The Marshall News Messenger from Marshall, Texas (2024)

us a 1a will A PACE TWO TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1942 Mrs. Thorpe Dreschel Is Entertained Marshall Marshall Mrs. C. T. Parrish entertained Monday evening in her home at 106 South College complimenting Mrs.

Thorpe Dreschel, employe of Ford, Bacon and Davis al the Longhorn Ordnance Plant, who will leave Friday to join her husband in New Orleans. The honoree was presented with gift the group and refreshmenta were served by the hostess. Guests included Misses Martha Johnson, Frances Cromer, Lois Petter and Mmes. Howard Crouse and A Sheley Cleveland Heard Feted at Party, Farewell Supper Cie. eland Heard, this week for the Juble fie and Mr.

Lee son enter with a chop suppe: and tummy party Monday night the home of Mr. and MIs Gr. on University Drive A patriotic motif was carried out In the decorations The table laid with a white linen cloth with center piece of red. white and blue flow beating three flags P'laces marker by indridual flags bearing names of the guests. Mr.

Frank Summer hin and Mrs James Van were winners of the rummy games and were presented with savings stamps. The honoree presented each member of the party with xood luck token, an Indian Head penny from his collection. Guests were Mr. and Mrs Frank Summerhn, and MIs Jimmie Daily, Mr. and Mre James Van Norden, Mr and Mrs.

Cleveland, Heard, Juble Griff tr, Lee son and the hostesses Social Calendar Tuesday Ladies' Day at country club for entertainment will tire netude Mmex Bobby Roshorough, F. G. Hill and W. L. Munden.

Marshall Medical Auxiliary will meet in the lake home of Mrs Frank Littlejohn for a noon luncheon and business meeting. Wednesday Marshall Music club meets at 3 p. m. with Mrs. Crimm on Shreveport road with Mrs.

ThomAS George as co-hostess. Woman's club at Mrs S. P. Jones lodge on Caddo lake for an all-dav meeting. Sesame club at 3 at Womall building Mra.

Vernon Doctorman will be in charge of program for Music Week. Thursday Marshall chapter OES at 8 p. m. at Masonic hall. Areme club meets at 8 p.

m. in home of Mrs Louis Davis, 602 North Washington The -Euzehan class of the First Baptist church will have a busimeeting and social In the home of Mrs. Turner. Harper D. at 3 o'clock Co-hostesses will be Mrs.

Hugh Hollis and Mrs. F. N. Power. Friday The Ladies Austhary I A of M.

will meet at 7 30 in the base. ment of St. Joseph's rectory. Mrs. McLean Is Hostess to First Christian Council Mrs C.

A. McLean WAR hostess to members of the Woman's Counal of the First Christian church Monday aftern: on at the Colonial Tea room. Earl Mons conducted the program, talking on "Christ, the Ultimate An- ver. Mire. C.

Pugh was also on the program. Twenty -four members and one guest were present Following the program and meeting. A salad piate was served by the hostess. Marbles Scarce, Play for Keeps WINNIPEG (A) War has finally hit the school yards and back lots. Winnipeg importers of agates and CIASS allies.

which come from Germany and Japan, have not brought in stocks for more than a year and with the stocks exhausted Junior, will have to get along on last year's winnings. Theoretically, dealers said, the number of marbles in circulation should remain more or less consistent Merely changing nands like racetrack money. One 10-vear-old marble shark admitted having about 500. This, he claimed, was not hoarding. just a case of good marksmanship last year.

One Good Reason For Cuffless Pants BRISAOW, Okla. (P) Lew Nichols says cuffless pants have at least one good point. Fellows who tell their wives they are out to lodge or a board meeting cannot be embarrassed the next morning when a red poker chip falls out of the cuff as the pants are being dusted. NOT PARKING 1 Al rel West Coast Party Actress Marion Davies, uniformed as a medical battalion captain, attended California State Guard military ball in Hollywood. At left is publisher Wm.

Randolph Hearst, Wesley Methodist W. S. C. S. Begins New Study Book The new study book was introduced at a meeting of the Wesley Methodist Woman's Society of Christian Service Monday afternoon at the church by Mrs.

Russell Harris, chairman of the local church activities and social relations. Those taking part on the program were Mmes. George Singleton. J. Aiken, E.

Ashby, C. Arnold and Fred Lowery, The study book, "Growing Together in the took up the place of the children in the church, the work of the W.S.C.S, through home in 10 strategic places in the United States, Alaska and Honolulu, The work in the schools, with the Indians, and Mexicans were discussed Negroes the ministry of healing through the hospitals in Alaska, Santo Domingo, on the Mexican border, in Washington and Boston. Community work and social work was stressed by speakers who announced that the church "must attack the evils that exist in the social order in labor, capital, industry, and races." After the program the society attended a special meeting at the church. Mrs. Van Norden Compliments C.

Heard With Party Mrs. James Van Norden entertained with a rummy party Saturday night honoring Cleveland Heard who will leave for the army this week. Cut roses decorated the home and the honoree was presented a gift from the guests. Rummy prizes were won by Juble Griffis and Lee Jackson and refreshments were served after the games to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs.

Lee Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Summerlin, Mrs. Jimmie Daily. Mrs.

Cleveland Heard, Mr. and Mrs. Juble Griffis, James Van Norden and the honoree and hostess. Daughters Of Confederacy To Attend Convention Members of the Marshall chapter of United Daughters of the Confederacy will attend the Eighth Division Convention at Kilgore Wednesday. Those attending will be Mmes.

G. K. Miller, J. J. Jones, Dan Scott, Cory, Sybil Nelson.

Jack Allen, Fred Heidelberg, Maud Friend. A. G. Hooker, J. D.

Hardin, W. W. Whatley and Miss Allie Wadlington. Mr. and Mrs.

W. L. Finigan Feted At Housewarming B. and P. W.

Club Elects New Officers Mrs. Hi Wilmeth was elected president of the Business and Professional Women's club Monday evening at a meeting of the club at the Hotel Marshall. Mrs. John Lanier was elected first vice president, Mrs. Marjorie Yarborough, second vice president; Mrs.

Pauline Akin, secretary and Miss Eva Bentley, treasurer. The list of officers were submitted to the club for election by a nating committee composed of Miss Margaret Bracher, Mrs. Iva Clark and Mrs. Cary Abney, Jr. The new president and Miss Essie Boren wets elected as gates to represent the local dele: ganization at the state convention in Corpus Christi on June 5, 6 and Miss Eva Bentley and Miss Mary Kyes were chosen as alternates.

Joyce Harrison ed the program talking on the "Liberties Americans have in Comparison with the Freedom of the Peoples of Other Countries. Twelve types of freedom enjoyed in the U. S. which have been lost to other countries were listed as freedom of worship, of growth of personality, in the for women, to teach and to learn, to organize into voluntary groups, freedom, freedom from persecution, legal and political freedom, freedom to influence executive and legislative action. freedom of speech and press and the freedom to be governed by officials of choice Book Corner By JOHN SELBY By JOHN SELBY "1 REMEMBER by Oscar Lewis (Knopf; $2.50) The peculiar charm of Oscar Lewis' "I Remember Christine" lingers long after the book has been finished.

This is partly because of the story itself, and partly because of the device used in the telling Mostly I prefer novel to start at the beginning. and go straight through to the end, without tricks. The sincerity of "I Christine' more than compensates for the unneeded complications. Mr. Lewis pretends that an of his narrator just has finished a "biography of one Jim Horton, rugged Individualist of San Francisco in the great days.

He also pretends that the biography is pretty pompous, and that it dissatisfied Horton's sharptonued daughter, a spinster ed Juliet Since the narrator (called Walter Doane) is writer. it occurred to Juliet that he might write another book in which the faults as well As the successes of her father might be celebrated If you have followed so far, the rest 18 plain sailing. Doane do the book, and his story Horton. Juliet, her brother Clifford. and Horton's mistess, Christine Winton, is told as Doane assembles it from various sources includung his own memory.

He had known Horton slightly, and his children very well indeed. And so had friends of his. The book is therefore built up obliquely, and at she same time. in the style of a mosaic. Here there scrap about Christine's childhood, there a story about Horton' business acumen.

Gradually a vivid picture is built upYou see Horton as a not-remarkable, but interesting type of business man who made it a rule not to invest in businesses he could not run himself. You see his daughter Juliet as rather dirty-minded old maid. 1 but keen and salty withall; Juliet it was who furnished the house in which Horton installed his mistress. And Christine was Juliet's best friend. You even see Clifford, painfully respectable, readily shocked, the type who might have made an efficient but not too good social worker.

And lastly, Christine, who finally ran away with the man who double-crossed Horton, because she could no longer bear the thought of being continually pleasant to everyone. The binding which holds together Mr. Lewis' mosaic is the stuff of which San Francisco was made, it should be added. Explorer Says Ice Igloo Is Foreign to Alaska PORTLAND, to virtually no igloos are built of ice in Alaska. Amos Burg.

Portland explorer, returned home after living month with the Eskimos and reported that igloos are in reality holes dug in the frozen ground and covered with brush. driftwood and tundra sod. "The much cartooned ice igloos." he explained, "are found further east in King William Land and Greenland." Burg covered 6,000 miles on his Alaska trip, and took 20.000 feet of motion picture film for educational pictures. Hospital NoteDon't Linger OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) Hospitals here are trying to shorten the length of their patients' stay, to be better equipped for war emergencies.

It is hoped to cut the average from ten to nine days, largely by dismissing maternity cases earlier than usual. Private institutions are running virtualy capacity, owing partly to increased population springing from defense factories and partly to hospital service plans. Honoring Mr. and Mrs. W.

L. Finigan who have recently moved into their new home en Louisiana Mrs. L. F. Britt entertained I friends of the couple Thursday night with a housewarming, A patriotic motif was carried out in decorations and Those attending were Mr.

and Mrs. J. D. Cook, Mr. and Mrs.

J. Flowers, Mr. and Mrs. D. M.

Yarborough, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Lambright and Mmes. Corrine Sanders and children, Tom Smith, Irvin Morton, Vernon Miller, Burl Parker, Rasberry, Mamie Sellers, Robert Cox, Frank McQueen, H. N.

Brown, J. S. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. L.

J. Britt and Miss Naomi Smith. Auxiliary Group Has Meet, Routine Reports Are, Made War Brings Moratorium On 'Sillies' We women are going to have to depend pretty much on each er's company for the duration It isn't going to be very exciting -but at least we won have to try to answer such "silly" ques. tions as these do you know she's not the right girl for Mike to marry, you only saw her once for about fifteen minutes. "Well, if Mable is As big a gos sip as you say she us, why do you want to spend so much time with her?" Mary doesn't do the work suit you, why don't you fire "What do you mean you don't have anything to wear to the Uppity's You've got a whole closet full of clothes.

"You don't inean it costs that much just to get your hair fixed. Can't you wash it yourself?" don't see why you women don't like that girl. "How do you know she dyes her hair?" "What do you care if it looks like last year's suit, if it still looks good on you." "Why do you have to clean house just because you're having your club next weck?" she's working for nothing why sids care it she thinks she's important. Let her feel important ll manage those charity "You're not going to wear that uniform out on the street are you" "You mean you're going to the city to shop and you don't intend to buy anything?" Only man would ask those questions. Church Window Given As Tribute to Sailor Sons Killed at Sea By RUTH MILLETT ROCHESTER.

N. May 5. (AP) A window in St. Stephen's Episcopal church bespeaks the love of a father and stepmother for three sailor sons--all killed in action in the Pacific. At ceremonies attended by more than 700 fellow -parishoners.

Mr. and Mrs. Charies Khamb, the the Rev. Jerome Kates, pastor. donors, sat dry -eyed and erect a.s gave a dedicatory description of art glass w.ndow perpetuating the memory the boys--James, 21; John, 24; and Charles 23.

Mr. and Mrs. K'amb heard on Jan. 30 that James and John had been killed at Pearl Harbor: Feb. word came that Charles, too, had died "in the performance of his duty" in the Southwestern Pacific.

William Rogers, Miss Costello Are Married Announcement has been made here of the marriage of Miss Mary Jean Costello and William Rogers, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Rogers of Marshall.

couple were married on April 5 in Elkton. Md. The bride is of Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Rogers is serving his second enlistment with the U.

S. Navy and is "somewhere in the Atlantic." Baptist Training Union Group Has Hobo Hike Monday Members of the Intermediate Training Union of the Fairview Baptist church were entertained with a Hobo Hike Monday evening by their sponsor, Mrs. G. A. Bryant.

Tramping in hobo fashion, the group stopped at back doors in the community where they got "handouts and snacks." and gathered on the church lawn where cold drinks were served and experiences related. Members and guests were Vernon Dale Root, Leroy Root, Anita Bell. Lee Ann Lovelady, James Gardner, Ruth Pierce, Johnnie Bell Gibson, Audrey Roden and Ruth and Rose Root. When the first railroad fatality occurred in China, the whole railroad was torn up and junked. The Woman's of the First Presbyterian church met Monday afternoon in the Sunday school chapel with Mrs.

B. B. Foster presiding and with 50 members present. Committee reports were made by Mmes. A.

J. Hamill, E. L. kins, G. A.

Walker, F. E. Sullivan, G. A. Handler, A.

Curry, W. F. Young, Sam Ford N. J. Graeser.

The group voted to send flow-' ers to Mrs. W. I. Carroll, who is now residing with her son, Dr. Emerton Carroll, in Kennett, Mo.

The gift in honor of the former member's birthday. The group also voted to accept invitation from Mrs. F. S. Littlejohn to hold the auxiliary picnic at Fern lake on June 2.

Co-Eds Favor Cool Cotton Styles Anne of Dallas makes saucy gardener as she leans wheelbarrow and shows off her crisp cot Colhaun. ton pinafore, a star of the annual Cotton Frock style show held at the North Texas State Teachers College at Den ton. The parade of cool cotton styles is sponsored by the NTSTC Girls' Forum! to make the campus cotton con scious and to stimulate purchase of clothes manufactur ed from Texas cotton. TALL GALS WANT BETTER FIT PHILADELPHIA The newlyformed "Six -club' har asked Philadelphia Women's Apparel dealers for clothes 'to fit The club has only women members but men, provided they are feet, two inches tall, are invited to join. LYNN Tuesday- Wednesday It's a Riot of Fun at the Lynn This Week: Split Your Sides Laffin'! SOBS OF FUN! Gorgeous Gals and Gags Galore! Sailors on leave with Wm.

Lundigon Shirley Ross -AND-. Bing CROSBY Mary MARTIN BIRTH BLUES WATCH for the the Swamp: Terror of "Swamp Woman" Saturday, May -nite Preview First Baptist W. M. U. Has All Day Meet An all-day meeting of the Missionary Union of the First Baptist church was held Monday at the church for committee meetings, a program and noon lunch An announcement was made of prayer In the homes for men, and Mr.

A Ram- sey presented the apportionment for the 1 t' fot Hoard Payne college wt.d ged that $10 of the amount be paid In May The misson sturdy Institute to he held In Longview Thursday announced and members aged to attend The Southern Raptist Conention to be held in San Antonio also announced The program opened with a song led by Mrs. Ramsey and subject of the Ingram was hon nt Fort Johnson was busted ps Misses CelesHelen Chapman. Mary ans and Lee Cobb Smith tendered a aC at the piano by Henessee and Mrs. F. Forcard poem witten by M.

Sherrill of the Colof Marshall, Mothers The WA houseparty was by Mrs and. she commended the (OM. 'ette sang at the affair. Mr. A Watts announced that the College WA offering AS largest it had ever been for the A noon lunch served by one after which Mos Gronet presented gifts from the Ruth! Valdion to D.

H. Sims cussed the sitation program that progress MOROLINE FOR BURNS MINOR PETROLEUM JELLY CUTS Last Showing "THE COURTSHIP OF ANDY HARDY" PARAMOUNT Wednesday Thursday A FULL HAND or killin' a blastin' cop! a safe Backfire blasts a safe- -TO PUT HIS MONEY IN! EDWARD G. ROBINSON in LARCENY JANE WYMAN BROD CRAWFORD CARTOON SPORT NOVELTY JACK CARSON Until 6 P. 1 EDWARD BROPHY Kill Ants When Bee Brand Insect Powder hits ants this killer today. they die.

Try GRAND Kills roaches, flies, mosquitoes, bed bugs, moths, too, "IT'S KILLER" A POWDER MATTIE'S Eddie Lewis' 10-Piece All Colored--May 4 and 5 Wright All Colored Duke, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11th Bill Benson Opens May 12 CLOSE- -OUT! 3 Easy Washers We only have three to sell and we can't get any more because the Federal government has prohibited the manufacture of washers for the duration. 79.95 89.95 99.95 Perkins Easy Terms, of Course! BROTHERS COMPANY PERKINS 3 washed it WHITE WITHOUT BLEACHING! A "I'm Getting Radiant Whiteness Now with BLEACHING. NEW OXYDOL'S Livelier 'Hustle-Bubble' Suds" AND CLOTHES LAST LONGER IN WARTIME THE SAFE OXYDOL WAY! "I thought I was getting a good "Hustle Bubble" sudsing prevents HUSTLE WERE BUBBLE out come white so bleaching. wash. clean But It's they're now sparkling my white clothes mod- with- the that washing.

gradual naturally Except graying settle for in and stains fabrics or yellowing after un- Er WERE OXYOOL! LIVELIER ern That's whiteness." what women who usual fairly pieces, gleams- of white course, without your bleach- DIRT! so many have about the used new old-style OXYDOL. soaps You tell see, us ing. hard So rubbing clean you that don't wears need out that WERE its much active, richer in "Hustle-Bubble" washing suds cious portant in clothes wartime! sooner- -mighty im- FOR RAVONS! are than before. Every ounce of power New Yes, New OXYDOL is safety it- OXYDOL Oxydol is packed with more power self for your clothes- -not only for to wash clothes white. dainty washable colors, but safe To an amazing degree, this livelier for lovely washable rayons, tool.

The Marshall News Messenger from Marshall, Texas (2024)


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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

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Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.