a jury in a criminal case in the United Slates. O'Brien, 68, of Bellevue, was sworn in Tuesday by Judge Peter K.

Steere to sit in the case of a 22-year-old man charged with selling marijuana to an. undercover police officer. "If you are called to serve as a juror in this case, is there anything that would prevent you from being a fair and impartial Juror?" asked Deputy Prosecutor James A. Trujillo. "Do you think there would be a problem in hearing all of the evidence you?" O'Brien as the questions were translated into sign language by Pamela Seaman.

Both times he responded, "No." Firefigliters continue Idaho battle BOISE, Idaho (AP) Firefighters with pack mules worked thtr way into steep c'aAyons of the Idaho Primitive Area fif the first time Wednesday to build fire lines in the battle against the Mortar Creek forest fire. About aq inch of rain had fallen on the fire since Sunday, "giving us the lull we needed to build fire lines where we couldn't go before" because of the raging flames, said National Forest Service spokesman Dale Dufour. Before the rain came, officials dared not send firefighters downwind of the blaze. That meant nothing could be Texas coastline and portions of the Louisiana coast. A 15-foot-wide swath of oil washed up on a five-mile stretch of Padre Island National Seashore Park on Wednesday, covering about 80 percent of the beach.

Countless patches of oil are drifting several miles offshore in strong northerly currents. The largest of those patches is 37 miles long and two miles wide and is 35 miles southeast of Corpus Christi. (AP Photo) OOZING THROUGH CRUDE A tourist found walking on the beach at Mustang Island just south of Port Aransas, Texas, to be a very dirty business Wednesday morning as oil from a runaway Mexican oil well washed ashore. Huge slicks drifted offshore and miles of white Texas beaches were blanketed with oil Wednesday as leaders of the 3-week-old battle against the world's worst oil spill were starting to worry about the entire 367-mile-long done to check steady spread of the fire through heavy timber along the middle fork of the Salmon River, about 80 miles north of Boise. Cosmonauts walk in space MOSCOW (AP) Two Soviet cosmonauts made a successful space walk Wednesday to free a tangled 30-foot antenna on their space capsule, Soviet television reported.

The space walk took one hour and 23 minutes. Vladimir Lyakhov and Valery Ryumln made the walk outside the Salyut 6 space station, In which the record-breaking pair have been orbiting the earth for 171 days. Television reported that their walk came "near the end of their flight." The Soviets have reported previously that the two would come down to Earth soon. Dank to raise prime lending rate NEW YORK (AP) Chase Manhattan Bank will raise Its prime lending rate from 11 percent to 12 percent on Thursday, matching the record high rate for loans to banks' most creditworthy corporate borrowers. The quarter-point boost announced Wednesday by Chase, the nation's third-largest commercial bank, indicates that credit-tightening moves by the Federal Reserve Board are taking effect.

The higher prime rate reflects strong demand for business loans and higher costs that banks are encountering in acquiring funds they lend to borrowers. Analysts said other banks can be expected to Join in the move to a 12 percent prime, a level reached only once before, in 1974, since the prime rate was introduced in the 1930s. Food stamp program gets reprieve WASHINGTON (AP) Faced with a possible September shutdown of the food stamp program, President Carter raised the spending limit for the federal assistance program Wednesday by $621 million. The president signed into law a bill permitting the increase which boosts the total cost of the program for the current fiscal year to about $7.1 billion. In a statement released by the White House, Carter said raising the spending limit would "avoid closing the program down entirely for the month of September." The cost had threatened to rise above the ceiling im-.

posed by Congress because of rising food prices and rising numbers of beneficiaries. The program now benefits about six million American families. Transportation secretary sworn in PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) Neil Goldschmidt was sworn in Wednesday as Interim U.S. secretary of transportation in a brief ceremony in the city where he has been mayor since 1972.

Goldschmidt, 39, broke into a grin and hugged his wife Margie after taking the oath of office from Oregon Supreme Court Justice Hans Linde. Goldschmidt, a Democrat, was nominated by President Carter to become transportation secretary after Brock Adams resigned In the recent Cabinet shake-up. $1 million in art recovered BOSTON (AP) Police said Wednesday that they had recovered more than $1 million worth of stolen art objects, including paintings by the Dutch masters Rembrandt and Pieter Breughel. Rembrandt's "Portrait of a Lady" and Breughel's "The Harvest" were among six paintings and two Chinese Ming dynasty vases believed stolen in the burglary of a Cohasset home a year ago, police said. Young Continued from page 1 one of its most competent and ablest civil servants.

"There are a lot of questions that need to be answered. One of them is whether Andy was the fall guy," Jackson said. But Young's resignation had been demanded earlier in the day by Rabbi Joseph P. Sternstein of the American Zionist Federation and by Bertram Gold, executive vice president of the American Jewish Committee. Meanwhile, James Zogby, director of the Washington-based Palestine Human Rights Commission, accused the Carter administration of being "cowardly" in its handling of the issue.

"That a PLO representative is so taboo, so frightening that our ambassador could not even speak to him, is shocking and an example of how impossible it is for a U.S. administration to deal rationally and forthrightly with the Israeli-Palestinian dispute." Zogby said. Austrian capital last month. At the meeting, spokesman Thomas Reston said. Wolf explained to Isa Sartawi, the PLO official, that U.S.

policy bars negotiations with his organization. Reston said Wolf also had two "chance encounters" of a purely social nature with Sartawi, one of them aboard an airplane and that Wolfe subsequently returned to Washington and reported all three meetings to department officials. He was not rebuked. The New York incident had touched off calls for Young's removal. They came from Senate Majority Leader Robert C.

Byrd, D-W. and Republican presidential candidates Bob Dole and George Bush, Black leaders rallied to the support of the embattled ambassador. In Norfolk, where the Southern Christian Leadership Conference was meeting, the Rev. Jesse Jackson said, "I think the country has Just lost "was a courageous and selfless act." According to State Department officials, Young was not authorized to talk to Terzi, did not report the meeting until last Saturday and then Incorrectly described it as a purely social encounter. Young had conceded Tuesday that he did not exactly tell the truth in giving his account of the meeting with Terzi, but also maintained he acted in the best interests of the United States.

At the meeting, held at the home of Abdala Yaccoub Bishara, the Kuwaiti ambassador, Young and Terzi discussed postponing Security Council consideration of the Palestinian issue. The Carter administration has acknowledged exploring the PLO's attitude toward Israel to see if it is willing to accept the Jewish state's right to exist. That could lead to U.S. negotiations with the PLO. But administration officials have insisted that all such Inquiries are conducted through Arab and other intermediaries.

Even as Young was summoned from New York, the State Department acknowledged that Milton Wolf, the U.S. ambassador to Vienna, met directly with a PLO official in the Employees Continued from page 1 courage people to protest when lines in the motor vehicle department grow longer because of staff reductions. At a meeting of his staff late Wednesday, he gave notice to five of his employ- 66S. O'Connell questioned the commissioners' cuts. "Where is all the itrrTrmn started the fiscal year July 1 with less unexpended funds from last year.

Over the last four years, the budget has been coming closer to even at the end of the year, eating up close to $1 million in reserves. Wages and fringe benefits, commissioners said, are up drastically this year. In addition to negotiated wages, which Horn tried to limit to about a 7 percent increase in his contract negotiations, increased insurance coverage is expected to cost an extra $84,000 and there will be higher unemployment and Social Security costs. Unemployment insurance alone jumped from .04 to .09 percent. money going? They're levying more mills this year than last year (hitting the maximum in nearly every area) and they're still cutting." County Attorney J.

Fred Bourdeau said in the 20 years he's been in county work, this is the most extreme budgeting session he's seen. But, he added, he sees reasons for it. Inflation, coupled with a mill value decline and increased tax delinquency and protests, account for a lot of it, he said. Although revenue projections aren't complete, commissioners also expect non-tax revenue to be down somewhat. They also poini out that they Great Falls Tribune (USPS 227-300) Ettoblished Ma 14, IMS Published every morning bv Great Falls Tribune Company.

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Great Falls Tribune from Great Falls, Montana (2024)


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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